Sequential conversion between JavaScript objects and JSON strings, available in both browsers and Node.js.
- JavaScriptオブジェクトとJSON文字列間の逐次的な変換をStream APIを用いて実装しています。
- Fetch APIのResponse.bodyにエンコードを行った上で
可能です。 - チャンク化されたレスポンスで特に効果を発揮するでしょう
- Fetch APIのResponse.bodyにエンコードを行った上で
- 各種モダンブラウザ及びNode.js(18以上)で共通して扱うことが可能です。
- 他パッケージに依存していません。
- 巨大なJSON文字列を限定されたメモリ環境下で扱うユースケースは想定されていません
- JSONのパース処理において途中経過のデータは全てメモリ上に保持しています
- This library implements the sequential processing conversion between JavaScript objects and JSON strings with Stream API.
- It can be encoded and piped to Response.body of Fetch API.
- It is particularly effective with chunked responses.
- It can be used in various modern browsers and Node.js (version 18 and above).
- It does not depend on any other packages.
- This library is not intended for use cases involving handling huge JSON strings in limited memory environments.
- All intermediate data during the JSON parsing process is stored in memory.
import { createServer } from 'http';
import { StringifyingJsonArray, StringifyingJsonString, toNodeReadable } from '@xxxaz/stream-api-json';
async function * outputStream() {
yield "one";
yield "two";
yield "three";
yield new StringifyingJsonString(fibonacci());
async function * fibonacci() {
let prev = 0;
let cur = 1;
while (cur < 1000) {
yield String(cur);
const sw = cur;
cur += prev;
prev = sw;
createServer(async (req, res) => {
const source = new StringifyingJsonArray(outputStream());
const stream = await toNodeReadable(source);
res.writeHead(200, {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Transfer-Encoding': 'chunked'
import { JsonStreamingParser, ParsingJsonArray, ParsingJsonString } from '@xxxaz/stream-api-json';
async function fetchStream(url: string) {
const response = await fetch(url);
const readableStream = response.body?.pipeThrough(new TextDecoderStream());
const root = await JsonStreamingParser
const element = document.querySelector('#parsing');
if(!(root instanceof ParsingJsonArray)) throw new Error('response is not Array');
for await (const row of root) {
if(!(row instanceof ParsingJsonString)) throw new Error('row is not String');
const p = document.createElement('p');
p.innerText = await row.all();
element.textContent = JSON.stringify(root.current, null, 4);