spark-components React component
examples: https://xtreamr.github.io/xtreamr_components/
Package commands
Start Storybook components guide in local
yarn start
This command first make a build for publish to npm. Then, make a new tag in repo and publish to npm. And also publsih the examples in ghpages.
yarn release
yarn release:minor
yarn release:major
There are other commands (in order) for make storybook release folder, make a gh pages and make a new tag release
yarn build-storybook
yarn ghpages
yarn release
Folder structure
- src
- index.js (to expose the components library)
- settings
- variables.css
- themes.css
- …
- components
- name
- name.js
- name.css
- name.stories.md
- …
- name
- enhancers
- withVerb.js
- services
- Service
- ServiceActions.js
- ServiceReducer.js
- ServiceSelectors.js
- ServiceService.js
- ServiceSignals.js
- index.js (to export the above files)
- Service
How to write components
- We export all components in src/index to then expose the component for npm
- if a component ins't exported here is not possible to use from '@xtreamr/xtreamr-components' dependency
- Importing components: import { ComponentName, ... } form '@xtreamr/xtreamr-components'
- Create a folder with the name of the component and into should have
- Component.js
- Component.css
- Component.stories.js
- At least all components should define this props:
- id (should be placed in the wrapper element and also in all elements with events)
- className (overwrite the default className)
- extraClass (this add a extra class but not delete the default class of the component)
- Context class
- Context class should be placed in the wrapper element
- Should have the same name of the component but with "-" instead camelcase
- Should have the prefix "xt-"
- xt-[context-class-name]
- Elements that are into the component
- Should be a class with the same name of the context class + their name
- xt-[context-class-name]-[element-name]
- Same if a element contains elements
- xt-[context-class-name]-[element-name]-[element-name-deep]
- Modificators or status classes
- No context and no prefix
- In the css file should be ever defined toguether with a context class o element class
- .xt-context-class.positive or xt-context-class-element.hover
- All css variables are defined into: settings/variables
- We use role name variables https://fixate.it/blog/make-your-css-variable-names-suck-less/
- Into components you can define local variables for overwrite the globals.
- .button { --clrMinButton: var(--clrMin, #fafafb); }
- Components position rules
- Components never define their position into the dom
- Avoid use of: margin, position, flex...
- Should be flexible for fit into all contexts
- Components define the position and margin of their children elements
- The icons are autogenerated using the script:
- Use svgo for compress the svg and svgr for make the IconComponent
How to add icons
- Place into assets/icons the svg file
- Name svg file: inco[Name].sg
- Expose the new icons generated on src/index.js
- Use this command for make the magic
yarn icons
- The svg name is use for name the component icon generated
- Icons are generated inton icons/
- Svgr use the file icon.template.js to create the icons
Usually we make services with redux or tokbox. The cicle of redux is ever the same:
- UI event -> dispatch action -> reducer change the state -> render with new state
But, tokbox use signals and our applicatios are listening that signals and in some cases the signals are dispatching actions. Then, exist this alternative flow:
- Signal received -> dispatch action -> reducer change the state -> render with new state
Then we have to kind of event to start the redux flow: ui events or signals.
To know
- Avoid circular dependency between services
- Avoid ciruclar dependency between service and actions. The service can dispatch actions but action can't use the service.
- Domain for actions: DOMAIN/ACTION_NAME
- All API calls should dispatch simple actions: REQUEST action, SUCCESS action and FAIL action describing the request/response flow.
Describe Xtreamr-components here.