It is a react component, mainly used to load the other micro react apps and webcomponents using maifest files, solve the problems of cross-team collaboration and reduce the build dependecy . ## Goals To compose multiple independently delivered front-end a
It is a react component, mainly used to load the other micro react apps and webcomponents using maifest files, solve the problems of cross-team collaboration and reduce the build dependecy .
To compose multiple independently delivered front-end applications into a whole, and to decompose front-end applications into some smaller and simpler applications that can be "independently developed", "independently tested" and "independently deployed", while still appearing to users as cohesive individual products.
Getting Started
To load a react app
<Loader url='http://localhost:5001/manifest.json' identifier = "footerloader" loading={<h3>loading ...</h3>} appdata= {{"count":count} }namespace='footerApp' />
To load a web component
<Loader url='http://localhost:5002/counter.js' identifier= "webcomponentloader" loading={<h3>loading ...</h3>}>
<web-component name-attribute={count}></web-component>
appdata contains data you want to pass to your micro app as object. namespace name under which your exporting the app(Required only in case of microapp). selector id given to the div on which app is loaded. loading element to show while loading. url url of the mainfest.json file(Required). deferloading it is boolean to load script async or non-async,true by default. identifier id for the loader(Required)