A simple wrapper around AWS S3 client for common use cases.
A simple wrapper around AWS S3 client for common use cases.
This package has a peer dependency with @aws-sdk/client-s3: 3.x
. Please make sure your aws client version meet the requirement.
npm install @xsfish/simple-s3
AWS S3 key, secret and region must be provided to create a SimpleAWS instance.
import SimpleAWS from '@xsfish/simple-s3';
const s3client = new SimpleAWS({
key: 'S3-key';
secret: 'S3-secret';
region: 'S3-region';
You can also provide a default bucket on the second argument when creating a SimpleAWS instance.
import SimpleAWS from '@xsfish/simple-s3';
const s3client = new SimpleAWS({
key: 'S3-key';
secret: 'S3-secret';
region: 'S3-region';
}, {
defaultBucket: 'default-S3-bucket-name'
Upload file from a URL
Download the file from a URL and upload it to S3.
await s3client.uploadFileFromURL({
url: "https://example.com/path-to-file", // URL of the file
key: "s3-file-key", // the s3 key you want to save for the uploaded file
localPath: "path/to/save/file", // [Optional] if provided, will also save a copy of the file to the specified path
bucket: "s3-bucket", // [Optional] if provided, will use this bucket instead of the default bucket.
Upload file at local path
Upload a file at a local path.
await s3client.uploadFileFromPath({
path: "path/to/file", // The path of the file you want to upload
key: "s3-file-key", // the s3 key you want to save for the uploaded file
bucket: "s3-bucket", // [Optional] if provided, will use this bucket instead of the default bucket.
Download file to local path
Download a S3 file to a local path.
await s3client.downloadFileTo({
key: "s3-file-key", // the s3 key of the file you want to download
path: "path/to/save/file", // The path you want to save the file
bucket: "s3-bucket", // [Optional] if provided, will use this bucket instead of the default bucket.