The fastest BEM class name generator
The fastest BEM class name generator
As handwriting BEM-compatible class names is quite painful and existing couple of packages are slow or lack of functionality needed for me (such as prefixing) — this package exists. Also as figures this package the fastest one I know about🚀
And turns this:
import * as react from "react";
export function component(){
return (
<div className="ns__blockName ns__blockName_size-l">
<div className="ns__blockName__wrapperElement">
<div className="ns__blockName__headerElement ns__blockName__headerElement_size-l">Block title</div>
<button className="ns__blockName__buttonElement ns__blockName__buttonElement_left ns__blockName__buttonElement_size-l ns__blockName__buttonElement_disabled">Button left</button>
<button className="ns__blockName__buttonElement ns__blockName__buttonElement_right ns__blockName__buttonElement_size-l">Button right</button>
into this:
import * as react from "react";
import { BEM } from "@xobotyi/bem";
const bem = BEM.extend({prefix: "MY"}); // in real world this row will be a single per project
// and initialized elsewhere
const b = bem.lock('blockName');
export function component(){
return (
<div className={ b({ size:'l' }) }>
<div className={ b('wrapperElement') }>
<div className={ b('headerElement', { size: 'l' }) }>Block title</div>
<button className={ b('buttonElement', { 'left':true, size:'l', disabled:true }) }>Button left</button>
<button className={ b('buttonElement', { 'right':true, size:'l' }) }>Button right</button>
Installation note
This package written in TypeScript and delivered with 3 versions:
field ofpackage.json
is pointing to transpiled ES5 version with CJS modules resolution;module
field is pointing to transpiled ES5 version with ES modules resolution;esnext
field is pointing to the ESNext version with ES modules resolution;
Depending on your targets you may have to use Webpack and/or Babel to pull untranspiled version of package. See some tips on wiring thing up: https://2ality.com/2017/06/pkg-esnext.html
Regular BEM
By default component provides default BEM syntax
import { BEM } from "@xobotyi/bem";
// blocks
BEM('block', ['large', 'disabled'], 'random_classname'); // block block_large block_disabled random_classname
// or
BEM('block', { size: 'large', disabled: true }); // block block_size_large block_disabled
// elements
BEM('block', 'element', { size: 'large' }); // block__element block__element_size_large
Syntax alternation
But you easily can alter any of separators as you wish, add prefix or make modifier-only generation as declared in BEViS syntax notation.
import { BEM } from "@xobotyi/bem";
const myBem = BEM.extend({
prefix: 'PFX',
prefixDelimiter: '__',
elementDelimiter: '-',
modifierDelimiter: '_',
modifierValueDelimiter: '_',
fullModifier: false,
// blocks
myBem('block', ['large', 'disabled']); // PFX__block _large _disabled
// or
myBem('block', { size: 'large', disabled: true }); // PFX__block _size_large _disabled
// elements
BEM('block', 'element', { size: 'large' }); // PFX__block-element _size_large
Block and Element baking
In order to improve performance it is possible to bake-in
block and element name
import * as react from "react";
import { BEM } from "@xobotyi/bem";
const b = BEM.lock('block');
function render(){
return (
<div className={b()}>
<span className={b('text', ['running'])}></span>
<button className={b('button', { active: true })}></button>
Performance (recent benchmark results)
Benchmark results can be found in the benchmark
To run benchmarks simply clone this repo and make yarn && yarn benchmark
Related projects
- cnbuilder — Yet another classname string builder (the fastest one).
- react-scrollbars-custom — The best React custom scrollbars component. Allows you to customise scrollbars as you like it, crossbrowser!
- zoom-level — A comprehensive cross-browser package that allow you to determine page's and element's zoom level.
- @xobotyi/scrollbar-width — A tool to get browser's scrollbars width.
- @xobotyi/should-reverse-rtl-scroll — A tool detecting if RTL scroll value should be negative.