A simple lock with Redis implemented with the pattern: https://redis.io/commands/set/. It **does not** aim to have a fault tolerant solution like [redlock](https://redis.com/redis-best-practices/communication-patterns/redlock/).
A simple lock with Redis implemented with the pattern: https://redis.io/commands/set/. It does not aim to have a fault tolerant solution like redlock.
This library was built to throttle the redundant queries from original server for a cache mechanism, the fault tolerance is not a matter because the worst case of losing the lock is just bringing some extra queries.
It provides deadlock prevention with an auto-release mechanism, and handles releasing conflicts with a lua script. There are only two interfaces(or public functions) for this module.
- acquire
- release
The main flow can be depicted as follows,
Eval vs EvalSha
The relesae of lock relies on a lua script to conduct an atomic check of the owner of lock.
The eval
command sends the script body again and again to Redis, to save some bandwidth, this library uses evalSha
to run the lua script.
Consequently there are some extra handlings for the load of script; basically it blindly calls the evalSha
assuming the script is there and catches the NOSCRIPT
error and refreshes the sha when needed.
$ npm install @xavierchow/simple-redis-lock
import Redis from 'ioredis';
import { acquire } from '@xavierchow/simple-redis-lock';
const redis = new Redis();
const ttlInSec = 10;
const lock = await acquire(redis, resource, ttlInSec);
if (lock) {
try {
// some processing here
} finally {
await lock.release();
# start redis with docker
$ ./dockers.sh
# run the test
$ npm test