A pagination table for BootstrapVueNext with AJAX fetch and server side pagination options.
A pagination table for BootstrapVue with AJAX fetch and server side pagination options.
Internally the component uses b-pagination and b-table combined into a single component. All the props and slots for both sub-components can be applied to b-pagination-table. Any arbitrary attributes are applied to the b-table component via $attrs.
You can supply a list of items or provide a URL to fetch the data.
Add the component to your project
npm install @xactsystems/b-pagination-table
Use it in your Vue app
<b-pagination-table small striped :data-url="dataUrl" :fields="fields">
<template v-slot:cell(id)="row">
<a href="/view/{{ row.value }}">Item:{{ row.value }}</a>
import BPaginationTable from '@xactsystems/b-pagination-table'
export default {
Components: {
'b-pagination-table: BPaginationTable,
data() {
return {
dataUrl: '/my-list',
fields: [
{ key: 'id', label: 'Item' },
{ key: 'description', label: 'Description' }
Multi-page row select
Internally b-pagination-table tracks the selected rows on each page. As you move from page to page the selected items are retained and redisplayed. The row-selected event is the base b-table event and only returns the selected items on the current page. To retrieve a complete set of selected items call the getAllSelectedRows method on the table instance.
Component props
| Prop | Type | Default Value | Description | |-------------------------|---------|-------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | data-url | String | null | The URL to fetch the table data from. | | items | Array | [] | Array of items to show in the table. You do not need to use this if you are using data-url unless you want to sync the returned items via the update:items event. | | pagination | Boolean or String | true | If set to 'always', always show the pagination component. If set to true, show the pagination component if the page count is greater then 1. If false pagination is never shown. | | page-length | Boolean | false | Show the page-length dropdown. | | per-page | Number | 20 | The initial page length of the table. | | page-length-options | Array | [ 10, 20, 50, 75, 100 ] | Options for the page length dropdown. | | page-length-cols | Number | 3 | Column width for the page length input. | | search | Boolean | false | Show the search text input. | | search-min-length | Number | 0 | The minimum number of character to enter in the search text input before filtering the table results. | | search-debounce | Number | 150 | The number of milliseconds to wait between changes to the table filter when searching. | | search-cols | Number | 3 | Column width for the search input. | | filter | string | | Filter property for the table element. When set this overrides the internal search feature. Also look at the 'header' and 'search' slots for providing custom search features. | | filter-function | Function | | Filter function for custom searches. Applying this function will override the internal search feature so you also need to set your own search input via the 'search' slot. | | sort-by | String | '' | The key of the initial sort column. | | sort-desc | Boolean | false | Set to true to sort sort-by descending order. | | ssp | Boolean | false | Set to true to use Server-Side-Processing for pagination. | | state | Boolean | false | Set to true to save the table state, this will save page-length, search text and the current page number and set these again when the component is re-mounted or the page loaded. | | pagination-size | String | 'md' | The size of the pagination component. This maps to the 'size' prop in b-pagination. | | pagination-aria-label | String | 'md' | The ARIA label of the pagination component. This maps to the 'aria-label' prop in b-pagination. |
Please review the full set of props for both the b-table and the b-pagination components:
The following slots are available for customisation of the table pagination component. |Slot | Description | |--------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |header-left | This slot allows custom elements to be placed to the left of the Page Length input. N.B. Wrap your slot content in a b-col tag and specify cols.| |header | This slot allows custom elements to be placed between the Page Length and Search inputs. N.B. This may change as we review the header elements. | |header-right | This slot allows custom elements to be placed to the right of the Search input. N.B. Wrap your slot content in a b-col tag and specify cols. | |search | This slot provides a replacement for the inbuilt search input. The searchDebounce value is passed to the slot. | |table-columns | Each table column is provided as a slot as per the b-table documentation. https://bootstrap-vue.org/docs/components/table#scoped-field-slots |
All the events of both b-table and b-pagination are exposed. In addition the following events are emitted: |Event |Payload |Details | |--------------|--------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------| |input:per-page|Number, String| The size of the page length after the dropdown value is changed.| |update:items |Array | The array of item data fetched from the data-url source. |
All the select methods below are passed on to the underlying b-table component and respect the the select-mode prop. |Method |Details | |----------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |selectRow(index) | Select a row on the current page with the given index number. | |unselectRow(index) | Unselect a row on the current page with the given index number. | |selectAllRows() | Select all the rows on the current page. | |clearSelected() | Unselect all rows on the current page. | |isRowSelected(index) | Returns true if the row with the given index is selected on the current page, otherwise it returns false.| |getAllSelectedRows() | Return an array of selected objects across all pages. |
Server Side Processing
The component allows pagination on the back-end server by providing page relative query parameters to the fetch url. This is enabled by setting the ssp prop to true.
SSP Query Parameters
|Parameter|Description | |---------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |filter | The search text to filter the results by. | |orderBy | Provides the key to sort the results by. If this is preceded by '-' the results should be sorted as descending.| |pageStart| The first row number the results should start at. | |pageLength| The maximum number of rows to return. |
SSP Returned Data
|Parameter|Description | |---------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |returnedCount| The number of records returned in the current response. | |totalCount | The total number of records available in the result set. | |filteredCount| The number of filtered records available in the result set. | |data | The current page records returned in the response. |
Symfony/Doctrine Paginator
This linked gist demonstrates using the Doctrine/ORM Paginator to provide a repsonse to the b-paginator-table SSP request. https://gist.github.com/ianef/cdc445fe0df33c7dd7b7be3e8a16f866