An array-manipulating Typescript/Javascript class with alternative methods to Array.map and Array.reduce
An array-manipulating Typescript/Javascript class with methods that return the array
converted into something else. None of the methods modify the array.
PublicArrayGetterConverter has the built-in Array methods .map()
and .reduce()
but renamed to .each()
and .toOne()
, respectively.
constructor(data? = []) // 'data' is assigned to this.data .
When creating an instance, it's recommended you name the instance in a verb-form
of the class name. Example:
let getUsersConverted = new PublicArrayGetterConverter(users);
let combinedUser = getUsersConverted.toOne(fnArg);
let convertedUsers = getUsersConverted.each(fnArg);
You can reset the array by accessing the class .data
this.data = [1,2,3,4];
data : any[] // the actual array
className: string (read-only)
mappingFunction: (item, index?, array?) => any
): any[]
// Does the same thing as Array.map()
// Returns new array with each value in old array converted into something else.
reducingFunction: (total: any, item: any, index?, array?) => any,
initialValue?: any
): any
// Does the same thing as Array.reduce(), but with a much better name.
The methods below are not important to know about in order to use this
class. They're inherited from BaseClass .
protected _createGetterAndOrSetterForEach(
propertyNames: string[],
configuration: IGetterSetterConfiguration
) : void
Use this method when you have a bunch of properties that need getter and/or
setter functions that all do the same thing. You pass in an array of string
names of those properties, and the method attaches the same getter and/or
setter function to each property.
IGetterSetterConfiguration is this object:
get_setterFunction?: (
propertyName: string, index?: number, propertyNames?: string[]
) => Function,
// get_setterFunction takes the property name as first argument and
// returns the setter function. The setter function must take one
// parameter and return void.
get_getterFunction?: (
propertyName: string, index?: number, propertyNames?: string[]
) => Function
// get_getterFunction takes the property name as first argument and
// returns the getter function. The getter function must return something.
protected _returnThis_after(voidExpression: any) : this
// voidExpression is executed, then function returns this.
// Even if voidExpression returns something, the returned data isn't used.
protected _errorIfPropertyHasNoValue(
property: string, // can contain dot-notation, i.e., 'property.subproperty'
propertyNameInError? = ''
) : void
// If value of this[property] is undefined or null, it triggers fatal error:
// `The property "${propertyNameInError}" has no value.`
Usage Examples:
let getNumbersConverted = new PublicArrayGetterConverter([1,2,3,4]);
getNumbersConverted.each((item) => item * 2);
// --> [2,4,6,8]
// getNumbersConverted.data is still [1,2,3,4]
getNumbersConverted.toOne((product, currentItem) => product * currentItem);
// --> 24
Inheritance Chain
npm i @writetome51/public-array-getter-converter
// if using Typescript:
import {PublicArrayGetterConverter} from '@writetome51/public-array-getter-converter';
// if using ES5 Javascript:
var PublicArrayGetterConverter =