Command parameter parsing for building cli applications
Mime, Command parameter parsing for building cli applications. 中文
Table of Contents
- elegant command line parameter parsing
- configure the build command line application
install node.js, Now, install and use this project
npm install @writ/command
Project Structure
├─ example/ `usage examples` ├─ index.js `entry points` ├─ test/ `test code` ├─ .gitignore `git ignore` ├─ .eslintrc.js `eslint format config` ├─ license `agreement that` ├─ package.json `table of modules with npm` └─ README.md `description`
Usage You can see my example here
- Configuration using
types, You can do some work in the functions
#! /usr/bin/env node const Command = require('@writ/command'); new Command(function(command) { return require('../.clirc'); }).start();
- Configuration using
#! /usr/bin/env node const Command = require('@writ/command'); new Command({ root: '.', order: { help: { param: [], alias: ['h', '-h'] }, version: { alias: [ 'v', 'V', '-v', '--version' ] } }, action: { help: require('../src/help'), version: require('../src/version') } }).start();
- Configuration using
#! /usr/bin/env node const Command = require('../../src'); new Command('../example/.clirc.js').start();
- Configuration using
Options example
[string] yourcli-app
root diroptions.action
[string|object] command handler, it is a dirname or an objectoptions.order
[object] command detail info// for example: module.exports = { root: '.', action: { example(param) { if (param.all) { process.stdout.write(`All: ${param.all.join(' ')}\n`); } if (param.bail) { process.stdout.write(`Bail: ${param.bail.join(' ')}\n`); } if (param.comment) { process.stdout.write(`Comment: ${param.comment.join(' ')}\n`); } } }, order: { // Declare the 'example` subcommand example: { // example's alias alias: [ 'ex', '-e' ], // command parameters, the rule is the '--' beginning refers to the full name of the parameter, the '-' beginning refers to the corresponding abbreviation // in a program, or will be converted to the full name, such as the '-a' convert 'param.all = []' param: [ '--all -a', '--bail -b', '--comment -c' ] } } }
The above configuration implements a child command
<main-command-name> example param
, a command onlyalias
two properties, and are currently only supports arrays,param
statement for eachparamter in the code:--<name> -<alias>
, all will be used in the correspondingaction
, referred to as "only to belong to convenient
API intro In each
always points to yourCommand
instances, So, you can useCommand's
methods and properties in eachaction
[string] yourcli-app's
root diractRoot
[string] command handler file diraction
[object] commamd handlersorders
[object] command setruntime
[object] currently executing command's infomation- start(argv<[array]>) start loader
- whoami(enter<[string]>) find currently command's name
- parse(param<[array|*]>) parse currently command's options
- invalid() print invaild infomation
Change log
- Founded in Wed, 24 Oct 2018 01:38:45 GMT
- Add the test case, Mon, 28 Jan 2019 05:01:27 GMT
- Add usage, Sat, 16 Feb 2019 04:07:42 GMT