An abstraction layer for the AWS SDK DynamoDB to construct query parameters for various operations. Supports both DynamoDB and DocumentClient type clients.
DynamoDB Query Builder
An abstraction layer for the AWS SDK DynamoDB to construct query parameters for various operations. Supports both DynamoDB and DocumentClient type clients.
Supported Dynamo operations
| Operation | Supported? | |-|:-:| | Get | ✓ | | Query | ✓ | | Delete | ✓ | | Scan | ✓ | | Update | ✓ | | Put | ✓ | | Batch Get | x | | Batch Write | x | | Create Set | x | | Transact Get | x | | Transact Write | x |
Supported Dynamo attributes
| Attributes | Supported? |
| Key
| ✓ |
| ExpressionAttributeNames
| ✓ |
| ExpressionAttributeValues
| ✓ |
| FilterExpression
| ✓ |
| IndexName
| ✓ |
| KeyConditionExpression
| ✓ |
| Limit
| ✓ |
| Item
| ✓ |
| ProjectionExpression
| ✓ |
| UpdateExpression
| ✓ |
| ConditionExpression
| ✓ |
| ExclusiveStartKey
| ✓ |
| ReturnConsumedCapacity
| x |
| ReturnItemCollectionMetrics
| x |
| ReturnValues
| x |
| ConsistentRead
| x |
| KeyConditions
| x |
| ScanIndexForward
| x |
| Select
| x |
| Segment
| x |
| TotalSegments
| x |
| ~~ConditionalOperator
~~ - Legacy | ~ |
| ~~AttributeUpdates
~~ - Legacy | ~ |
| ~~QueryFilter
~~ - Legacy | ~ |
| ~~ScanFilter
~~ - Legacy | ~ |
| ~~AttributesToGet
~~ - Legacy | ~ |
| ~~Expected
~~ - Legacy | ~ |
Adding additional functionality
How to add addition operations?
An operation would be considered one of the functions that Dynamo provides, such as Get, Query, Put, Scan, etc
Examples of existing operations can be found in the operations directory.
Each of these operations are a single class being built up using a selection of attributes to make up it's functionality.
For example, the Get operation pulls in the following attributes;
- Key
- ProjectionExpression
- ExpressionAttributeNames
This class exposes the set attribute functions using public access type, while keeping the get ones private by keeping them outside of the class entirely.
The get attributes are kept private, as they are only exposed and returned all together via the getConstructedQuery function.
Since the
keywords are only honoured in Typescript prior to compilation; when using in a Javascript project, private methods and attributes are visibly and accessable. In order to hide clutter,internal
tags are used as a workaround for eachprivate
Typically (But up to you), attribute set functions are chainable. Chainable function can be setup using the chainable utility, so that any attribute can be converted to this style, where it sees fit.
Each attribute's get function has been setup to return a spreadable object containing it's attribute(s), so the getConstructedQuery function can safely spread each attribute.
Once the operation class has been built, export the class in the main index file.
How to add additional attributes?
An attribute is one of the data objects that are expected to be present in the parameters object of an operation.
A list of all DocumentClient operation attributes can be found on the AWS documentation.
Each attribute can be constructed in any way you see fit, although, keep in consideration the design principles of the existing attributes in order to ensure consistency of expected behaviour;
- Modular - Keep each attribute simple and only have functionality that it concerns
- Isolated - An attribute should be responsible for changing, storing and returning it's own data properties
- Build property only when accessed - Keep attribute data generic at "rest" and build into Dynamo/Document specific formats only when accessed via get.
Examples of existing attributes can be found in the attributes directory.
Typically, attributes consist of a Add/Set function and a Get function. Although, these can be named anything!
The attribute will modify it's property via the Add/Set function, and keep it in a generic state, where it will then be constructed into either DynamoDb or DocumentClient format when accessed via Get.
Shareable attributes
Sometimes, an attribute needs to modify the contents of another attribute.
For example, KeyConditionExpression needs to add to ExpressionAttributeValues.
In this case, make sure that the KeyConditionExpression only accesses and sets the ExpressionAttributeValues property through a parameter, and never returns another attribute's property, otherwise we introduce unmaintainable code!
See KeyConditionExpression for an example of this parameter passing.