A container for navigation or action items
Canvas Kit Menu
Creates an actions menu of clickable items.
Can be used to implement a menu button, context menu, etc. For a full suite of examples, have a look at the Menu Stories.
Coming Soon
- Navigation (anchor link) menu support
- Multi level menu support
yarn add @workday/canvas-kit-react
yarn add @workday/canvas-kit-react-menu
This component renders Canvas-style menu list.
import * as React from 'react';
import {Menu, MenuItem} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-menu';
import {userIcon} from '@workday/canvas-system-icons-web';
<Menu title="Header" brandUrl="#">
<MenuItem onClick={yourFirstAction} icon={userIcon} isDisabled={true} hasDivider={false}>
First menu item
<MenuItem onClick={yourSecondAction} icon={userIcon} isDisabled={false} hasDivider={true}>
Second menu item
Special Children
ul, li
For a semantic menu, this component will style a child <ul>
element with a role of menu
. If you
implement your own <MenuItem>
menu stories for
an example), make sure you use a <li>
with a role of menuItem
, tabindex of -1
, and ids that
follow the pattern ${MenuId}-${index}
This component implements a actions menu using aria-activedescendant. See the w3 example here. If used in conjunction with a menu button you will need to add your own keyboard shortcuts, aria attributes, and focus management. See the menu stories for a fully fledged example.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Enter or Space
- Activates the menu item, causing the Last Action textbox to be updated.
- Closes the menu.
- Closes the menu.
Up Arrow
- Moves focus to the previous menu item.
- If focus is on the first menu item, moves focus to the last menu item.
Down Arrow
- Moves focus to the next menu item.
- If focus is on the last menu item, moves focus to the first menu item.
- Moves focus to the first menu item.
- Moves focus to the last menu item.
A-Z / a-z
- Moves focus to the next menu item with a label that starts with the typed character if such an menu item exists.
- Otherwise, focus does not move.
Menu Component Props
children: React.ReactElement<MenuItemProps> | React.ReactElement<MenuItemProps>[]
One or more MenuItem components.
initialSelectedItem: number
Zero based index of which menu item should initially receive focus
Default: 0
isOpen: boolean
Allows you to show and hide the menu from a parent component. Usefully for things like menu buttons.
Default: true
onSelect: () => void
If specified, this callback is executed after any menu option is selected.
onClose: () => void
If specified, this callback is executed when the menu should close. Called after an item is selected or the escape shortcut key is used. This will not fire if the menu item sets shouldClose to false
id: string
A unique id for the menu that is used for aria and html id attributes.
labeledBy: string
An html id of the element that labels the menu. Often used with menu buttons.
width: number | string
Width of the card. If nothing is passed in the menu will collapse around the content.
grow: boolean
Expand menu to fit its container.
takes precedence overwidth
Default: false
Menu Item Component Props
onClick: (event: React.SyntheticEvent) => void
This is the primary action to take when a menu item is clicked. If the item is a child of the Menu component, this callback will be decorated with the onSelect and onClose Menu callbacks. This callback will not fire if the item is disabled, see below.
id: string
The unique id for the menu item used for aria attributes. If the item is a child of the Menu component, this property will be generated and overridden.
isFocused: boolean
Whether or not this is the currently selected menu item. If the item is a child of the Menu component, this property will be generated and overridden.
children: React.ReactNode
The menu item content is pretty flexible and can contain any strings or JSX.
icon: CanvasSystemIcon
Icon to be displayed before what you supplied for the children.
secondaryIcon: CanvasSystemIcon
Icon to be displayed after what you supplied for the children.
hasDivider: boolean
Adds a top border on the menu item.
Default: false
isDisabled: boolean
Allow you to disable a menu item so it is not clickable.
Default: false
role: string
Allow you to override the role of the item, e.g. you can use this element as a option in a combobox.
Default: menuItem
shouldClose: boolean
Allows the onClose Menu callback to be fired after the menu item has been clicked
Default: true