A framework state for frontend wizards
This is the latest in my series of headless components; it is a system designed to manager a react wizard with as much freedom as possible as to how you lay out and use it.
To create a wizard you:
- Wrap you component in a
tag, that puts the wizardContext into context; - Inside the Wizard tag, put your Controller which defines the nature of your wizard:
- Add two or more Page instances to the WizardContext:
new Page("first", "First Page", {
order: 1,
data: [ new Data("name", "User Name", '', {required: true} )]
}), // ...
// ...
- In the render method / View function, render the view of your Wizard. For pages that have unusual layouts/features you can define the page's view component in page.View.
const {prevPage, nextPage, goToPageId, currentPage} = wizardContext;
if (!currentPage) return '';
const View = currentPage.View || PageView;
return (
<h1>The Great Tree of Wizards! </h1>
<Navigation goToPageId={goToPageId}/>
<View page={currentPage}/>
<div>{prevPage && "previous: " + prevPage.id}</div>
<div>{nextPage && "next: " + nextPage.id}</div>
{prevPage && <button onClick={wizardContext.goPrev}>Prev</button>}
{nextPage && (
<button onClick={wizardContext.goNext}>Next</button>
- Inside your page view class, render the data. This is a very simple example but it shows the basic pattern note, you can pull in the wizardContext in page view if you heed data beyond what the page provides.
export default ({ page }) => {
if (!page) {
return "";
const {data, title } = page;
return (
{[...data.values()].map((data) => {
const Input = data.Input || DataInput;
return (
<tr key={data.id}>
<Input page={page} data={data} />
{data.required ? '* required' : ''}
Technical note: React Wizard uses immer
immer, the new immutable, creates change-resistant structures. This is good for react and bad for you if you can't figure out how to change them. Wizard does have several functions tgo allow you update you pages, data, etc. but if you want to expand the dataler you'll have to read the immer docs to learn how to update the structures.
Page Fields and Organization
Pages can be a flat list, or a tree. to "tree" a Page, set their parent ID to that of another Pgae.
You can create "unvisitable" page groups by flagging the canGoTo property to false. This doesn't affect goNext or goPrev,
but will affect the pages' appearance in the pagesICanGoTo
The most important properties are:
id {string} a unique identifier
order {number} a sorting queue - shoud also be unique
title {string} the displayed name of the pae
data: {[Data]} a set of field/value objects for data collected by the page
Page has some properties that by default are computed, but can be set to either a true or false value, or a function that computes a true/false value based on the page:
canGoTo: {boolean/function} -- whether the page is reachable; if for instance
its a heirarchical section that contains other pages
setting canGoTo to false enables that.
isComplete{boolean/function} -- if not set, it is the summation of the completeness state
of all the data; or if none exist is true.
You can set this is a function that is only true if the
data are
Wizard has an intenral reducer. Here are the actions you can use to update state:
addPage(Page or ...constructor fields of page)
adds a page to the pages Map
addPages([Page...]) or (Page, Page...Page)
adds multiple pages to a wizard. Unlike addPage,
the items in the argument list must be Page instances
addPageData(pageId, Data) or (pageId, .... constructor fields of Data)
adds a data item to a Page
setDataValue(pageId, dataId, value)
set a data value; used to update data from form fields
goToPageId(pageId) navigate to a page; ignores canGoTo.
if goable is true goes to the previous page for which canGoTo !== false.
Otherwise goes back, regardless of the previous pages state.
setPageProp(pageId, field, value): updates any field of a page (except id).
setPageStateField(pageId, field, value): updates/sets a field in a pages' state
setPageDataProp(pageId, field, value): updates any field on a pages' data item (except id);
setPageDataStateField(pageId, dataId, field, value): updates/sets a field in a pages' data's state.