LaunchDarkly SDK wrappers and associated utilities to provide a modern API and enforce best practices.
LaunchDarkly SDK wrapper for React intended to provide a modern API and enforce best practices.
Connect to LaunchDarkly with the useLaunchDarklyClient
hook and provide the client through context to your app:
import { useLaunchDarklyClient, FeatureFlagsProvider } from '@wisersolutions/launchdarkly'
const App = props => {
// get `clientKey` and `user` either from `props` or fetch them here with hooks
// same arguments as `initialize()` from `launchdarkly-js-client-sdk`
const launchDarklyClient = useLaunchDarklyClient(clientKey, user, options)
return (
<FeatureFlagsProvider value={launchDarklyClient}>
{/* app content */}
Then use useFeatureFlag(flagKey: string, defaultValue?: any): any
anywhere in your app to get feature flag variation
and subscribe to changes:
import { useFeatureFlag } from '@wisersolutions/launchdarkly'
const Component = props => {
const showFeature = useFeatureFlag('some-boolean-flag-key')
const otherFeatureVariation = useFeatureFlag('some-multi-variation-flag-key', 'A')
return showFeature ? (
A: 'content for variant A',
B: <div>other content for variant B</div>,
C: null // no content for variant C
) : null
See SDK docs for argument details.
Install dependencies using:
npm install
After you modify sources, run the following (or set up your IDE to do it for you):
- format the code using
npm run format
- lint it using
npm run lint
- test it using
npm test
and fix the errors, if there are any.
Publishing is done in two steps:
- Create a new version tag and push it to the repository:
npm version <patch|minor|major> git push --follow-tags
- Build and publish the new version as a npm package:
npm publish --access public