A TypeScript implementation of the *Repository Pattern* that can be used to build structured client-side libraries for consuming page data from CMS systems.
A TypeScript implementation of the Repository Pattern that can be used to build structured client-side libraries for consuming page data from CMS systems.
Table of Contents
Quick Start
npm install --save @wiser/cms-pattern
First define your page model. Be sure to make sure it is defined at a class. This is your contract that should be implemented in the view template. We will ensure that our home page repository always maintains this contract.
export class HomePage {
public title!: string;
public subtitle!: string;
public body!: string;
Then implement a SinglePageRepository to resolve the HomePage
import { SinglePageRepository } from '@wiser/cms-patterm';
import { HomePage } from './';
class DemoHomePageRepository implements SinglePageRepository<HomePage, undefined> {
public async read(): Promise<HomePage> {
// Fetch the data
// This is probably more involved then demonstrated
const page_data: JsonHomePage = ...;
// Instantiate and assign props
// Ideally, a Factory pattern is implemented
// to take the raw source data and return an
// the instantiated target object
const page = new HomePage();
page.title = page_data.title;
page.subtitle = page_data.subtitle;
page.body = page_data.body;
return page;
We can also have implemented MultiPageRepository to resolve a set of pages that are instantiations of the same class.
In order to register the DemoHomePageRepository
to resolve HomePage
, we must define an extension of PageDownloader and add all SinglePageRepositoryRegistrations and MultiPageRepositoryRegistrations to the registrations
import {
} from '@wiser/cms-pattern';
import {
} from './';
export class DemoPageDownloader extends PageDownloader<Object, unknown> {
protected readonly registrations = [
new SinglePageRepositoryRegistration(
We are not ready to download the HomePage
. We can do this wherever, whenever.
import {
} from './';
const downloader = new DemoPageDownloader();
downloader.downloadPage(HomePage, undefined);
After, or before, calling downloadPage
on the DemoPageDownloader
, we can use the CMS class to access the page data.
import { CMS } from '@wiser/cms-pattern';
import { HomePage } from './';
const cms = new CMS();
page => console.log(page),
// output:
// HomePage { title: ..., subtitle: ..., body: ... }
Public Exports
<<interface>> SinglePageRepository<T, S>
A subset of ReadonlyRepository<T, S>
omiting list. Data of type T
can be accessed by id of type S
Implement this interface with the logic for accessing data and resolving an instantiation of the target model when there exists a single upstream instance of the model.
<<interface>> MultiPageRepository<T, S>
A mirror of ReadonlyRepository<T, S>
. Data of type T
can be accessed by id of type S
Implement this interface with the logic for accessing data and resolving an instantiation of the target model when there exists multiple upstream instances of the model.
SinglePageRepositoryRegistration<T, S>
An implementation of RepositoryRegistration<T, S>
that requires that the Data
property map to a the SinglePageRepository<T, S> implementation on the Repository
This is simply instantiated and provided to an extension PageDownloader in the registrations
MultiPageRepositoryRegistration<T, S>
An implementation of RepositoryRegistration<T, S>
that requires that the Data
property map to a the MultiPageRepository<T, S> implementation on the Repository
This is simply instantiated and provided to an extension PageDownloader in the registrations
<<abstract>> PageDownloader<T, S>
Allows extending class to register page repositories, and then exposes methods for downloading page data of type T from the assigned Repository instances matching on id of type S as defined in the Repository implementation.
<<type>> PageDownloader<T, S>
A filter to be applied on an instance of type T, where a key of T is provided and value of unknown type must be matched.
Provides access to CMS state through Observables
to specific instantiations resolved by PageDownloader<T, S> repositorty registrations. The page
and streamPage
methods can take optional CmsPageFilters.
Example Implementation
import {
} from '@wiser/cms-pattern';
// Datasources
// Fake JSON data
const JSON_PAGES = {
home: {
title: 'title',
subtitle: 'subtitle',
body: 'body',
about: {
title: 'title',
body: 'body',
about: 'about',
blogs: [
id: '1',
entry: 'Hello, world!',
published: '2020-01-03',
id: '2',
entry: 'Goodbye, curel world!',
published: '2020-02-29',
// Fake XML data
const XML_PAGES = `
<entry>Hello, world!</entry>
<entry>Goodbye, curel world!</entry>
// Client Code
// datasource models
type JsonHomePage = {
title: string;
subtitle: string;
body: string;
type JsonAboutPage = {
title: string;
body: string;
about: string;
type JsonBlogPage = {
id: string;
entry: string;
published: string;
type XmlHomePage = string;
type XmlAboutPage = string;
type XmlBlogPage = string;
// page models
class HomePage {
public title!: string;
public subtitle!: string;
public body!: string;
class AboutPage {
public title!: string;
public body!: string;
public about!: string;
class BlogPage {
public id!: number;
public post!: string;
public date!: Date;
// repository models
interface HomePageRepository extends SinglePageRepository<HomePage, undefined> { }
interface AboutPageRepository extends SinglePageRepository<AboutPage, undefined> { }
interface BlogPageRepository extends MultiPageRepository<BlogPage, number> { }
// repository implementations
class JsonHomePageRepository implements HomePageRepository {
private data = JSON_PAGES;
public async read(): Promise<HomePage> {
// Fetch the data
// This is probably more involved then demonstrated
const page_data: JsonHomePage = this.data.home;
// Instantiate and assign props
// Ideally, a Factory pattern is implemented
// to take the raw source data and return an
// the instantiated target object
const page = new HomePage();
page.title = page_data.title;
page.subtitle = page_data.subtitle;
page.body = page_data.body;
return page;
class JsonAboutPageRepository implements AboutPageRepository {
private data = JSON_PAGES;
public async read(): Promise<AboutPage> {
// Fetch the data
// This is probably more involved then demonstrated
const page_data: JsonAboutPage = this.data.about;
// Instantiate and assign props
// Ideally, a Factory pattern is implemented
// to take the raw source data and return an
// the instantiated target object
const page = new AboutPage();
page.title = page_data.title;
page.body = page_data.body;
page.about = page_data.about;
// return the instance
return page;
class JsonBlogPageRepository implements BlogPageRepository {
private data = JSON_PAGES;
public async read(id: number): Promise<BlogPage> {
// Fetch the data
// This is probably more involved then demonstrated
const pages = await this.list();
const page = pages.find(page => page.id === id);
if (!page) {
throw new Error(`Blog page ${id} not found`);
// return the instance
return page;
public async list(): Promise<BlogPage[]> {
// Fetch the data
// This is probably more involved then demonstrated
const pages = this.data.blogs.map(
(page_data: JsonBlogPage) => {
// Instantiate and assign props
// Ideally, a Factory pattern is implemented
// to take the raw source data and return an
// the instantiated target object
const page = new BlogPage();
page.id = +page_data.id;
page.post = page_data.entry;
page.date = new Date(page_data.published);
return page;
// return the instance
return pages;
class XmlHomePageRepository implements HomePageRepository {
private data = XML_PAGES;
public async read(): Promise<HomePage> {
// Fetch the data
// This is probably more involved then demonstrated
const page_data: XmlHomePage =
(this.data.replace(/\n/g, '').match(/<aboutpage>(.+)<\/aboutpage>/) || ['', ''])[1];
// Instantiate and assign props
// Ideally, a Factory pattern is implemented
// to take the raw source data and return an
// the instantiated target object
const page = new HomePage();
page.title =
(page_data.replace(/\n/g, '').match(/<title>(.+)<\/title>/) || ['', ''])[1];
page.subtitle =
(page_data.replace(/\n/g, '').match(/<subtitle>(.+)<\/subtitle>/) || ['', ''])[1];
page.body =
(page_data.replace(/\n/g, '').match(/<body>(.+)<\/body>/) || ['', ''])[1];
// return the instance
return page;
class XmlAboutPageRepository implements AboutPageRepository {
private data = XML_PAGES;
public async read(): Promise<AboutPage> {
// Fetch the data
// This is probably more involved then demonstrated
const page_data: XmlAboutPage =
(this.data.replace(/\n/g, '').match(/<aboutpage>(.+)<\/aboutpage>/) || ['', ''])[1];
// Instantiate and assign props
// Ideally, a Factory pattern is implemented
// to take the raw source data and return an
// the instantiated target object
const page = new AboutPage();
page.title =
(page_data.replace(/\n/g, '').match(/<title>(.+)<\/title>/) || ['', ''])[1];
page.body =
(page_data.replace(/\n/g, '').match(/<body>(.+)<\/body>/) || ['', ''])[1];
page.about =
(page_data.replace(/\n/g, '').match(/<about>(.+)<\/about>/) || ['', ''])[1];
// return the instance
return page;
class XmlBlogPageRepository implements BlogPageRepository {
private data = XML_PAGES;
public async read(id: number): Promise<BlogPage> {
// Fetch the data
// This is probably more involved then demonstrated
const pages = await this.list();
const page = pages.find(page => page.id === id);
if (!page) {
throw new Error(`Blog page ${id} not found`);
// return the instance
return page;
public async list(): Promise<BlogPage[]> {
// Fetch the data
// This is probably more involved then demonstrated
const pages_data: XmlAboutPage[] = this.data.replace(/\n/g, '').match(/<blogpage>(.+?)<\/blogpage>/g) || [];
const pages = pages_data.map(
(page_data: XmlBlogPage) => {
// Instantiate and assign props
// Ideally, a Factory pattern is implemented
// to take the raw source data and return an
// the instantiated target object
const page = new BlogPage();
page.id =
+(page_data.replace(/\n/g, '').match(/<id>(.+)<\/id>/) || ['', ''])[1];
page.post =
(page_data.replace(/\n/g, '').match(/<entry>(.+)<\/entry>/) || ['', ''])[1];
page.date =
new Date(
(page_data.replace(/\n/g, '').match(/<published>(.+)<\/published>/) || ['', ''])[1],
return page;
// return the instance
return pages;
// downloader implementation
class SiteContentDownloader extends PageDownloader<Object, unknown> {
// We can register multiple SinglePageRepository<T, ...> to download
// a page of type T, or MultiPageRepository to download multiple pages.
// The fastest resolver wins. However, a page only needs to be
// registered one SinglePageRepository to function.
// For example, two instances of HomePageRepository are registered to
// download instances of HomePage.
protected readonly registrations = [
new SinglePageRepositoryRegistration(HomePage, JsonHomePageRepository),
new SinglePageRepositoryRegistration(HomePage, XmlHomePageRepository),
new SinglePageRepositoryRegistration(AboutPage, JsonAboutPageRepository),
new SinglePageRepositoryRegistration(AboutPage, XmlAboutPageRepository),
new SinglePageRepositoryRegistration(BlogPage, JsonBlogPageRepository),
new SinglePageRepositoryRegistration(BlogPage, XmlBlogPageRepository),
new MultiPageRepositoryRegistration(BlogPage, JsonBlogPageRepository),
new MultiPageRepositoryRegistration(BlogPage, XmlBlogPageRepository),
// Runtime Simulation
async function main(): Promise<void> {
const downloader = new SiteContentDownloader();
const cms = new CMS();
// Expected Output //
// --------------- //
// HOME -> ... //
// POSTS -> ... //
// POST 1 -> ... //
// ABOUT -> ... //
// run on home resolver
downloader.downloadPage(HomePage, undefined);
// run on about resolver
downloader.downloadPage(AboutPage, undefined);
// run on post resolver
downloader.downloadPage(BlogPage, 1);
// run on posts resolver
// run on home page
page => console.log('HOME -> ', page),
// run on posts page
page => console.log('POSTS -> ', page),
// run on post 1 page
cms.page(BlogPage, { key: 'id', value: 1 } as CmsPageFilter<BlogPage>).subscribe(
page => console.log('POST 1 -> ', page),
// run on post 2 page (NOT LOADED BY DOWNLOADER)
cms.page(BlogPage, { key: 'id', value: 2 }).subscribe(
page => console.log('POST 2 -> ', page),
// run on about page - data loads before page renders
() => {
page => console.log('ABOUT -> ', page),