Types and utility functions to easily generate OpenAI GPT prompts for chatting with the AI.
Types and utility functions to easily generate OpenAI GPT prompts for chatting with the AI.
Example Usage
import { Configuration, OpenAIApi } from "openai";
import { AIPersona, ModelConfiguration, ConversationPromptService } from "@wisegpt/gpt-conversation-prompt";
const aiPersona: AIPersona = {
name: "WiseGPT",
instructions: `When providing code examples, use triple backticks.`,
personality: `You are a software engineer.`,
const modelConfiguration: ModelConfiguration = {
model: "text-davinci-003",
max_tokens: 1000,
const openAIApi = new OpenAIApi(new Configuration({ apiKey: "<<your-secret>>" }));
const conversationPromptService = new ConversationPromptService(openAIApi);
async function exampleUsage() {
const { text, usage } = await conversationPromptService.completion({
prompt: {
conversation: {
messages: [
text: "hello",
author: { type: "USER", id: "user-1" },
text: "hello, there. how can I help you?",
author: { type: "BOT" },
text: "can you write me fibonacci function in a recursive manner in Typescript?",
author: { type: "USER", id: "user-1" },
console.log(JSON.stringify({ text, usage }));
Detailed Example Usage
Below is an example usage which includes summary and re-using the summarized conversation to keeping the conversation going and summarizing again.
import { Configuration, OpenAIApi } from "openai";
import { AIPersona, ModelConfiguration, ConversationPromptService, Author, Conversation } from "@wisegpt/gpt-conversation-prompt";
const aiPersona: AIPersona = {
name: "WiseGPT",
instructions: `When providing code examples, use triple backticks.`,
personality: `You are a software engineer.`,
const modelConfiguration: ModelConfiguration = {
model: "text-davinci-003",
max_tokens: 1000,
const openAIApi = new OpenAIApi(new Configuration({ apiKey: "<<your-secret>>" }));
const conversationPromptService = new ConversationPromptService(openAIApi);
async function exampleUsage() {
const authors: Record<string, Author> = {
user1: { type: "USER", id: "EU01" },
user2: { type: "USER", id: "EU02" },
const conversation1: Conversation = {
messages: [
text: "My name is Yigitcan.",
author: authors.user1,
text: "My name is Tolga.",
author: authors.user2,
const botResponse1 = await conversationPromptService.completion({
prompt: { conversation: conversation1, aiPersona },
console.log(JSON.stringify({ botResponse1 }));
// add bots response to the conversation
text: botResponse1.text,
author: { type: "BOT" },
const summaryResponse1 = await conversationPromptService.summary({
prompt: { conversation: conversation1, aiPersona },
console.log(JSON.stringify({ summaryResponse1 }));
// create a whole new conversation with the summary and a new message
const conversation2 = {
summary: summaryResponse1.summary,
messages: [
text: "what is my name? and what is the capital of Turkey?",
author: authors.user1,
const botResponse2 = await conversationPromptService.completion({
prompt: { conversation: conversation2, aiPersona },
console.log(JSON.stringify({ botResponse2 }));
// add bots response to the conversation
text: botResponse1.text,
author: { type: "BOT" },
const summaryResponse2 = await conversationPromptService.summary({
prompt: { conversation: conversation2, aiPersona },
console.log(JSON.stringify({ summaryResponse2 }));
exampleUsage().catch((err) => {