CLI for generating Windmill scripts from OpenAPI specs
How to generate scripts from an OpenAPI spec and sync them with your workspace
1. Setup your local development environment of your Windmill workspace
mkdir [workspace_name]
cd [workspace_name]
wmill workspace add [workspace_name] [workspace_id] [remote]
wmill sync pull
2. Generate the scripts using @windmill-labs/openapi-codegen-cli:
Minimal example:
bunx @windmill-labs/openapi-codegen-cli --schemaUrl "urlOrLocalOpenApiSpecInJsonOrYaml" --outputDir "./" --resourceTypeName "resourceTypeNameForThisSpec" --authKind "bearer"
Schema url (required)
The schema url can be a local file or a remote url. It can be a json or yaml file.
Output directory (required)
The output directory is specified by the --outputDir
flag. The scripts will be generated in this directory.
Resource type name (required unless no auth and extra params/headers)
The resource type will be generated with the necessary properties. The resource type name is specified by the --resourceTypeName
Auth (required)
No auth
For no authentication, pass the --authKind none
. The resource type will be omitted if no extra resource type params or extra headers are specified.
Bearer auth
For bearer authentication, pass the --authKind bearer
. It will define a token property on the resource type. You can change the name of the token property by passing the --tokenName "token"
You can change the "Bearer" prefix by passing a --tokenPrefix myprefix
flag, a space will be added between the prefix and the token.
Basic auth
For basic authentication, pass the --authKind basic
flag. By default, it will add "username" and "password" to the resource type. You can change the names of the properties in the resource type by passing the --usernameName "username"
and --passwordName "password"
You can change the "Basic" prefix by passing a --tokenPrefix myprefix
flag, a space will be added between the prefix and the token.
Query auth
For query authentication, pass the --authKind query
flag. By default, it will add a token property on the resource type and pass the token as a query parameter named "token". Setting tokenName will change the name of the token property as well as the name of the query parameter.
Header auth
For header authentication, pass the --authKind header
flag and the --headerName "X-CUSTOM-HEADER"
flag. Like for bearer and query auth, it will add a token property to the resource type. You can change the name of the token property in the resource type by passing the --tokenName "token"
You can add a prefix to the header value by passing the --tokenPrefix myprefix
flag, a space will be added between the prefix and the token.
Override base url
Instead of using the base url from the spec file, you can override it by passing the --baseUrl "https://api.example.com"
Extra resource type params for path params
You can specify parameters of the path to be included in the resource type by adding the --extraResourceParams "extraParameter1,extraParameter2"
The generated script path will use the resource type properties instead of taking them as parameters.
This is useful when you have a path parameter (e.g. {subdomain}, {organisation_id}, etc...) that is common to all endpoints of the spec and you don't want to pass it as a parameter in each script.
Extra headers
You can also specify extra headers to be passed to each request by adding the --extraHeaders "header1:propertyName1,header2:propertyName2"
Those property names will be added to the resource type.
Specifying tags
You can limit the CLI to only generate scripts for a subset of the spec tags by passing the --tags "tag1,tag2"
3. Sync your generated scripts with the remote by running wmill sync push
Full example with the Github API
# assume we have a workspace called CodegenDemo with id codegendemo on the cloud
mkdir CodegenDemo
cd CodegenDemo
wmill workspace add CodegenDemo codegendemo https://app.windmill.dev
wmill sync pull
# generate the scripts from the github OpenAPI spec into the f/github folder
bunx @windmill-labs/openapi-codegen-cli \
--schemaUrl "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/github/rest-api-description/main/descriptions/api.github.com/api.github.com.json" \
--outputDir "./f/github" \
--resourceTypeName "github" \
--authKind "bearer"
# sync the scripts with the remote
wmill sync push
Validate OpenAPI spec
You can validate an OpenAPI spec by running the following command:
bunx @windmill-labs/openapi-codegen-cli validate "urlOrLocalOpenApiSpecInJsonOrYaml"