The config variables of windi utilities. Also modular, you can import or expand the config of corresponding utility. The naming rule is camelCased(utilityName) + Config
. For example, backgroundSizeConfig
- alignContentConfig
- alignItemsConfig
- alignSelfConfig
- animationConfig
- animationDelayConfig
- animationDurationConfig
- aspectRatioConfig
- backgroundAttachmentConfig
- backgroundClipConfig
- backgroundImageConfig
- backgroundOriginConfig
- backgroundPositionConfig
- backgroundRepeatConfig
- backgroundSizeConfig
- blendModeConfig
- blurConfig
- borderRadiusConfig
- borderStyleConfig
- borderWidthConfig
- boxDecorationBreakConfig
- boxShadowConfig
- brightnessConfig
- contrastConfig
- degreeConfig
- dropShadowConfig
- flexDirectionConfig
- flexGrowConfig
- flexShrinkConfig
- flexStretchConfig
- flexWrapConfig
- fontFamilyConfig
- fontSizeConfig
- fontStyleConfig
- fontVariantNumericConfig
- fontWeightConfig
- gradientConfig
- gradientDirectionConfig
- grayscaleConfig
- gridAutoColumnsConfig
- gridAutoFlowConfig
- gridAutoRowsConfig
- gridColumnConfig
- gridColumnEndConfig
- gridColumnStartConfig
- gridRowConfig
- gridRowEndConfig
- gridRowStartConfig
- gridTemplateColumnsConfig
- gridTemplateRowsConfig
- heightConfig
- hueRotateConfig
- hyphensConfig
- imageRenderingConfig
- insetConfig
- invertConfig
- justifyContentConfig
- justifyItemsConfig
- justifySelfConfig
- letterSpacingConfig
- lineHeightConfig
- listStylePositionConfig
- listStyleTypeConfig
- marginConfig
- objectFitConfig
- objectPositionConfig
- opacityConfig
- outlineOffsetConfig
- overflowConfig
- overscrollConfig
- paddingConfig
- perspectiveConfig
- perspectiveOriginConfig
- placeContentConfig
- placeItemsConfig
- placeSelfConfig
- positionConfig
- ringOffsetConfig
- rotateConfig
- saturateConfig
- scaleConfig
- sepiaConfig
- skewConfig
- spaceBetweenConfig
- spacingConfig
- strokeLineCapConfig
- strokeLineJoinConfig
- tabSizeConfig
- tableDisplayConfig
- textAlignConfig
- textDecorationOffsetConfig
- textDecorationStyleConfig
- textDecorationThicknessConfig
- textDecorationTypeConfig
- textIndentConfig
- textShadowConfig
- textStrokeWidthConfig
- textTransformConfig
- touchActionConfig
- transformOriginConfig
- transformStyleConfig
- transitionDelayConfig
- transitionDurationConfig
- transitionPropertyConfig
- transitionTimingFunctionConfig
- translateConfig
- userSelectConfig
- verticalAlignConfig
- whiteSpaceConfig
- widthConfig
- writingModeConfig
- writingOrientationConfig
- zIndexConfig
- backInUpKeyframes
- backInDownKeyframes
- backInLeftKeyframes
- backInRightKeyframes
- backOutUpKeyframes
- backOutDownKeyframes
- backOutLeftKeyframes
- backOutRightKeyframes
- backInDownKeyframes
- backInLeftKeyframes
- backInRightKeyframes
- backInUpKeyframes
- backOutDownKeyframes
- backOutLeftKeyframes
- backOutRightKeyframes
- backOutUpKeyframes
- bounceInDownKeyframes
- bounceInKeyframes
- bounceInLeftKeyframes
- bounceInRightKeyframes
- bounceInUpKeyframes
- bounceKeyframes
- bounceOutDownKeyframes
- bounceOutKeyframes
- bounceOutLeftKeyframes
- bounceOutRightKeyframes
- bounceOutUpKeyframes
- bubbleKeyframes
- fadeInBottomLeftKeyframes
- fadeInBottomRightKeyframes
- fadeInDownBigKeyframes
- fadeInDownKeyframes
- fadeInKeyframes
- fadeInLeftBigKeyframes
- fadeInLeftKeyframes
- fadeInRightBigKeyframes
- fadeInRightKeyframes
- fadeInTopLeftKeyframes
- fadeInTopRightKeyframes
- fadeInUpBigKeyframes
- fadeInUpKeyframes
- fadeOutBottomLeftKeyframes
- fadeOutBottomRightKeyframes
- fadeOutDownBigKeyframes
- fadeOutDownKeyframes
- fadeOutKeyframes
- fadeOutLeftBigKeyframes
- fadeOutLeftKeyframes
- fadeOutRightBigKeyframes
- fadeOutRightKeyframes
- fadeOutTopLeftKeyframes
- fadeOutTopRightKeyframes
- fadeOutUpBigKeyframes
- fadeOutUpKeyframes
- flashKeyframes
- flipInXKeyframes
- flipInYKeyframes
- flipKeyframes
- flipOutXKeyframes
- flipOutYKeyframes
- headShakeKeyframes
- heartBeatKeyframes
- hingeKeyframes
- jackInTheBoxKeyframes
- jelloKeyframes
- lightSpeedInLeftKeyframes
- lightSpeedInRightKeyframes
- lightSpeedOutLeftKeyframes
- lightSpeedOutRightKeyframes
- pingKeyframes
- pulseKeyframes
- rollInKeyframes
- rollOutKeyframes
- rotateInDownLeftKeyframes
- rotateInDownRightKeyframes
- rotateInKeyframes
- rotateInUpLeftKeyframes
- rotateInUpRightKeyframes
- rotateOutDownLeftKeyframes
- rotateOutDownRightKeyframes
- rotateOutKeyframes
- rotateOutUpLeftKeyframes
- rotateOutUpRightKeyframes
- rubberBandKeyframes
- shakeXKeyframes
- shakeYKeyframes
- shockKeyframes
- slideInDownKeyframes
- slideInLeftKeyframes
- slideInRightKeyframes
- slideInUpKeyframes
- slideOutDownKeyframes
- slideOutLeftKeyframes
- slideOutRightKeyframes
- slideOutUpKeyframes
- spinKeyframes
- swingKeyframes
- tadaKeyframes
- wobbleKeyframes
- zoomInDownKeyframes
- zoomInKeyframes
- zoomInLeftKeyframes
- zoomInRightKeyframes
- zoomInUpKeyframes
- zoomOutDownKeyframes
- zoomOutKeyframes
- zoomOutLeftKeyframes
- zoomOutRightKeyframes
- zoomOutUpKeyframes