Sollution for redux and redux-saga common cases
What does it provide:
- Store initialization
- Core redux-modules for common usage
- Utils for redux code-splitting
npm install @wildberries/redux-core-modules
Store initialization:
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import { configureRouter } from '@wildberries/service-router';
import { createAppStore } from '@wildberries/redux-core-modules';
const ROOT_ELEMENT = document.getElementById('root');
const router = configureRouter({ defaultRoute: 'wb-eu-registration' });
const store = createAppStore({
router.start(() => {
<Provider store={store}>
<App />
Core redux-modules for common usage:
- Form-manager-module - helps to work with the form submission
- Init-load-manager-module - helps to get data when page is rendering
- Redirect-manager-module - helps to navigate in redux-saga worker saga
- Request-extra-data-handler-module - helps to make different actions from response data
- UI-module - helps with working in the whole app ui-data
Form-manager-module - gets options and make request and handle different operations:
- re-save form data (necessary for react-final-form) before call the request and set new data
- format form data before to insert to the request
- start and stops form loading state
- call error action (of array of actions)
- call success action (of array of actions)
- trigger notifications actions on success and error
- send data (formatted of not) to the Request-extra-data-handler-module to make some operations with splitted data from response
- trigger success or error router redirections
import { fetchFormManagerSagaAction } from '@wildberries/redux-core-modules';
const formManagerSubmitOptions: FormManagerType = {
formValues: { foo:'bar' },
loadingStartAction: ()=>({ type:'loading start' }),
loadingStopAction: ()=>({ type:'loading stop' }),
formValuesFormatter: (data) => ({ 'baz':data.foo }),
formRequest: fetch('http://example.com'),
formSuccessAction: (payload)=>({ type:'some example success action', payload }),
setErrorAction: (payload)=>({ type:'some example error action', payload }),
resetInitialDataAction: (payload)=>({ type:'action to re-save form data', payload }),
showNotification: true,
redirectSuccessActionParams: {
pathName: 'some.path',
Init-load-manager-module - has the separate config for each request and makes operations:
- start and stop form loading state (not in each request but in the whole action)
- format request data before to insert to the request
- get the options (or not) and calls the request
- trigger notifications actions on success and error
- call error action (of array of actions)
- call success action (of array of actions)
- send data (formatted of not) to the Request-extra-data-handler-module to make some operations with splitted data from response
- trigger success or error router redirections
import { initLoadManagerActionSaga, InitLoadManagerActionPayloadType } from '@wildberries/redux-core-modules';
import { getWarehousesListRequest } from '@/services/api/requests/get-warehouses-list';
import { getCountriesListRequest } from '@/services/api/requests/get-countries-list';
import { setRegionsAction } from '../_redux/regions-module';
import { setWarehousesAction } from '../_redux/warehouses-module';
import { warehousesListFormatter } from '../_utils/warehouses-list-formatter';
const loadDataConfig: InitLoadManagerActionPayloadType = {
requestConfigList: [
request: getWarehousesListRequest,
requestOptions: { foo:'bar' },
isDataCritical: true,
showErrorNotification: true,
showSuccessNotification: false,
requestDataFormatter: warehousesListFormatter,
actionSuccess: setWarehousesAction,
request: getCountriesListRequest,
isDataCritical: true,
showErrorNotification: true,
showSuccessNotification: false,
requestExtraDataHandlerOptions: [
fieldName: 'countries',
action: setRegionsAction,
Redirect-manager-module - simple options-provider to the router.navigate method from router5:
- redirects to internal routes
- redirects to external routes (for example if you are using microservice architecture and you stream-app doesn't know about external routes)
provides actions:
import { redirectManagerSagaAction, redirectToPlatformRouteManagerSagaAction } from '@wildberries/redux-core-modules';
pathName: 'route.path.name';
params: { foo:'bar' };
actionAfterRedirect: (payload) => ({ type:'action that will be called after redirect', payload })
actionAfterRedirectParams: { id: 'test_id' };
'there is no differences between action signatures - they are actually go to the one watcher-saga'
'but to show exactly where do you want to redirect - we provide this method'
pathName: 'route.path.name';
params: { foo:'bar' };
actionAfterRedirect: (payload) => ({ type:'action that will be called after redirect', payload })
actionAfterRedirectParams: { id: 'test_id' };
- gets the data and array of options to process this data with redux-actions
provides actions:
import { requestExtraDataHandlerActionSaga, RequestExtraDataHandlerActionSagaType } from '@wildberries/redux-core-modules';
data: {
field1: {
foo: 'bar'
field2: {
someOption: [
{ foo:'bar' }
options: [
fieldName: 'field1';
action: (payload) => ({ type:'action that will be called with the field1 data', payload })
fieldName: 'field2';
action: (payload) => ({ type:'action that will be called with the field2 data', payload })
requestErrorHandlerProcess util:
- gets the request
- provide the validation for the request
- dispatches an action or an array of actions if the response is invalid
- options for that feature exist in Form-manager-module and in Init-load-manager-module
import { requestErrorHandlerProcess } from '@wildberries/redux-core-modules';
// inside the saga
const validatedData = yield* requestErrorHandlerProcess({
request: () =>
requestValidator: () => false,
errorAction: () => ({ type: 'test error action' }),
Utils for redux code-splitting:
inject reducers:
import { injectAsyncReducer } from '@wildberries/redux-core-modules';
store, '-- pure store object'
name: 'registrationFormStorage', '-- reducer name'
reducer: registrationFormStorage, '-- reducer instance'
inject sagas:
import { injectAsyncSaga } from '@wildberries/redux-core-modules';
store, '-- pure store object'
name: 'downloadContractOfferWatcherSaga', '-- saga name'
saga: downloadContractOfferWatcherSaga, '-- saga instance'
remove sagas:
import { removeAsyncSaga } from '@wildberries/redux-core-modules';
store, '-- pure store object'
name: 'downloadContractOfferWatcherSaga', '-- saga name'
remove reducers:
Warning - please be accurate with this. You can lose your necessary data !
import { removeAsyncReducer } from '@wildberries/redux-core-modules';
store, '-- pure store object'
name: 'registrationFormStorage', '-- saga name'