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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

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This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




The core components of the Kartotherian maps tile service




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The core components of the Kartotherian maps tile service


Sources is a way to set up data processing pipelines for Kartotherian and Tilerator. Any source based on tilelive.js specification may be used. Source configuration could be located in standalone files, or be embedded in the main configuration file, or a mix of both. The sources value in the config file could be a string (file), an object defining the source, or an array of strings and objects.

uri is the only mandatory field, and it specifies how tilelive.js will locate and initialize the new source. The protocol determines which tile provider will be used.

Since sometimes not everything can be added as query parameters to the URI, there is a set of additional keys to help. Values can either be hardcoded as strings/numbers/booleans, or can be calculated on the fly.

A simple source configuration to set up a tile storage as files in the ./vectors dir:

    uri: file://./vectors

The path can also be set via a parameter:

    uri: file://
    pathname: ./vectors

The value does not have to be given in the source, but instead could be dynamically generated. For example, the env uses an environment variable, and the var generator pulls the value from the variable store. The variables are defined in a separate file(s), similar to sources.

    uri: file://
    pathname: {env: KARTOTHERIAN_PATH}  # Uses an environment variable
      # or
    pathname: {var: tilepath}  # Uses a variable named tilepath

More parameters can be set using params - a set of additional values to be set in URI:

  # "overzoom:" is a tile source that will attempt to get a tile from another source,
  # and if tile is missing, attempt to get a portion of the lower-zoom tile.
  uri: overzoom://
  # Specify the tile source - this adds a properly escaped query parameter
  #   ?source=sourceref:///?ref=gen
    source: {ref: gen}

Value substitutions

In general, these value substitutions are available:

  • {env: envVarName} - the value becomes the value of the environment variable envVarName. This might be useful if you want to make all the settings public except for the passwords that are stored in a secure location.
  • {var: varName} - the value becomes the value of the variable varName from the variables file / variables conf section of the main config file. This might be useful if you want to make all the settings public except for the passwords that are stored in a secure location.
  • {ref: sourceId} - the value becomes a reference to another source. Some sources function as filters/converters, pulling data internally from other sources and converting the result on the fly. For example, the overzoom source pulls data from another source, and if it's not available, tries to find a lower-zoom tile above the given one, and extract a portion of it. Internally, it uses a forwarding sourceref: source.
  • {npmloader: npm-module-name} or {npmloader: ['npm-module-name', 'arg1', 'arg2', ...]} - if npm module supports loading customization, it should be loaded via the npmloader. Npmloader is only available inside the source's xml key.
  • {npmpath: ['npm-module-name', 'subdir', 'subdir', 'filename']} - some files may be located inside the NPM modules added to the Kartotherian project, i.e. osm-bright-source. To reference a file inside npm, set npm's value to an array, with the first value being the name of the npm module (resolves to the root of the npm module), and all subsequent strings being subdirs and lastly - the name of the file. Subdirs may be omitted. npmpath: ["osm-bright-source", "data.xml"] would resolve to a rooted path /.../node_modules/osm-bright-source/data.xml

XML-based sources

The xml parameter is used to load and alter XML for some sources like tilelive-bridge (SQL→VectorTile or TIFF→RasterTile) and tilelive-vector (Style VectorTile → PNG). The xml field must evaluate to the xml file path.

gen:                # The name of the source (could be referenced later)
  uri: bridge://    # Required - the URI used to construct the source
  xml:              # Init source with this xml instead of the URI's other parameters
    # Set xml to the location of the 'data.xml', which is located inside the osm-bright-source npm
    npmpath: ["osm-bright-source", "data.xml"]
  xmlSetDataSource: # Before loading, update the datasource section of the standard mapnik config file
    if:             # Only update datasources that match all these values (logical AND)
      dbname: gis   # Instead of 'gis', you can use {npmpath:...}, {ref:..}, and {var:...}
      host: ''
      type: postgis
    set:            # Replace these keys with the new values
      host: localhost
      user: {var: osmdb-user}  # Instead of hardcoding, use the value from the variables file or conf section
      password: {var: osmdb-pswd}
  • xmlSetAttrs - for xml, overrides the attributes of the root element with the new ones. For example, you may change the font directory of the <Map> element:
  uri: vector://
    npmloader: osm-bright-style    # stylesheet xml is in npm
    # Note that this is not needed for osm-bright-style because that module does this internally
    font-directory: {npmpath: ["osm-bright-fonts", "fonts/"]}
  • xmlSetParams - for xml, overrides the top level <Parameters> values with the new ones. For example, the vector source requires xml stylesheet to point to the proper source of PBFs:
  public: true
  uri: vector://
  formats: [png,json,headers,svg,jpeg]
    npmloader: osm-bright-style    # stylesheet xml is in npm
    source: {ref: gen}                          # set source parameter to the 'gen' source
  • xmlLayers - keep all non-layer data, but only keep those layers that are listed in this value (whitelist):
  public: true
  uri: vector://
  formats: [png,json,headers,svg,jpeg]
    npmloader: osm-bright-style    # stylesheet xml is in npm
  xmlLayers: ['landuse', 'road']                # Only include these layers when rendering
  • xmlExceptLayers - same as xmlLayers, but instead of whitelisting, blacklist (allow all except these):
  public: true
  uri: vector://
  formats: [png,json,headers,svg,jpeg]
    npmloader: osm-bright-style    # stylesheet xml is in npm
  xmlExceptLayers: ['water']                    # Exclude water layer when rendering
  • xmlSetDataSource - change all layer's datasources' parameters if they match conditions: if is a set of parameter values that all must match, xmlLayers and xmlExcludeLayers just like above set which layers to address, and set specifies the new parameter values to be set.

Instead of an object, xmlSetDataSource can be set to an array of objects to provide multple change sets.

Kartotherian-specific parameters:

  • public (boolean) - should this be source be accessible via /<sourceId>/z/x/y.format requests. You may also set configuration parameter allSourcesPublic to true to make all sources public (might be dangerous)
  • minzoom (int) - minimum allowable zoom for the public request (public requests only)
  • maxzoom (int) - maximum allowable zoom for the public request (public requests only)
  • defaultHeaders (object) - a set of extra headers that will be sent to the user unless the source provides its own. (public requests only)
  • headers (object) - a set of extra headers that will be sent to the user instead of the headers returned by the source. (public requests only)
  • formats (array of strings) - one string or a list of string values specifying allowed formats, e.g. ['png','jpeg']
  • scales (array of numbers) - one number or a list of number values specifying allowed scalings, e.g. [1.3, 1.5, 2, 2.6, 3]
  • setInfo (object) - provide values that will be reported to the client via the /<sourceId>/info.json. See
  • overrideInfo (object) - override values produced by the source's getInfo(), or if value is null, remove it. Result will be accessible via /<sourceId>/info.json. See