Casper for gatsby
Gatsby Theme Casper
Demo: https://gatsby-casper-theme.netlify.com/
This is a Gatsby theme that, when installed, creates a static blog. A port of Casper v2 a theme from Ghost for GatsbyJS using TypeScript. This repo and theme was based on the gatsby starter theme gatsby-casper.
🚀 Quick start
Create a Gatsby site
Use the Gatsby CLI to create a new site
gatsby new my-bog
Install theme
Navigate into your new site’s directory and start it up.
cd my-blog/ npm install gatsby-theme-casper
Configure gatsby theme
edit gatsby-config.js
module.exports = { // add plugin gatsby-theme-casper plugins: ['gatsby-theme-casper'], // setup your siteMetadata, further described below siteMetadata: { title: 'Ghost', description: 'The professional publishing platform', coverImage: 'img/blog-cover.jpg', logo: 'img/ghost-logo.png', lang: 'en', siteUrl: 'https://gatsby-casper.netlify.com', facebook: 'https://www.facebook.com/ghost', twitter: 'https://twitter.com/tryghost', showSubscribe: true, mailchimpAction: 'https://twitter.us19.list-manage.com/subscribe/post?u=a89b6987ac248c81b0b7f3a0f&id=7d777b7d75', mailchimpName: 'b_a89b6987ac248c81b0b7f3a0f_7d777b7d75', mailchimpEmailFieldName: 'MERGE0', googleSiteVerification: 'GoogleCode', footer: 'is based on Gatsby Casper', postsPerPage: 6, }, }
Create content directory
Create a content directory, this will be used to store your markdown blog.
Create a author.yaml
- id: Ghost # relative path to image avatar: avatars/ghost.png bio: The professional publishing platform twitter: TryGhost facebook: ghost website: https://ghost.org/ location: On a plane # relative path to profile image for author profile_image: avatars/ghost.png
Create a tag.yaml to describe your tags (optional)
- id: speeches description: Some of the greatest words ever spoken. image: img/speeches-cover.jpg
Create a blog post
--- layout: post title: Github Source image: avatars/ghost.png author: Ghost date: 2019-03-10T10:00:00.000Z draft: false tags: - Source --- my blog post content
Create a content/img directory with the following files blog-cover.jpg used on the home page ghost-logo.png used as the logo on the homepage
Start development
start it up
gatsby develop
module.exports = {
siteMetadata: {
title: 'Ghost',
description: 'The professional publishing platform',
coverImage: 'img/blog-cover.jpg',
logo: 'img/ghost-logo.png',
* Specifying a valid BCP 47 language helps screen readers announce text properly.
* See: https://dequeuniversity.com/rules/axe/2.2/valid-lang
lang: 'en',
* blog full path, no ending slash!
siteUrl: 'https://gatsby-casper.netlify.com',
* full url, no username, optional
facebook: 'https://www.facebook.com/ghost',
* full url, no username, optional
twitter: 'https://twitter.com/tryghost'
* hide or show all email subscribe boxes
showSubscribe: true
* create a list on mailchimp and then create an embeddable signup form. this is the form action
mailchimpAction: 'https://twitter.us19.list-manage.com/subscribe/post?u=a89b6987ac248c81b0b7f3a0f&id=7d777b7d75',
* this is the hidden input field name
mailchimpName: 'b_a89b6987ac248c81b0b7f3a0f_7d777b7d75',
* name and id of the mailchimp email field
mailchimpEmailFieldName: 'MERGE0',
* Meta tag for Google Webmaster Tools
googleSiteVerification: 'GoogleCode',
* Appears alongside the footer, after the credits
footer: 'is based on Gatsby Casper',
* adjust posts per page in pagination
postsPerPage: 6,
- [x] emotion / component styles
- [x] home page
- [x] tag page
- [x] author page
- [x] blog page
- [x] subscribe form - using mailchimp
- [ ] full width images in markdown? - not sure if possible
- [ ] multiple post authors
- [ ] floating reading progress bar
- [x] 404 page
- [x] subscribe modal/overlay
- [x] rss feed
- [x] polish ✨
- [x] meta tags
- [x] page titles
- [x] pagination