An abstract model framework for message resolve and dispatch
An abstract model framework for message resolve and dispatch
declare enum CHANNEL_MODE {
P2P = 0,
N2N = 2,
declare module '@ali/switchboard' {
interface FromType {
hubId: string
terminalId: string
interface ToType {
hubId: string
terminalId: string
export class Message {
private uuid
private id
private _discard
private _destroy
private _destination
constructor(payload: any, hubId: any, terminalId: string, channelId?: string)
channelId: string
terminalId: string
routed: boolean
createTime: Date
payload: any
_from: FromType
_to: ToType[]
destination(): any[]
reply(): void
match(name: string): boolean
to(hubId: string, terminalId?: string): void
discard(): void
isAlive(): boolean
route(resolver?: any): void
selectOne(to: ToType): Message | void
export class Channel {
private hubMap: {
[key: string]: string[]
private mode: any
private cache: any[]
private enableMulticast: boolean
public id: string
constructor(channelId?: string | number, mode?: any, enableMulticast?: boolean)
getTerminal(hubId: string): any
findAll(): {
[key: string]: string[]
findOthers(hubId: string, terminalId: string, toHubId: string): any[]
pushCache(message: Message): Message[]
getCache(hubId: string): Message[]
has(hubId: string, terminalId: string): boolean
join(hubId: string, terminalId?: string): any
leave(hubId: string, terminalId: string): any
export class Emitter {
private eventHandler: any
private _broadcast(target: any, context: any, data: any): void
private _emit(prevTarget: any, namespace: string, context: any, data: any): boolean
on(event: string | number, namespace: any, handler?: any): void
off(event: string, namespace: string): void
emit(event: string, namespace: string, data: any): boolean
broadcast(event: any, namespace: string, data: any): boolean
export class Filter {
private condition: any
handler: any
static resolveFilterChain(message: Message, filterChain: any[], currentIndex: number): Promise<any>
constructor(handler: any, condition?: any)
when(condition: any): void
run(message: Message): void
export class Hub {
private terminalMap: any
private filterChain: any[]
private _pushToRouter: any
id: string
router: Router
constructor(id: string)
static get(id: string): Hub
static check(): void
join(terminal: any, forced?: boolean): void
setChannel(terminalId: string, channelId: string): void
setupTerminal(terminal: any, forced: boolean): void
broadcast(message: Message): void
pushToTerminal(terminalId: string, message: Message): void
send(message: Message): void
filter(filter: any, condition: any): void
export class Router extends Emitter {
private channelMap: any
private handlerList: any
id: string
hubs: any
static check(): void
static get(id: string): Router
static dump(): void
static Event: {
constructor(id: string)
private _pushMessage(message: Message): void
link(hub: Hub): void
reply(message: Message, payload: any): void
newChannel(channelId: string, mode?: CHANNEL_MODE): string
pushMessageByChannelId(hubId: string, channelId: string, payload: any): void
pushMessage(hubId: any, terminalId: any, payload?: any): void
dispatchMessage(message: Message): void
fetchMessage(message: Message): void
registerHandler(handler: any): any
event(signal: any): void
export class Handler {
private handler: any
private router: Router
private fromString: string
private condition: any
static run(handlerList: any[], message: Message, i?: number): Promise<any>
constructor(handler: any, router: Router)
at(fromString: string): Handler
when(condition: any): Handler
test(message: Message): boolean
run(message: Message): any
export namespace Terminal {
export class SyncTerminal {
private promise: any
private resolve: any
private syncId: string
channelId: string
id: string
send(data: any): Promise<any>
read(message: any): void
export class WebsocketTerminal {
constructor (websocket:any, channelId?: string)
private websocket: any
channelId: string
id: string
read(message: any): void