React native implementation of the Checkout.com Android and iOS SDK to create credit card token for use with their payment solution.
Provides a react-native implementation of the Checkout.com official Android and iOS SDK. This library uses both the native tools provided by Checkout.com and regroup them in the same interface so that it can be used seamlessly in React Native
React Native version
The latest version currently supports React Native 0.60.x on Android and iOS.
It provides Typescript declaration file so it can be easily used with Typescript.
Getting started
$ yarn add @wedoogift/react-native-checkout-payment
The linking is done automatically since React Native 0.60 (via Gradle or Pods).
Before doing anything with the module, you must initialize it with your public key and the environment type:
import CheckoutModule from '@wedoogift/react-native-checkout-payment';
CheckoutModule.initialize('ck_test_foobar', 'sandbox')
// or 'live' instead of 'sandbox' for production env.
.then(() => {
console.log('Initialization is done.');
Then, you can start generating card tokens to make payments:
import CheckoutModule from '@wedoogift/react-native-checkout-payment';
card: '4242424242424242',
name: 'Card Owner',
expiryMonth: '06',
expiryYear: '25',
cvv: '100'
}) // or 'live' for production env.
.then((result) => {
console.log('Card token is ' + result.id);
// See CardTokenisationResponse in index.ts or index.d.ts
// to see the data structure of the result.
.catch((error) => {
console.warn('Failed because: ' + error.message);
The resulting card token can be given to your own backend for use with the Checkout payment API.
Checkout documentation: https://docs.checkout.com/