Bindings for node from crate workspace-node-tools
Tools to use on github actions for bumping version, changelogs on a monorepo.
Install this package
pnpm add @websublime/workspace-tools
This package offer a set of functions to retrieve information about the monorepo and the packages that contain. It support all package managers including Bun (WIP).
| Function | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| getProjectRootPath(root?: string): string or undefined
| Get the root path of the project. |
| getDefinedPackageManager(root?: string): string or undefined
| Get the package manager defined in the project. |
| detectPackageManager(root: string): PackageManager or undefined
| Detect the package manager defined in the project. |
| getPackages(cwd?: string): Array<PackageInfo>
| Get the list of packages in the monorepo. |
| getPackageInfo(package_name: string, cwd?: string): PackageInfo
| Get PackageInfo for a package. |
| getChangedPackages(sha?: string, cwd: string): Array<PackageInfo>
| Get the list of packages that have changed since the given sha ('main'). |
| git_add(file: string, cwd?: string): boolean
| Stage a file. |
| git_add_all(cwd?: string): boolean
| Stage all files. |
| git_config(name: string, email: string, cwd?: string): boolean
| Git config user name and email. |
| gitFetchAll(cwd?: string, fetch_tags?: boolean): boolean
| Execute a fetch
command to get the latest changes from the remote repository. You can also retrieve tags |
| gitCommit(message: string, body?: string, footer?: string cwd?: string): boolean
| Commit the changes. |
| gitTag(tag: string, message?: string, cwd?: string): boolean
| Tag the repository with the given tag. |
| gitPush(cwd?: string, follow_tags?: boolean): boolean
| Push the changes to the remote repository, including optional tags. |
| gitCurrentBranch(cwd?: string): string or undefined
| Get the current branch name. |
| gitCurrentSha(cwd?: string): string
| Get's the current commit id. |
| gitPreviousSha(cwd?: string): string or undefined
| Get's the previous commit id. |
| gitFirstSha(cwd?: string, branch?: string): string or undefined
| Get's the first commit id in a branch. Compare is done between branch..Head, and it should be used as main..HEAD |
| isWorkdirUnclean(cwd?: string): boolean
| Check if the workdir is unclean (uncommited changes). |
| gitCommitBranchName(sha: string, cwd?: string): string or undefined
| Get the branch name for the commit id. |
| gitAllFilesChangedSinceSha(sha: string, cwd?: string): Array<String>
| Get all files changed sinc branch, commit id etc. |
| getDivergedCommit(sha: string, cwd?: string): string or undefined
| Get the diverged commit from the given sha (main). |
| getCommitsSince(cwd?: string, since?: string, relative?: string): Array<Commit>
| Get the commits since the given sha (main) for a particular package. |
| getAllFilesChangedSinceBranch(package_info: Array<PackageInfo>, branch: string, cwd?: string): Array<String>
| Get all the files changed for a branch (main). |
| getLastKnownPublishTagInfoForPackage(package_info: PackageInfo, cwd?: string): Array<PublishTagInfo>
| Get the last known publish tag info for a particular package. |
| getLastKnownPublishTagInfoForAllPackages(package_info: Array<PackageInfo>, cwd?: string): Array<PublishTagInfo>
| Get the last known publish tag info for all packages. |
| getRemoteOrLocalTags(cwd?: string, local?: boolean): Array<RemoteTags>
| Get all the tags in the remote or local repository. |
| getConventionalForPackage(package_info: PackageInfo, no_fetch_all?: boolean cwd?: string, conventional_options?: ConventionalPackageOptions): ConventionalPackage
| Get the conventional commits for a particular package, changelog output and package info. |
| getBumps(options: BumpOptions): Array<BumpPackage>
| Output bumps version for packages and it's dependencies |
| initChanges(cwd?: string, change_options?: ChangesOptions): ChangesFileData
| Creat changes file or retrieve is data if already exist |
| addChange(change: Change, cwd?: string): boolean
| Adds a new change to the change file |
| removeChange(branch_name: String, cwd?: string): boolean
| Removes the change from the changes files. |
| changeExist(branch_name: string, packages_name: Array<string>, cwd?: string): boolean
| Check if change already exist. |
| getChange(branch_name: string, cwd?: string): Array<Change>
| Get the list of changes for the branch. |
| getChanges(cwd?: string): Changes
| Get all changes. |
| getPackageChange(package_name: string, branch: string, cwd?: string): Changes
| Get a change by package name. |
| changesFileExist(cwd?: string): boolean
| Check if .changes.json
file exist |
Develop requirements
- Install the latest
- Install
which fully supportedNode-API
- Run
corepack enable
Test in local
- pnpm
- pnpm build
- pnpm test
And you will see:
$ ava --verbose
✔ get defined package manager
2 tests passed
✨ Done in 1.12s.
Release package
Ensure you have set your NPM_TOKEN in the GitHub
project setting.
In Settings -> Secrets
, add NPM_TOKEN into it.
When you want to release the package:
npm run build
npm version [<newversion> | major | minor | patch | premajor | preminor | prepatch | prerelease [--preid=<prerelease-id>] | from-git]
git push
GitHub actions will do the rest job for you.