Just various empty and frozen references
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This is basically the same as empty except it's a dual module and it doesn't care about freezing callbacks (for better or worse) but it does freeze other references, such as array or object, and even in production, where IMHO it matters most.
import {
args, // (...args) => args
arguments as Arguments, // function arguments
array, // Object.freeze([])
context, // function context
false as False, // () => false
function as noop, // () => {}
identity, // any => any
object, // Object.freeze({})
string as str, // ''
true as True // () => true
} from '@webreflection/empty';
isolated exports
Each utility can be imported directly without bloating the outcome:
import args from '@webreflection/empty/args';
import arguments as Arguments from '@webreflection/empty/arguments';
import array from '@webreflection/empty/array';
import context from '@webreflection/empty/context';
import false as False from '@webreflection/empty/false';
import function as noop from '@webreflection/empty/function';
import identity from '@webreflection/empty/identity';
import object from '@webreflection/empty/object';
import string as str from '@webreflection/empty/string';
import true as True from '@webreflection/empty/true';
... but why?
I use one of these utilities all over the place in my projects so I've decided that this approch would work better.