AppHeader for 360 as VuePlugin
360 AppHeader
A whitelabel application header as a Vue web component
For Javascript frontends
npm i @webpros/tsxappheadervue
Alternative with a CDN or download the script from the cdn
<script type="module" crossorigin src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@webpros/tsxappheader/dist/tsxAppHeader.js"></script>
The AppHeader is treated like a regular HTML element, and can be placed anywhere in the document.
<!-- Minimial Usage, -->
<!-- or with selfclosing tags (in SPAs)-->
<tsx-appheader />
All props and configurations are optional, if nothing is passed, no header will be visible either
To position the AppHeader so that it always hangs at the top of the page, it is recommended to position it sticky
.appHeader {
position: sticky;
top: 0;
z-index: 100;
extend-config='{ "user": { "avatar": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/174252302910095361/c938fe37cf00416656f4a102e0e869b9.webp?size=128", "email": "[email protected]", "plan": "pro" }}'
The extended-config
expects the data to be passed in JSON format. This is unfortunately due to the fact that WebComponente can not forward JS objects.
With Vue/Nuxt
import Vue from 'vue'
import '@webpros/tsxappheader'
Vue.config.ignoredElements = [
environment <string>
: The current environment, used to call the appropriate route of navigation [default: production]currentLanguage <string>
: Current language [default: 'en']model <string>
: Selection of the predefined configuration, if availableextendConfig <json>
: Passing the config parameters, which can also be used to extend / overwrite one of the predefined configurations. [default: '{}']external-wl-domain <string>
: Optional external whitelabel domaingenerate-base-url <boolean>
: With this the appheader writes the BaseURL by itself (independent from the config)changelog-updates <boolean>
: Triggers the visibility of a changelog update
Extend Config
With this Config the entire AppHeader is defined. It is important that depending on the model
a configuration already exists, which can then be extended with the extendConfig
. If there is no model
then this serves as a general configuration. All props are optional, if no configuration is present, the element will not be rendered.
Debug Report
With the query parameter debugAppHeader
you get various debug messages of the AppHeader via console logs.
It is necessary that the configuration is passed as valid JSON.
Base Interface
interface IConfig {
baseUrl?: IConfigBaseUrl
changelog?: boolean
integration?: 'wlServerMonitoring' | 'wlWebsiteMonitoring'
logo?: IConfigLogo
breakpoints?: IConfigBreakpoints
languages?: string[]
user: IConfigUser
userMenu?: IConfigUserMenu
dotMenu?: IConfigDotMenu[][]
navigation?: IConfigNavigation[]
extend?: {
logo?: IConfigLogo
breakpoints?: IConfigBreakpoints
languages?: string[]
userMenu?: IConfigUserMenu
dotMenu?: IConfigDotMenu[][]
navigation?: IConfigNavigation[]
Via the extend
prop all contained props of an existing configuration can be extended. Outside the extend
prop, all the props contained in it will be overwritten.
const extendConfig = {
baseUrl: {
stage: 'http://localhost:3000',
production: 'https://plesk.com'
extend: {
languages: ['us']
Shared Routes Interfaces
All routes can be passed as a simple string. For external routes, a target can be passed if _self
is not sufficient, in which case the route is passed as an object.
It is possible to store relative as well as absolute links, the distinction happens automatically via regex (if http, https is at the link). Absolute links will change the AppHeader via window.location.href
, with relative links the AppHeader will send a defined event, it is then up to the frontend how to handle the event.
interface IConfigRoutes {
[key: string]: string | {
path: string
target: string
This activates the Changelog Trigger button in the first place.
The BaseUrl is to be set up for all environments and is needed to find the active link of internal URLs.
interface IBaseUrl {
[key: string]: string
The logo can be displayed either via an element
integrated in the AppHeader or an external src
as an image element. The logo width is limited to 160 pixels. The height is 40px, resulting in an aspect ratio of 4:1.
interface ILogo {
src: string
routes?: IConfigRoutes
The link
is also optional, an external as well as an internal link can be passed. In case of an internal link an event is transmitted via mitt
, an external link triggers a regular page request. External links are opened in the same tab by default, this can be changed via the linkTarget
The breakpoints define the responsive behavior of the navigation
, the userMenu
and the 9DotMenu
. If there are problems with certain languages, also set language-specific breakpoints. It is important to specify a default
breakpoint, which will be used by all undefined languages.
interface IBreakpoints {
navigation?: number | {
default: number
[key: string]: number
userMenu?: number | {
default: number
[key: string]: number
The breakpoints are mobile first. So if the navigation has few elements, it is possible to set the breakpoint to a much narrower viewport width.
const config = {
breakpoints: {
navigation: {
default: 1000,
en: 800,
ru: 1200
This sets how many languages the language changer must provide. The language codes are stored in ISO 639-1. It is important to note that the language changer is only displayed if two or more languages are specified. If no language is specified, it is set to 'en' by default.
const config = {
languages: ['en', 'de', 'fr']
This is used to pass the details of the user, such as the email
, the avatar
and the plan
. The latter is used to control conditions within the navigation.
The user is not part of the predefined config, so it must always be supplied via the extendConfig
interface IUser {
email: string
avatar?: string
plan: string
The UserMenu is currently only a possible logout link, but can later be extended by another navigation. Via 'extra' additional menu items can be added, which are related to the user.
interface IUserMenu {
logout?: {
path: string
target?: string
extra?: [
id: string
title: string
routes?: IConfigRoutes
Within the DotMenu, links are grouped via arrays, which then results in the individual separator lines. The type
defines whether it is a note, a link or a placeholder for the navigation.
interface IDotMenu {
id: number
type: 'link' | 'note' | 'navPlaceholder'
title?: string
route?: IConfigRoutes
icon?: string
The later is necessary so that the navigation below the breakpoint is rendered in the DotMenu. You should therefore set the type only once. If no DotMenu configuration is passed, the placeholder is set automatically.
const config = {
dotMenu: [
id: 'plesk360',
type: 'link',
title: 'Plesk360',
routes: {
stage: 'https://plesk360.com',
prod: 'https://plesk360.com'
icon: 'cloud'
type: 'note',
title: 'Service in Plesk360'
id: 'monitoring',
type: 'link',
title: 'Monitoring',
routes: {
stage: '/',
prod: '/'
icon: 'monitor'
type: 'navPlaceholder'
In its simplest state, the navigation consists of a series of entries with an id
, title
and optionally the routes
. However, the individual entries can be extended with label
and clickConditions
interface INavigation {
id: number
title: string
routes?: IConfigRoutes
external?: boolean
label?: ILabel
clickCondition?: IClickCondition
If an external-wl-domain
is used, one can define with external
route, whether this route leads explicitly outside. Since in this variant all links are noted relatively, when clicking on the link, an absolute link is generated from the relative link, if external
is set to true
To attach a label to a navigation entry, you define it with title
and the selection of a style
interface ILabel {
callback?: (user: string) => boolean | string | boolean
title: string
style: 'marketing' | 'info'
If the label is to be displayed in dependence on the user, a callback must be implemented. It is important that the callback only uses the user object.
label: {
callback: (user: IConfigUser) => {
return !/maildomain.com|/.test(user.email) || ['lite', 'pro'].includes(user.plan)
title: 'Pro',
style: 'marketing'
It is similar with the click condition, here a callback is mandatory.
interface IClickCondition {
callback: (plan: string) => boolean | string | boolean
isTrue: {
action: 'emitEvent'
actionName: string
payload?: any
If a click condition is set, this is also checked in dependence on the user data, if it results in a true
, a click on the navigation entry will only trigger an event. The name of the event is freely selectable, as well as the payload that is sent with the event.
clickCondition: {
callback: (user: IConfigUser) => {
return !/maildomain.com|/.test(user.email) || ['lite', 'pro'].includes(user.plan)
isTrue: {
action: 'emitEvent',
actionName: 'triggerInfoScreen',
payload: {requiredPlan: ['business', 'enterprise']}
If you pass the navigation via the extend-config
, the callback must be passed in a different form. In the simplest case you can pass a boolean
, but if you want the AppHeader to evaluate it internally, the callback is passed in the following form.
callback: '{ "args": "user", "body": "return [\\"lite\\"].includes(user.plan)" }'
Predefined Models
Currently two configurations are predefined, which can be selected via the model
threeSixtyFSC | threeSixtyNixstats | wlServerMonitoring | wlWebsiteMonitoring
If required, you can also use these configurations for your own configurations by either overwriting or extending individual areas via the `extendCofig
All click events of the AppHeader on internal links as well as internal info are sent to the window.mitt
(mitt.js) object using mitt
. To filter the events the key tsxAppHeader
is used. The actual event is identified via the action supplied.
window.mitt.on('tsxAppHeader', (payload) => {
console.log('tsxAppHeader', payload)
Configuration for websites without SPA support
<script src="https://unpkg.com/mitt/dist/mitt.umd.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.mitt = window.mitt()
window.mitt.on('tsxAppHeader', (payload) => {
console.log('tsxAppHeader', payload)
Configuration for SPAs
import mitt from 'mitt'
window.mitt = window.mitt || mitt()
window.mitt.on('tsxAppHeader', (payload) => {
console.log('payload', payload)
General Click Event
All clickable elements will send out a click event, provided they do not already send out an event that comes via a ClickCondition. This provides the possibility to track the clicks within the AppHeader or to use them for other purposes. The payload of the event always contains the id
of the element and if necessary the path
of the selected route.
interface ClickReturn {
action: 'click'
path: string
id: string
Logo Event
interface LogoReturn {
action: 'clickLogo'
path: string
Logout Event
interface LogoutReturn {
action: 'logout'
path: string
Languageselector Event
interface LanguageSelectorReturn {
action: 'setLanguage'
value: string
Changelog Event
interface ChangelogReturn {
action: 'openChangelog'
Custom Events for clickconditions
interface ClickConditionReturn {
action: string
id: string
userPlan?: string
[key: string]: any
Eventnames for the conditions are freely defined via the configuration of the navigation.
Whitelabel Colors
All colors of the header are described with CSS Vars and can be overwritten externally without the need for a new build. The CSS vars are prefixed with tsxah
:root {
--tsxahBackground: #fff; /* Background Color */
--tsxahText: #131313; /* General text color */
--tsxahPrimary: #4cccff; /* Primary Color */
--tsxahSecondary: #e77b35; /* Secondary Color */
--tsxahPrimaryHover: #28aade; /* Primary color for hover */
--tsxahSecondaryHover: #e16b1f; /* Secondary color for hover */
--tsxahSubtleHover: #f5f5f5; /* Background Color for hover elements likes dotmenu */
--tsxahNavBorderHover: #dcdcdc; /* Hover Color for the border in the nav */
--tsxahNavBorderActive: #4cccff; /* Active border color for navigation */
--tsxahDDBackground: #fff; /* Background color for dropdowns */
--tsxahDDText: #6e6e6e; /* Text color for drowpdowns */
--tsxahDDIcon: #565656; /* Color for Dropdown Icons */
--tsxahDDInfo: #737373; /* Textcolor for Dropdown info texts */
--tsxahDDHoverBackground: #f1f1f1; /* Background hover color */
--tsxahDDHoverText: #3d3d3d; /* Text hover color */
--tsxahDDActiveText: #4cccff; /* Text color for active elements */
--tsxahDDActiveBackground: #fff; /* Background color for active elements */
--tsxahDots: #131313; /* Color for the 9Dot Icon */
--tsxahDivider: #e7e7e7; /* Color for Dividers */
--tsxahLogo: #282828; /* Color for the Wordmark for prepared Logos */
--tsxahChevron: #484848; /* Chevron colors, indicates a dropdown */
--tsxahChangelogColorRegular: #CA3931; /* Changelog Update colors */
--tsxahChangelogColorHover: #9d1d15; /* Changelog update colors hover */
The CSSVars must be included in the regular CSS.
All wordings of the prepared Configs are translated via the AppHeader. If external configs are inserted, make sure that the wordings are translated into the AppHeader before the inject.
Additional Examples
window.mitt.on('tsxAppHeader', (payload) => {
switch (payload.action) {
case 'setLanguage' :
console.log('set language', payload.value.code)
case 'triggerInfoScreen' :
if (payload.id === 'metrics') {
console.log('open a info screen for metrics')
case 'logout' :
console.log('trigger logout')
case 'click':
console.log('anything with general click events', payload.value)
case 'openChangelog':
console.log('Open Changelog')