This [Origami](https://weborigami) package provides functions for packing any [treelike object](https://weborigami.org/async-tree/treelike) into a ZIP file, or unpacking a ZIP file in order to treat it as a tree.
This Origami package provides functions for packing any treelike object into a ZIP file, or unpacking a ZIP file in order to treat it as a tree.
After installing via npm, in the root of your Origami project create a config.ori
zip.handler = package:@weborigami/zip
This will instruct Origami to use the .zip
extension handler in this package to process files that end with the .zip
extension. (You can also use the related .epub
extension handler.)
For example, you can use this to get a listing of the contents in the sample test/fixtures/test.zip
file, extract a file, or copy all files out of the ZIP archive:
$ ori @keys test.zip
- ReadMe.md
- sub
$ ori test.zip/ReadMe.md
This is a ReadMe file.
$ ori @copy test.zip, @mkdir/extracted
$ ls extracted
ReadMe.md sub