Resolve path of es, browser, node modules
A simple class to resolve es, cjs, or node modules.
Can be used with rollup, esbuild, swc, esmoduleserver, ...
Example with a rollup plugin:
const Resolver = require('@webmodule/resolve');
function rollupModulesPrefix(root) {
if (!root) return;
const resolver = new Resolver({
node_path: 'node_modules', // this is the default
prefix: root
return {
name: "modulesPrefix",
async resolveId(source, importer) {
if (!source.startsWith(root)) return null; //
const obj = resolver.resolve(source, importer);
return obj.path;
see @webmodules/bundle for a more complete example.
new Resolver({prefix = "/", root = "."}) Resolves url starting with
, search for modules in${root}/node_modules
.resolver.resolve(url, type) returns a { path, url } object. The url is a url pathname. The type is "js" or "css". If it is "css", package.json "style" field is privileged. Returns a file path, and a url to redirect to (when needed).