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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2024 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Moodle Web Service API client with intellisense and typechecking




About this fork

We have forked this project from

TypeScript Moodle API client for Node.js

A simple and developer friendly TypeScript module to perform Web Service (API) calls to the Moodle site.

Getting started

Install the module

npm install @webhare/moodle-webservice

Get site info (using Promised callbacks)

import { MoodleApi } from "@webhare/moodle-webservice";

const moodle = MoodleApi({
  baseUrl: "", //<-- Put your Moodle URL here
  token: "exppsBdQwLvNwYRoAuaiBO5j0aWTzxU6", //<-- Put your token here

moodle.core.webservice //<-- with intellisense and type checking
  .then((res) => console.log(res)) //<-- Response of type IMoodleSiteInfo
  .catch((err) => console.error(err.message));

Get course contents (using async-await approach)

import { MoodleApi } from '@webhare/moodle-webservice';
const moodle = MoodleApi({ ... });

async function main() {
  try {
    const sections =
      await moodle.core.course.getContents({courseid: 1234});//<-- returns IMoodleCourseSection[]

    //Response data
  catch (err) {


if a token param is provided, it will override the token supplied when instantiating the api

import { MoodleApi } from "@webhare/moodle-webservice";

const moodle = MoodleApi({
  baseUrl: "",
  token: "exppsBdQwLvNwYRoAuaiBO5j0aWTzxU6",

  .getSiteInfo({ token: "37512512c24112b1235cc123f821bd27cd" }) //<-- This token will be used instead
  .then((res) => console.log(res))
  .catch((err) => console.error(err.message));

moodle.config.token = "37512512c24112b1235cc123f821bd27cd"; //<-- You can also do this.
//..many function calls with the same token above.

Intellisense + Typechecking

Getting your api token.

if you don't immediately have your token to pass to the api you can import MoodleClient directly and use the authenticate method to get one.

import { MoodleApi, MoodleClient } from "@webhare/moodle-webservice";
const YOUR_WEBSITE_URL = "";
//No token provided beforehand
const moodle = MoodleApi({
  baseUrl: YOUR_WEBSITE_URL, //<-- Put your Moodle URL here

async function main() {
  try {
    //result type of IMoodleWSAuthResponse
    const { token } = await MoodleClient.authenticate({
      baseUrl: YOUR_WEBSITE_URL,
      credentials: { username: "AwesomeJohn", password: "SmartPa33word" },

    moodle.config.token = token;

    const { fullname: firstName } = await moodle.core.webservice.getSiteInfo();
      John Smith
  } catch (err) {


Helper classes

The moodle webservice has some caveats here and there such as how when getting an attempt moodle doesn't send you all the raw question data, instead some is raw data while other is the rendered HTML question element. moodle-webservice aims to solve that by providing a number of helper classes such as MoodleAttempt , these are abstract classes that have a number of functions that aim to solve these issues.

import { MoodleApi, MoodleAttempt } from "@webhare/moodle-webservice";

const moodle = MoodleApi({
  baseUrl: "",
  token: "375208h132h1222h20h202b823b227cd",

moodle.mod.quiz.getAttemptReview({ attemptid: 3665103 }).then((res) => {
  const questions = res.questions; //<-- of type IMoodleQuestion[].

  //IMoodleQuestion does not contain the actual question text or choices.
  questions[0].text; //<-- Error no such property on questions

  const parsedReview = MoodleAttempt.parse(res);
  const parsedQuestions = parsedReview.questions; //<-- of type IMoodleParsedQuestion[].

  //IMoodleParsedQuestion contains additional data such as the name, instance number, and choices
  //Output: "The muscles of facial expression are supplied by the ____ nerve."

or parse a single question

import { MoodleApi, MoodleQuestion } from "@webhare/moodle-webservice";

const moodle = MoodleApi({
  baseUrl: "",
  token: "375208h132h1222h20h202b823b227cd",

moodle.mod.quiz.getAttemptReview({ attemptid: 3665103 }).then((res) => {
  const questions = res.questions; //<-- of type IMoodleQuestion[].
  //IMoodleQuestion does not contain the actual question text or choices.
  questions[0].text; //<-- Error no such property on questions

  //IMoodleParsedQuestion contains additional data such as the name, instance number and choices
  const parsedQuestion = MoodleQuestion.parse(questions[0]); //<-- of type IMoodleParsedQuestion.

  //Output: "The muscles of facial expression are supplied by the ____ nerve."

JSON to form data

Moodle has a peculiar way of specifying request parameters. Parameters can either be sent in URL query string or POST form body.

Thus a JSON object needs to be converted to form data

  "users": [
      "firstname": "Foo",
      "lastname": "Bar",
      "username": "foo",
      "password": "FooBar123!",
      "email": "[email protected]"

As Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


To perform the conversion in the code invoke the flatten function

import { MoodleClient } from "@webhare/moodle-webservice";

const form = MoodleClient.flatten({
  users: [
      firstname: "Foo",
      lastname: "Bar",
      username: "foo",
      password: "FooBar123!",
      email: "[email protected]",

console.log(form); //users[0][firstname]=Foo&users[0][lastname]=Bar...

However, there is no need to invoke the function outside the code as anything passed as data parameter to api functions is automatically flattened and formatted in the right way.

List of functions

Offical list of functions can be found at Web service API functions

The following table represents mapping between JavaScript function names and Moodle Web Service function names.

| JS function | API function | Description | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------- | | | auth_email_get_signup_settings | Get the signup required settings and profile fields. | | | auth_email_signup_user | Adds a new user (pendingto be confirmed) in the site. | | core.user.createUsers(data) | core_user_create_users | Create users - admin function | | core.webservice.getSiteInfo(data) | core_webservice_get_site_info | Return some site info / user info / list web service functions | | Read more... | | |

Note that the data argument is not always required and can be omitted.

Note regarding types

Due to poor moodle webservice function documentation not all functions have definite parameter types and instead have IMoodleWSParams as its parameter type and any as its return type.

I've added types for the most important functions first, and I'll keep adding more as I go, contact me if you want to add types for a function that you know about.

Running your own moodle

For development/testing against a Moodle consider using the docker containers defined in my-moodle:

cd my-moodle/
docker-compose up
# now: open

See for details about these containers

After starting, login at using: user/bitnami

Enabling the API

    • Enable webservices
    • Enable REST
    • Enable documentation
  • helps you enroll the service - shows the steps and links
    • Add service. Configure as needed, don't forget to enable the functions you need
    • This is also where you need to go back to add more functions later
    • Get the token. You'll need it for MODULE_TOKEN below

To test the module:


to add more functions