Implement Nested FormControl for Angular Reactive Forms.
Implement Nested FormControl for Angular Reactive Forms.
Split your forms as much as you need, and let the nested reactive form components handle the data changes.
The form
tag and the inputs doesn't have to share the same scope.
Enforce the usage of an Entity
, also know as Model
, to share data between the form and the controller.
Use two-way data-binding as AngularJS 1.x does.
Do not mutate the original Entity
when user make changes to inputs.
Define the data-binding using dot-notation e.g.: user.addresses[1].streetName
It is not necessary to pass the Entity
through all nested components,
forms and inputs will communicate with each other
no matter how deep the nested components are.
Submit event will only be triggered if all inputs are Valid.
Only two directives are mandatory:
on the<form>
on a parent of a giveninput
, or even a custom component.
The Reactive Form
<!-- All components and inputs -->
| Property | type | Description |
| nrfForm | -- | Required The main directive that enables communication with the nested inputs. |
| (nrfSubmit) | function | This @Output
only will be called if all the inputs inside this form are valid. |
| [nrfEntity] | Object | The Entity
that will be handled by this form. If not empty, inputs will be pre-filled using its data |
Submit $event
| Property | type | Description |
| entity | Object | A reference to the original Entity
passed to the form tag |
| formData | Object | An Object containing all Entity's properties and changes made by the user |
| formGroup | FormGroup | The form FormGroup instance, used to validate fields |
| nrfForm | nNgRFFormDirective | The nrfForm directive instance |
| event | Event | The original HTML event from the form submit |
The Reactive input
You have to put *nrfNestedControl
on an input parent tag.
And use [formControl]
directly on the input
tag, as described on
Angular Reactive Forms.
<div *nrfNestedControl="'userModel.firstName'; let control=formControl">
<input [formControl]="control" />
Variables available in the context
| Name | Description | |------------------|------------------------------------------------| | formControl | It is mandatory to use this on the given input, otherwise no data-binding or validation will be applied | | formGroup | A reference to the form formGroup | | nrfNestedControl | The NestedControl instance |
Angular has two approaches to handle forms:
Both of them, require that the <form>
and the <input>
tags resides on the same "scope".
<form ....>
<div ...>
<input [ngModel]="firstName" /> <!-- Works! -->
<input [formControl]="myControlInstance" />
<!-- Also Works!, even after it get rendered inside this component -->
<!-- FAIL! Angular will not look on the rendered content -->
<!-- Even though it will only renders an <input> and a <label> -->
NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR is available, but it has to share same "scope", as well.
Given these difficulties, it is very hard to "componentize" our App's forms.
Here is just a example on how one can split a form:
Think about Reusability:
<user-contacts></user-contacts> <!-- Yes, the same component -->
+----- Major version is synchronize with Angular's major version.
| +--- Minor version has BREAKING CHANGE and features.
| | +- Patch version has fixes and features, but no breaking changes.
| | |