Framework that provide minimal API support
@webcarrot/api ·
Tiny, isomorphic TypeScript framework to build "call action" APIs.
npm i @webcarrot/api
This library provides generic TypeScript interfaces plus simple implementations / helpers for node and browsers enviroment.
// interfaces - the essence
import { ApiResolver, ActionFunction } from "@webcarrot/api";
// implementations / helpers
import { makeApi as nodeMakeApi } from "@webcarrot/api/node";
import { makeApi as browserMakeApi } from "@webcarrot/api/browser";
type ActionContext = { context: string; zee: number };
const action: ActionFunction<
{ payload: string; foo: number },
{ output: string; bar: number },
> = async ({ payload, foo }, { context, zee }) => ({
output: `payload: ${payload} context: ${context}`,
bar: foo + zee,
// Types are build from plain object like:
const actions = {
actionName: action,
type Api = ApiResolver<typeof actions>;
// cusom implementation
const someCustomApiProvider: Api = (actionName, actionPayload) => {
// call api function implementation
someCustomApiProvider("actionName", { payload: "c", foo: 1 }).then(
({ output, bar }) => console.log({ output, bar })
// node helper usage
const nodeApiProvider = nodeMakeApi<typeof actions, ActionContext>({
context: { context: "z", zee: 4 },
nodeApiProvider("actionName", { payload: "n", foo: 2 }).then(
({ output, bar }) => console.log({ output, bar })
// browser helper usage
const browserApiProvider = browserMakeApi<typeof actions>({
endpoint: "/api",
headers: {
"X-Foo": "Bar",
browserApiProvider("actionName", { payload: "b", foo: 3 }).then(
({ output, bar }) => console.log({ output, bar })
- Allow to define an optional payload.
- Firebase helper.
Example code
See example code
Anyway same code:
Koa is used as context for API actions - use anything you want or nothing...
Some types file (example/types.d.ts
import { ApiResolver } from "@webcarrot/api";
import { actions } from "./api";
export type ApiData = typeof actions;
export type ApiContextValue = ApiResolver<ApiData>;
export type AppState = {
api: {
endpoint: string;
headers: HeadersInit;
hi: string;
Node only side
Hi action (example/api/hi.ts
import { Context as KoaContext } from "koa";
import { ActionFunction } from "@webcarrot/api";
export const action: ActionFunction<
{ who: string },
{ hi: string },
> = async ({ who }, ctx) => ({
hi: `Hi ${who} from ip: ${ctx.ip}, date: ${new Date().toLocaleString()}`,
Actions list (example/api/index.ts
import { action as hi } from "./hi";
export const actions = {
"say.hi": hi,
Call action from koa handler (example/node/plain.ts
import { Context as KoaContext } from "koa";
import { makeApi } from "@webcarrot/api/node";
import { actions } from "../api";
import { ApiData } from "../types";
export const handler = async (
context: KoaContext,
next: () => Promise<void>
) => {
if (context.path === "/plain") {
const api = makeApi<ApiData, KoaContext>({
context.body = (await api("say.hi", { who: "plain-node" })).hi;
} else {
return next();
Handle api calls in koa handler (example/node/api.ts
import { Context as KoaContext } from "koa";
import { makeApi } from "@webcarrot/api/node";
import * as BodyParse from "co-body";
import { actions } from "../api";
import { ApiData } from "../types";
export const handler = async (
context: KoaContext,
next: () => Promise<void>
) => {
if (context.method === "POST" && context.path === "/api") {
try {
if (context.header["x-secret-foo"] !== "Bar") {
throw new Error("Invalid secret header");
const api = makeApi<ApiData, KoaContext>({
const {
}: {
action: any;
payload: any;
} = (await BodyParse.json(context)) || {};
const data = await api(action, payload);
context.type = "json";
context.status = 200;
context.body = JSON.stringify(data);
} catch (err) {
context.type = "json";
context.status = err.status || 500;
context.body = JSON.stringify({
name: err.name,
message: err.message,
} else {
return next();
Browser side
Call from browser (example/browser/plain.ts
import { makeApi } from "@webcarrot/api/browser";
import { ApiData } from "../types";
const api = makeApi<ApiData>({
endpoint: "/api",
headers: {
"X-Secret-Foo": "Bar",
(async () => console.log((await api("say.hi", { who: "plain-browser" })).hi))();
Make context (example/apiContext.ts
import { makeContext } from "@webcarrot/api/context";
import { ApiData } from "./types";
export const Context = makeContext<ApiData>();
React main "App" Component (example/app.tsx
import * as React from "react";
import { Context as ApiContext } from "./apiContext";
import { ApiContextValue } from "./types";
type State = {
hi: string;
call: number;
error: string;
type Action =
| {
type: "hi";
value: string;
| {
type: "call";
| {
type: "error";
value: string;
const IUseApi = ({ value }: { value: string }) => {
const api = React.useContext(ApiContext);
const [{ hi, call, error }, dispatch] = React.useReducer(
(state: State, action: Action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case "hi": {
return {
hi: action.value,
error: null,
call: 0,
case "call": {
return {
error: null,
call: Date.now(),
case "error": {
return {
call: 0,
error: action.value,
hi: value,
call: 0,
error: null,
React.useEffect(() => {
if (call) {
const request = api("say.hi", { who: "react-browser" });
({ hi }) => dispatch({ type: "hi", value: hi }),
(err) => {
// handle only real errors
if (err.name !== "AbortError") {
dispatch({ type: "error", value: err.message });
// abort on new call or unmount
return () => request.abort();
}, [call]);
return (
<dt>Last message:</dt>
<dd>{error ? error : "none"}</dd>
<dd>{call ? "pending" : error ? "error" : "done"}</dd>
<button onClick={() => dispatch({ type: "call" })}>call api</button>
export const App = ({ api, hi }: { api: ApiContextValue; hi: string }) => {
const [show, changeShow] = React.useState(true);
return (
<ApiContext.Provider value={api}>
<button onClick={() => changeShow(!show)}>
{show ? "unmount" : "mount"}
</button>{" "}
{show ? <IUseApi value={hi} /> : null}
Render react app on server (example/node/react.ts
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom/server";
import { Context as KoaContext } from "koa";
import { makeApi } from "@webcarrot/api/node";
import { actions } from "../api";
import { App } from "../app";
import { ApiData, AppState } from "../types";
export const handler = async (context: KoaContext) => {
const api = makeApi<ApiData, KoaContext>({
const hi = (await api("say.hi", { who: "react-node" })).hi;
const APP_STATE: AppState = {
api: {
endpoint: "/api",
headers: {
"X-Secret-Foo": "Bar",
context.body = `<!doctype html>
<div id="app">${ReactDOM.renderToString(
React.createElement(App, {
<script src="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/umd/react.production.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/umd/react-dom.production.min.js"></script>
<script src="/build/react.js" async defer></script>
Render react app in browser (example/browser/react.ts
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { makeApi } from "@webcarrot/api/browser";
import { ApiData, AppState } from "../types";
import { App } from "../app";
declare var APP_STATE: AppState;
const { api: apiConf, hi } = APP_STATE;
const api = makeApi<ApiData>(apiConf);
React.createElement(App, { api, hi }),