Kickback smart contracts
This repo contains all the Kickback contracts. The master
branch is the
main branch, and contains the productions versions of the contracts.
Using the contracts
To use these contracts in a Dapp first install our NPM org:
npm i @wearekickback/contracts
Then, using truffle-contract you can import and use the
contract definition and use it as such:
const promisify = require('es6-promisify')
const TruffleContract = require('truffle-contract')
const Web3 = require('web3')
const { Deployer } = require('@wearekickback/contracts')
async init = () => {
const web3 = new Web3(/* Ropsten or Mainnet HTTP RPC endpoint */)
const contract = TruffleContract(Deployer)
const deployer = await contract.deployed()
// deploy a new party (see Deployer.sol for parameter documentation)
await deployer.deploy('My event', 0, 0, 0)
const events = await promisify(deployer.contract.getPastEvents, deployer.contract)('NewParty')
const { returnValues: { deployedAddress } } = events.pop()
console.log(`New party contract deployed at: ${deployedAddress}`)
Dev guide
Setup Truffle config
Copy .deployment-sample.js
to .deployment.js
and edit the values
Install dependencies and do basic setup
yarn setup
Setup parameters for Truffle config:
cp .deployment-sample.js .deployment.js
Run local chain
npx ganache-cli --accounts 500
Run tests
yarn test
Deploy contracts to local network
yarn deploy:local
This will also call a script to update the app
and server
repo clones if
you've checked them out as sibling folders.
To deploy a new party onto the local test network:
yarn seed:party -i test
This command has a number of options which allow you additionally simulate the full lifecycle of a party:
$ yarn seed:party --help
Usage: deployNewParty [options]
-i, --id <id> Id of party (obtain from UI /create page)
--ropsten Use Ropsten instead of local development network
--rinkeby Use Rinkeby instead of local development network
--kovan Use Rinkeby instead of local development network
--mainnet Use Mainnet instead of local development network
--admins <n> Number of additional party admins to have
-c, --cancelled Whether to mark the party as cancelled
-t, --coolingPeriod [n] How long the cooling period is in seconds (default: 604800)
-d, --deposit [n] Amount of ETH attendees must deposit (default: 0.02)
-f, --finalize <n> Finalize the party with the given no. of attendees
-p, --participants <n> Maximum number of participants
-r, --register <n> Number of participants to register
-w, --withdraw <n> Number of attendees to withdraw payouts for
-h, --help output usage information
So, for example, to create party with max. 100 participants, upto 50 actually registered, with 25 having actually attended, and 12 having withdrawn their payouts after the party has ended. With an added cooling period of 1 millisecond to allow your to test the clear functionality immediately.
yarn seed:party -i test -p 100 -r 50 -a 25 -w 12 -e -t 1
The script actually uses truffle-config.js
to work out how to connect to the
development network. If you want to seed a party on e.g. Ropsten then you can do by
supplying the --ropsten
yarn seed:party --ropsten -i test -p 100 -r 50 -a 25 -w 12 -e -t 1
Note: For public network seeding to work you will need to have
configured valid values in .deployment.js
(see "Deployment to public networks" below).
## Tests
yarn coverage
Deployment to public networks
Edit .deployment.js
and fill in the company mnemonic and Infura key (obtain from 1Password).
Releases are done automatically via CI. Prior to doing a release, ensure the
latest compiled contracts have been deployed to both test nets and the mainnet
$ yarn deploy:ropsten
$ yarn deploy:rinkeby
$ yarn deploy:mainnet
Note: ensure .deployment.js
is accurately setup for the above to work.
Then create a new release:
- Increment the
as required, as part of a new or existing Pull Request. - Once the approved PR has been merged, run
git tag <version>
is same as inpackage.json
) on the merge commit. - Run
git push --tags
- The CI server will now do a build and deploy to NPM.
- Once the NPM package has been published you will need to update the dependency to
it in both the
repositories so that they both refer to the latest contract ABI when talking to the blockchain.