Kickback smart contracts
This repo contains all the Kickback contracts. The master
branch is the
main branch, and contains the productions versions of the contracts.
Using the contracts
To use these contracts in a Dapp first install our NPM org:
npm i @wearekickback/contracts
Then, using truffle-contract you can import and use the
contract definition and use it as such:
const promisify = require('es6-promisify')
const TruffleContract = require('truffle-contract')
const Web3 = require('web3')
const { Deployer } = require('@wearekickback/contracts')
async init = () => {
const web3 = new Web3(/* Ropsten or Mainnet HTTP RPC endpoint */)
const contract = TruffleContract(Deployer)
const deployer = await contract.deployed()
// deploy a new party (see Deployer.sol for parameter documentation)
await deployer.deploy('My event', 0, 0, 0, oneweek, owneraddress, tokenaddress)
const events = await promisify(deployer.contract.getPastEvents, deployer.contract)('NewParty')
const { returnValues: { deployedAddress } } = events.pop()
console.log(`New party contract deployed at: ${deployedAddress}`)
Dev guide
Setup Truffle config
Copy .deployment-sample.js
to .deployment.js
and edit the values
Install dependencies and do basic setup
yarn setup
Setup parameters for Truffle config:
cp .deployment-sample.js .deployment.js
Run local chain
npx ganache-cli --accounts 500
Run tests
yarn test
Deploy contracts to local network
yarn deploy:local
This will also call a script to update the app
and server
repo clones if
you've checked them out as sibling folders.
- Start ganache with
ganache-cli -m mnemonic
- Clear data dir with
rm -rf data
docker-compose up
Once you show message like this, then it was abile to create contract and deploy the graph successfully.
Deployed to http://graph:8000/subgraphs/name/wearekickback/kickback/graphql
Then followed by these graph-node messages actually indexing
graph | Apr 08 22:12:12.170 INFO 1 trigger found in this block for this subgraph, block_hash: 0x6b457bafbafb78566c519e6f30b00890836144d1afc687f9cdf147c7164c4c1a, block_number: 4, subgraph_id: QmeYWpZq5Ujkg4dKo6YJbBXSt5L36U4jGG9KMh9o7LpfYi, component: SubgraphInstanceManager
graph | Apr 08 22:12:12.173 WARN *** handleNewParty, data_source: Deployer, block_hash: 0x6b457bafbafb78566c519e6f30b00890836144d1afc687f9cdf147c7164c4c1a, block_number: 4, subgraph_id: QmeYWpZq5Ujkg4dKo6YJbBXSt5L36U4jGG9KMh9o7LpfYi, component: SubgraphInstanceManager
graph | Apr 08 22:12:12.176 WARN *** 1 Address: 0xbc4bac580b299e1a141df02b2bbe6ea80b03f41f, Block number: 4, block hash: 0x6b457bafbafb78566c519e6f30b00890836144d1afc687f9cdf147c7164c4c1a, transaction hash: 0xeabbfcd5663ddf17792490eae887832c2c81250786e85e77da27335fef61dad2, data_source: Deployer, block_hash: 0x6b457bafbafb78566c519e6f30b00890836144d1afc687f9cdf147c7164c4c1a, block_number: 4, subgraph_id: QmeYWpZq5Ujkg4dKo6YJbBXSt5L36U4jGG9KMh9o7LpfYi, component: SubgraphInstanceManager
graph | Apr 08 22:12:12.179 WARN ****2 , data_source: Deployer, block_hash: 0x6b457bafbafb78566c519e6f30b00890836144d1afc687f9cdf147c7164c4c1a, block_number: 4, subgraph_id: QmeYWpZq5Ujkg4dKo6YJbBXSt5L36U4jGG9KMh9o7LpfYi, component: SubgraphInstanceManager
graph | Apr 08 22:12:12.181 INFO Create data source, params: 0xbc4bac580b299e1a141df02b2bbe6ea80b03f41f, name: Party, block_hash: 0x6b457bafbafb78566c519e6f30b00890836144d1afc687f9cdf147c7164c4c1a, block_number: 4, subgraph_id: QmeYWpZq5Ujkg4dKo6YJbBXSt5L36U4jGG9KMh9o7LpfYi, component: SubgraphInstanceManager
graph | Apr 08 22:12:12.181 WARN ****3 , data_source: Deployer, block_hash: 0x6b457bafbafb78566c519e6f30b00890836144d1afc687f9cdf147c7164c4c1a, block_number: 4, subgraph_id: QmeYWpZq5Ujkg4dKo6YJbBXSt5L36U4jGG9KMh9o7LpfYi, component: SubgraphInstanceManager
graph | Apr 08 22:12:12.182 WARN ****4 , data_source: Deployer, block_hash: 0x6b457bafbafb78566c519e6f30b00890836144d1afc687f9cdf147c7164c4c1a, block_number: 4, subgraph_id: QmeYWpZq5Ujkg4dKo6YJbBXSt5L36U4jGG9KMh9o7LpfYi, component: SubgraphInstanceManager
graph | Apr 08 22:12:12.210 WARN ****5 , data_source: Deployer, block_hash: 0x6b457bafbafb78566c519e6f30b00890836144d1afc687f9cdf147c7164c4c1a, block_number: 4, subgraph_id: QmeYWpZq5Ujkg4dKo6YJbBXSt5L36U4jGG9KMh9o7LpfYi, component: SubgraphInstanceManager
graph | Apr 08 22:12:12.211 WARN ****6 , data_source: Deployer, block_hash: 0x6b457bafbafb78566c519e6f30b00890836144d1afc687f9cdf147c7164c4c1a, block_number: 4, subgraph_id: QmeYWpZq5Ujkg4dKo6YJbBXSt5L36U4jGG9KMh9o7LpfYi, component: SubgraphInstanceManager
graph | Apr 08 22:12:12.211 WARN ****7 , data_source: Deployer, block_hash: 0x6b457bafbafb78566c519e6f30b00890836144d1afc687f9cdf147c7164c4c1a, block_number: 4, subgraph_id: QmeYWpZq5Ujkg4dKo6YJbBXSt5L36U4jGG9KMh9o7LpfYi, component: SubgraphInstanceManager
graph | Apr 08 22:12:12.235 WARN ****9 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0xbc4bac580b299e1a141df02b2bbe6ea80b03f41f, data_source: Deployer, block_hash: 0x6b457bafbafb78566c519e6f30b00890836144d1afc687f9cdf147c7164c4c1a, block_number: 4, subgraph_id: QmeYWpZq5Ujkg4dKo6YJbBXSt5L36U4jGG9KMh9o7LpfYi, component: SubgraphInstanceManager
graph | Apr 08 22:12:12.237 WARN ****000203 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 , 0xbc4bac580b299e1a141df02b2bbe6ea80b03f41f, data_source: Deployer, block_hash: 0x6b457bafbafb78566c519e6f30b00890836144d1afc687f9cdf147c7164c4c1a, block_number: 4, subgraph_id: QmeYWpZq5Ujkg4dKo6YJbBXSt5L36U4jGG9KMh9o7LpfYi, component: SubgraphInstanceManager
graph | Apr 08 22:12:12.260 INFO Done processing Ethereum trigger, waiting_ms: 0, handler: handleNewParty, total_ms: 90, trigger_type: Log, address: 0xd8f3…3dbe, signature: NewParty(indexed address,indexed address), block_hash: 0x6b457bafbafb78566c519e6f30b00890836144d1afc687f9cdf147c7164c4c1a, block_number: 4, subgraph_id: QmeYWpZq5Ujkg4dKo6YJbBXSt5L36U4jGG9KMh9o7LpfYi, component: SubgraphInstanceManager
graph | Apr 08 22:12:12.305 INFO Applying 12 entity operation(s), block_hash: 0x6b457bafbafb78566c519e6f30b00890836144d1afc687f9cdf147c7164c4c1a, block_number: 4, subgraph_id: QmeYWpZq5Ujkg4dKo6YJbBXSt5L36U4jGG9KMh9o7LpfYi, component: SubgraphInstanceManager
graph | Apr 08 22:12:26.999 WARN Possible contention in DB connection pool, wait_ms: 10, component: Store
is hostname only used within docker. To access from your machine, just connect via http://localhost:8000/subgraphs/name/wearekickback/kickback/graphql
The deployment will create a dummy event. If you run the following query and returns an entry, then indexing should have worked.
After this, you have to manually update deployer address at app
and server
to 0xD8F3257ea8E50bf78B2d950A1949f5d94d613DBe
(this will be always the same as long as you start up ganache with -m mnemonic
Creating and pushing new docker image.
When you update contract
or kickback-subgraph
you should update new images.
yarn docker:deploy
Once this is pushed, remove the existing image with docker image rm $IMAGEID
and try docker-compose up
no such image
If the following message appears, simply press "Y"
ERROR: for contracts no such image: sha256:da60023afedd7dc105eaa927ee47ca761c850be205b869c9986ed047f9603354: No such image: sha256:da60023afedd7dc105eaa927ee47ca761c850be205b869c9986ed047f9603354
Creating graph ... done
ERROR: for contracts no such image: sha256:da60023afedd7dc105eaa927ee47ca761c850be205b869c9986ed047f9603354: No such image: sha256:da60023afedd7dc105eaa927ee47ca761c850be205b869c9986ed047f9603354
ERROR: The image for the service you're trying to recreate has been removed. If you continue, volume data could be lost. Consider backing up your data before continuing.
Continue with the new image? [yN]y
timeout occurred after waiting 15 seconds for graph:8020
contracts | wait-for-it.sh: waiting 15 seconds for graph:8020
contracts | wait-for-it.sh: timeout occurred after waiting 15 seconds for graph:8020
This means graph-node is not properly up and running.
If you scroll up the log, you may see the following error.
graph | Apr 07 20:43:52.131 INFO Connected to Ethereum, network_version: 1586292225353, network: mainnet
graph | Apr 07 20:43:52.151 INFO Waiting for other graph-node instances to finish migrating, component: Store
graph | Apr 07 20:43:52.153 INFO Running migrations, component: Store
graph | Apr 07 20:43:52.215 INFO Migrations finished, component: Store
graph | Apr 07 20:43:52.215 INFO Completed pending Postgres schema migrations, component: Store
graph | thread 'tokio-runtime-worker' panicked at 'Ethereum node provided net_version 1586292225353, but we expected 1586291081321. Did you change networks without changing the network name?', store/postgres/src/store.rs:245:21
When this happens, do the following
- Stop the service (CMD+C)
rm -rf data
- Restart ganache with some random network id (eg:
ganache-cli -m mnemonic -i 12345
). This actually happened quite a lot to me so you may have to retry a couple of times. - Start again with
docker-compose up
** NOTE: This is currently not up to date so more likely not working **
To deploy a new party onto the local test network:
yarn seed:party -i test
This command has a number of options which allow you additionally simulate the full lifecycle of a party:
$ yarn seed:party --help
Usage: deployNewParty [options]
-a, --address <address> Address of party (obtain from UI /create page)
-n, --network <network> Name of the network (e.g. ropsten, mainnet, etc.)
--admins <n> Number of additional party admins to have
-c, --cancelled Whether to mark the party as cancelled
-t, --coolingPeriod [n] How long the cooling period is in seconds (default: 604800)
-d, --deposit [n] Amount of ETH attendees must deposit (default: 0.02)
-f, --finalize <n> Finalize the party with the given no. of attendees
-p, --participants <n> Maximum number of participants
-r, --register <n> Number of participants to register
-w, --withdraw <n> Number of attendees to withdraw payouts for
-h, --help output usage information
So, for example, to create party with max. 100 participants, upto 50 actually registered, with 25 having actually attended, and 12 having withdrawn their payouts after the party has ended. With an added cooling period of 1 millisecond to allow your to test the clear functionality immediately.
yarn seed:party -i test -p 100 -r 50 -a 25 -w 12 -e -t 1
The script actually uses truffle-config.js
to work out how to connect to the
development network. If you want to seed a party on e.g. Ropsten then you can do by
supplying the --ropsten
yarn seed:party --ropsten -i test -p 100 -r 50 -a 25 -w 12 -e -t 1
Note: For public network seeding to work you will need to have
configured valid values in .deployment.js
(see "Deployment to public networks" below).
## Tests
yarn coverage
Deployment to public networks
Edit .deployment.js
and fill in the company mnemonic, Infura key (obtain from 1Password) and Etherscan key (obtain from 1Password).
Releases are done automatically via CI. Prior to doing a release, ensure the
latest compiled contracts have been deployed to both test nets and the mainnet
$ yarn deploy:ropsten
$ yarn deploy:rinkeby
$ yarn deploy:kovan
$ yarn deploy:mainnet
Once contracts are deployed to public network, run the verify script to verify the source code on Etherscan.
truffle run verify Deployer --network ropsten
truffle run verify Deployer --network rinkeby
truffle run verify Deployer --network kovan
truffle run verify Deployer --network mainnet
Note: ensure .deployment.js
is accurately setup for the above to work.
Then create a new release:
- Increment the
as required, as part of a new or existing Pull Request. - Once the approved PR has been merged, run
git tag <version>
is same as inpackage.json
) on the merge commit. - Run
git push --tags
- The CI server will now do a build and deploy to NPM.
- Once the NPM package has been published you will need to update the dependency to
it in both the
repositories so that they both refer to the latest contract ABI when talking to the blockchain.
Business logic and smart contract structure
- Event organiser = the creator of the event contract. There is only one per event.
- Event admins = the people who can help the event organiser. Can do everything the organiser can do apart from transfering the contract ownership and destroying the event contract deployer contract.
- Participants = People who RSVPed the event
- Attendees = People who were marked as attended
Event flow
- When the event organiser creates an event, the organiser can specify the unit of currency (ETH or ERC20), name of the event(
), amount of commitment (deposit
), event capaicty (limitOfParticipants
), and cooling period (cooling period
) when users can withdraw their commitment. - The event organiser adds admins
- Until the first participant RSVP, the event admins can change the name and
amount - The event admins can change limitOfParticipants to increase the capacity of the event.
- When participants RSVP, they can RSVP if they call
function with the correctdeposit
value. - For events participants commit ERC20 tokens, the user has to call
prior to RSVP. - When user arrives to the venue, admins can check in users. This will be done off chain.
- If the event is canceled, each participant can withdraw the deposit amount (minus gas fee)
- Once the event is over, one of the admins call
sending the array of participants information in the bitmap format (to save gas). - Once the event is finalised, the attendees can withdraw the proportion of the sum of the deposit on the contract. For example, if the
is 0.1 ETH , 10 people RSVP, and 5 people turned up, then each attendee can withdraw 1/5 = 0.2 ETH. - If the attendees do not withdraw within cooling period, one of the admins can
so that the remainingdeposit
will be send to the event organiser.
Contract files
~/.../kickback/contracts (spike-dai)$tree contracts/
├── AbstractConference.sol
├── Conference.sol
├── Deployer.sol
├── DeployerInterface.sol
├── ERC20Conference.sol
├── ERC20Deployer.sol
├── EthConference.sol
├── EthDeployer.sol
├── GroupAdmin.sol
├── Migrations.sol
├── MyToken.sol
└── zeppelin
├── lifecycle
│ └── Destructible.sol
└── ownership
└── Ownable.sol
- Each even has its own contract.
is the superclass which contains all the functions. - The
inherits from Distructible, Ownnable and GroupAdmin. ERC20Conference.sol
and override logic to RSVP and withdraw.Deployer.sol
is a factory contract to deploy smart contract for each event.- Due to the gas size exceeding the block size, the actual binaries of the contracts are deployed via
and their deployed contract addresses are passed into the constructor ofDeployer.sol
. TheDeployer.sol
determines whether it should deploy ERC20 version if contract address is passed. Otherwise it will deploy the Eth version. - For ERC20 token contracts, we import the openzeppelin library.
$grep openzeppelin contracts/*sol
contracts/ERC20Conference.sol:import 'openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol';
contracts/MyToken.sol:import 'openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol';
contracts/MyToken.sol:import 'openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20Detailed.sol';
The reason we have zeppelin/*
contracts locally rather than importing from NPM is that they are as follows.
no longer exists on openzeppelin repozeppelin/lifecycle/Ownable.sol
has code changed (owner
field is changed fromprivate
Some decision behind the architectural choice.
We have made certain architectual deciisions which may seem suboptimal to people who look into the code for the first time. The following section covers context behind why we made such decisions.
Deploying each contract per event.
A new contract needs to be deployed for each event, which incurs some cost at each deploy. This makes it relatively expensive to use for a small number of participant especially when the gas price or Ether price is expensive. However, this will allow us to constantly update and refactor the contract to be up to date without having complex upgradability strategy.
As our contract matures we would like to transition to a model where one contract holds multiple events and make certain logics pluggable/upgradable.
No strict time dependencies.
The current contract does not contain any information about the event start and end time as real events often do not have strict deadlines on participation. Also, the current unstable nature of Ethereum mainnet occasionally makes it difficult (or too expensive) to interact with the contract in a timely manner so it often comes down to the event owner to decide when one ends the event. The only exception is cooling period
which lasts for a week by default. Having the cooling period is mainly to encourage users to withdraw deposits as soon as possible so that users can avoid possible loss of funds if any bugs or vulnerabilities are found (or the deployment account is compromised). Please refer to this blog post for the user impact when the Ethereum network is under performance pressure.
Pull over Push
The users need to interact with the smart contract twice, at registration and at withdrawal. The need to manually withdraw fund is an inconvenience to the users but this is to avoid the potential reentrancy attack. Please refer to this blog post for how this decision was made.
We are planning to transaition into a model where user commitment is always stored in their pot so that they do not have to withdraw every time the event ends
Past vulnerabilities
Please refer to BlockParty version 0.8.4 pre auditing guide.
Deployed contracts
For all the latest deployed deployer contracts, see refer to deployedAddresses.json
Mainnet deployer contract revisions
- npm version 1.2.9 "0x3361aa92E426E052141Daf9e41A09d36e994Ba23"
- npm version 1.2.0 "0x5cD26E6DC8200630508672fF5C726478e08Da52B" (contained a bug so aborted)
- npm version 1.0.x "0x0F84461931866cFB2796E09B20520847D49F80F2"
xDai deployer contract versions
- npm version @wearekickback/contracts-integration 1.4.0 "0x05E9AE465727AAa78De8F761E44D78b43a5d9697"
Polygon deployer contract versions
- npm version "1.4.6 "0xC5ddF439194f84AF79db7d7cd534aD01cC58910d"
- npm version "1.5.0 "0x206adBE01B6f85B60B5dc9B0FF91173375A953Fd"