React Native Native Voice library for iOS and Android, folk from @react-native-voice/voice
yarn add @wdragon/react-native-voice
# or
npm i @wdragon/react-native-voice --save
Link the iOS package
npx pod-install
Table of contents
After installing this npm package, add the config plugin to the plugins
array of your app.json
or app.config.js
"expo": {
"plugins": ["@wdragon/react-native-voice"]
Then, add permissions inside the app.json configuration:
"ios": {
"supportsTablet": true,
"bundleIdentifier": "com.anonymous.SpeectToTextApp",
"infoPlist": {
"NSSpeechRecognitionUsageDescription": "This app uses speech recognition to convert your speech to text.",
"NSCameraUsageDescription": "This app uses the camera to let user put a photo in his profile page."
"android": {
"adaptiveIcon": {
"foregroundImage": "./assets/adaptive-icon.png",
"backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF"
"permissions": ["android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO"],
"package": "com.anonymous.SpeectToTextApp"
import Voice from '@wdragon/react-native-voice';
import React, {Component} from 'react';
class VoiceTest extends Component {
constructor(props) {
Voice.onSpeechStart = this.onSpeechStartHandler.bind(this);
Voice.onSpeechEnd = this.onSpeechEndHandler.bind(this);
Voice.onSpeechResults = this.onSpeechResultsHandler.bind(this);
All methods now return a new Promise
for async/await
| Method Name | Description | Platform |
| ------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------ |
| Voice.isAvailable() | Checks whether a speech recognition service is available on the system. | Android, iOS |
| Voice.start(locale) | Starts listening for speech for a specific locale. Returns null if no error occurs. | Android, iOS |
| Voice.stop() | Stops listening for speech. Returns null if no error occurs. | Android, iOS |
| Voice.cancel() | Cancels the speech recognition. Returns null if no error occurs. | Android, iOS |
| Voice.destroy() | Destroys the current SpeechRecognizer instance. Returns null if no error occurs. | Android, iOS |
| Voice.removeAllListeners() | Cleans/nullifies overridden Voice
static methods. | Android, iOS |
| Voice.isRecognizing() | Return if the SpeechRecognizer is recognizing. | Android, iOS |
| Voice.getSpeechRecognitionServices() | Returns a list of the speech recognition engines available on the device. (Example: ['com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox']
if Google is the only one available.) | Android |
| Event Name | Description | Event | Platform |
| ----------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------- | ------------ |
| Voice.onSpeechStart(event) | Invoked when .start()
is called without error. | { error: false }
| Android, iOS |
| Voice.onSpeechRecognized(event) | Invoked when speech is recognized. | { error: false }
| Android, iOS |
| Voice.onSpeechEnd(event) | Invoked when SpeechRecognizer stops recognition. | { error: false }
| Android, iOS |
| Voice.onSpeechError(event) | Invoked when an error occurs. | { error: Description of error as string }
| Android, iOS |
| Voice.onSpeechResults(event) | Invoked when SpeechRecognizer is finished recognizing. | { value: [..., 'Speech recognized'] }
| Android, iOS |
| Voice.onSpeechPartialResults(event) | Invoked when any results are computed. | { value: [..., 'Partial speech recognized'] }
| Android, iOS |
| Voice.onSpeechVolumeChanged(event) | Invoked when pitch that is recognized changed. | { value: pitch in dB }
| Android |
Notes on Android
Even after all the permissions are correct in Android, there is one last thing to make sure this libray is working fine on Android. Please make sure the device has Google Speech Recognizing Engine such as com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
by calling Voice.getSpeechRecognitionServices()
. Since Android phones can be configured with so many options, even if a device has googlequicksearchbox engine, it could be configured to use other services. You can check which serivce is used for Voice Assistive App in following steps for most Android phones:
Settings > App Management > Default App > Assistive App and Voice Input > Assistive App
Above flow can vary depending on the Android models and manufactures. For Huawei phones, there might be a chance that the device cannot install Google Services.
How can I get com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
in the device?
Please ask users to install Google Search App.
Need to include permissions for NSMicrophoneUsageDescription
and NSSpeechRecognitionUsageDescription
inside Info.plist for iOS. See the included VoiceTest
for how to handle these cases.
<string>Description of why you require the use of the microphone</string>
<string>Description of why you require the use of the speech recognition</string>