OpenAPI Specification of the Directus API
🐰 Introduction
Welcome to API specification for Directus.
⚙️ Installation
Start the swagger dev environment
npm run dev
✨ Updating
🔧 Contributing
Please report any and all quirks / issues you come across as an issue.
Pull requests are more than welcome and always appreciated. Seeing this is in active development, please make sure to reach out a member of the core team in an issue or on Discord before you start working on a feature or bug to ensure you don't work on the same thing as somebody else :)
❤️ Supporting Directus
Directus is a GPLv3-licensed open source project with development made possible by support from our core team, contributors, and sponsors. It's not easy building premium open-source software; if you would like to help ensure Directus stays free, please consider becoming a sponsor.
📄 License
Directus is released under the GPLv3 license. Monospace Inc. owns all Directus trademarks and logos on behalf of our project's community. Copyright © 2006-2020, Monospace Inc.