Simple WhatsApp Web API (WAPI)
A simple WhatsApp Web API (WAPI) that allow you to collect Chat, Contact, and Send Message(s)
npm i --save @wayfu/simple-wapi
In your app.js import and initialized the module like normal.
import WAPI from "@wayfu/simple-wapi";
If you wish to skip the modular build and NOT use npm you can use the vanilla build like so:
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@wayfu/simple-wapi@latest/dist/index.min.js"></script>
How to use it:
/** Initiate WAPI and store it into a variable */
/** Local Variable */
let WwJS = WAPI.init(window);
/** or Global variable */
window.WwJS = WAPI.init(window);
You need 1 parameter for initiating WAPI. The parameter should be a window
instance of the page. You can use this script to inject the WhatsApp Web on the browser too.
Available properties in WAPI
WA_VERSION: string; // Current WhatsApp Web Version
WAPI_VERSION: string; // Current Simple-WAPI lib Version
/** HTML classes that web are using */
[k:string]:{ [k:string]: string }
ME: WAPI.Contact; // Current contact info
Available function in WAPI
/** initiate WAPI */
let WwJS = WAPI.init(window); // Static function to initiating WAPI
/** Checking Phone */
let checked = await WwJS.checkPhone('85726xxx');
/** Finding Chat */
/** There are 2 ways to finding Chat object */
let chat = await WwJS.findChat('85726xxx'); // This will return our Chat object.
let chat = await WwJS.Chat.find('85726xxx'); // This will return WhatsApp Chat object instead.
/** Finding Contact */
/** There are 2 ways to finding Contact object */
let contact = await WwJS.findContact('85726xxx'); // This will return our Contact object.
let contact = await WwJS.Contact.find('85726xxx'); // This will return WhatsApp Contact object instead.
/** Finding Group */
/** There are 2 ways to finding Group object */
let group = await WwJS.findGroup('120363xxx'); // This will return our Group object.
let group = await WwJS.GroupMetadata.find('120363xxx'); // This will return WhatsApp Group object instead.
/** Getting current active chat */
let activeChat = WwJS.getActiveChat(); // This will return our Chat object or null if no chat were active.
/** Getting all Groups Object */
let allGroups = WwJS.getAllGroups(); // This will return Array of our Group object.
/** Opening and closing chat */
await WwJS.openChat('85726xxx'); // for opening chatroom by id
await WwJS.closeChat('85726xxx'); // for closing chatroom by id
/** Opening Chat and send text message to chat */
await WwJS.inputAndSendTextMsg('85726xxx', 'text message'); // This will open the chatroom and send the message
// Sending Message without opening chat window
/** Seindng message */
await WwJS.sendMessage('85726xxx', 'test message'); // Sending a text message to id
await WwJS.sendMessage('85726xxx', 'caption', {media: file}) // Sending a message media to id
await WwJS.sendMessage('85726xxx', '', {media: file, caption: 'caption'}) // Sending a message media to id using caption property
/** Delaying */
await WwJS.sleep(2000); // Delaying for 2 seconds.
Available properties in our Chat
id: ChatId, // ID that represents the chat
isGroup: boolean, // Indicates if the Chat is a Group Chat
active: boolean, // Indicates current active status
hasDraftMessage: boolean, // Indicates current draft message status
name: string, // Title of the chat
timestamp: number, // Unix timestamp for when the last activity occurred
contact: Contact, // Contact model
Available function in our Chat
let WwJS = WAPI.init(window);
/** There are 2 ways for getting our Chat class object */
/** Using WAPI.findChat() function */
let chat = await WwJS.findChat('85726xxx');
/** or call `.getModel()` function on WhatsApp Chat object */
let chat = await WwJS.Chat.find('85726xxx')?.getModel();
* Clearing chat draft message
* Only work when chat not active or opened
* this will return `Chat` instance
/** Opening and closing current chat object */
await chat.open(); // opening chatroom
await chat.close(); // closing chatroom
/** Sending a text message */
await chat.sendText('test message');
/** Sending a message media */
await chat.sendMedia(imgFile, 'caption');
Group chat is child of Chat
class with extra properties and function. Available properties in our GroupChat
/** Group owner */
groupMetadata: GroupMetadata; // GroupMetadata detail
// Getter function
get owner(): Contact | null; // Get owner Contact (if any)
get participants(): GroupParticipant[]; // Group participants
Available properties in our Contact
number: string, // Contact's phone number
isBusiness: boolean, // Indicates if the contact is a business contact
id: ContactId, // ID that represents the contact
isEnterprise: boolean, // Indicates if the contact is an enterprise contact
isGroup: boolean, // Indicates if the contact is a group contact
isUser: boolean, // Indicates if the contact is a user contact
isBlocked: boolean, // Indicates if you have blocked this contact
name: string | undefined, // The contact's name, as saved by the current user
pushname: string, // The name that the contact has configured to be shown publically
shortName: string | undefined, // A shortened version of name
/** Deprecated properties */
isMe: boolean, // Indicates if the contact is the current user's contact
isMyContact: boolean // Indicates if the number is saved in the current phone's contacts
isWAContact: boolean, // Indicates if the number is registered on WhatsApp
Available function in our Contact
let WwJS = WAPI.init(window);
/** There are 2 ways for getting our Contact class object */
/** Using WAPI.findContact() function */
let contact = await WwJS.findContact('85726xxx');
/** or call `.getModel()` function on WhatsApp Contact object */
let contact = await WwJS.Contact.find('85726xxx')?.getModel();
/** Returns the Chat that corresponds to this Contact. */
let chat = await contact.getChat();
* Gets the Contact's common groups with you. Returns empty array if you don't have any common group. */
let commonGroup = await contact.getCommonGroups();
Available properties in our Group
announce: boolean; /** Indicates if the group is Announcement Group */
creation: number; /** Group creation timestampt */
desc: string; /** Group Description */
descId: string; /** Group Description Id */
descOwner: ContactId; /** Group Description Owner Contact Id */
descTime: number; /** Group Description Updated Timestampt */
displayedDesc: string; /** Group Displayed Description */
groupType: string; /** Group Type */
id: GroupId; /** Group Id */
name: string; /** Group subject name */
owner: ContactId; /** Group Owner ContactId */
parentGroupId: GroupId; /** Parent GroupId */
size: number; /** Group Participant Size */
subGroupsId: GroupId[]; /** All Sub Groups Id */
// Getter Functions
get participants(): GroupParticipant[]; /** Group participants */
get parentGroup(): Group | null; /** Get parent group as Group object */
get childGroups(): Group[]; /** Get all Child group as Array of Group object */
Available function in our Group
let WwJS = WAPI.init(window);
/** There are 2 ways for getting our Group class object */
/** Using WAPI.findGroup() function */
let group = await WwJS.findGroup('120363xxx');
/** or call `.getModel()` function on WhatsApp GroupMetadata object */
let group = await WwJS.GroupMetadata.find('120363xxx')?.getModel();
/** Returns the Chat that corresponds to this Group. */
let chat = await group.getChat();
/** Returns the Contact that corresponds to this Group. */
let contact = await group.getContact();
/** Open and return the chat that corresponds to this group */
let chat = await group.openChat();
This library comes with TypeScript "typings". If you happen to find any bugs in those, create an issue.