ProviderCloud for Signer
Signer waves.exchange cloud auth provider
ProviderCloud developed by Waves.Exchange implements a Signature Provider for Signer protocol library. Signer enables easy deploy dApps based on Waves blockchain. User's private key and SEED phrase are encrypted and stored in Waves.Exchange, so your web app does not have access to them.
For now, signing is implemented for all types of transactions except exchange transactions.
Getting Started
1. Library installation
To install Signer and ProviderCloud libraries use
npm i @waves/signer @waves.exchange/provider-cloud
For Windows, use the following format:
npm i @waves/signer '@waves.exchange/provider-cloud'
2. Library initialization
Add library initialization to your app.
- For Testnet:
import Signer from '@waves/signer'; import { ProviderCloud } from '@waves.exchange/provider-cloud'; const signer = new Signer({ // Specify URL of the node on Testnet NODE_URL: 'https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com' }); signer.setProvider(new ProviderCloud('https://testnet.wx.network/signer-cloud'));
- For Mainnet:
import Signer from '@waves/signer'; import { ProviderCloud } from '@waves.exchange/provider-cloud'; const signer = new Signer(); signer.setProvider(new ProviderCloud());
- For tetsnetwxnetwork env:
import { ProviderCloud } from '@waves.exchange/provider-cloud'; const provider = new ProviderCloud('https://testnet.wx.network/signer-cloud?env=testnetwxnetwork');
3. Basic example
Now your application is ready to work with Waves Platform. Let's test it by implementing basic functionality. For example, we could try to authenticate user, get his/her balances and transfer funds.
const user = await signer.login();
const balances = await signer.getBalance();
const [broadcastedTransfer] = await signer
.transfer({amount: 100000000, recipient: 'alias:T:merry'}) // Transfer 1 WAVES to alias merry
.broadcast(); // Promise will resolved after user sign and node response
const [signedTransfer] = await signer
.transfer({amount: 100000000, recipient: 'alias:T:merry'}) // Transfer 1 WAVES to alias merry
.sign(); // Promise will resolved after user sign