WhatsApp Cloud API SDK for Node.js
A modern, lightweight TypeScript SDK for the WhatsApp Cloud API with full type safety and comprehensive webhook handling.
- � Full TypeScript support
- 📦 Tiny bundle size
- 🔄 Complete webhook handling
- 💬 All message types supported:
- Text messages
- Media messages (image, video, audio, documents)
- Template messages
- Interactive messages (buttons, lists)
- Product messages
- Location messages
- Contact cards
- Stickers
- Reactions
- Flow messages
- Rating messages
- 🔒 Built-in error handling
- 📱 Phone number registration management
- ✨ Zero dependencies
npm install @watools/whatsapp-sdk
pnpm add @watools/whatsapp-sdk
yarn add @watools/whatsapp-sdk
Quick Start
import { WhatsAppClient } from "@watools/whatsapp-sdk";
// Initialize the client
const client = new WhatsAppClient({
accessToken: "your_access_token",
phoneNumberId: "your_phone_number_id",
// Send a text message
await client.sendTextMessage("1234567890", "Hello, World!");
// Send a template message
await client.sendTemplate("1234567890", "hello_world", "en", [
type: "body",
parameters: [{ type: "text", text: "John" }],
// Send an interactive button message
await client.sendButtonMessage("1234567890", "Please choose an option", [
{ id: "btn1", title: "Yes" },
{ id: "btn2", title: "No" },
Webhook Handling
import { WebhookHandler } from "@watools/whatsapp-sdk";
const webhookHandler = new WebhookHandler();
// Handle text messages
webhookHandler.onMessageType("text", (message) => {
console.log(`Received text: ${message.text.body}`);
// Handle message status updates
webhookHandler.onStatus((status) => {
console.log(`Message ${status.id} status: ${status.status}`);
// Express.js example
app.post("/webhook", express.json(), (req, res) => {
API Reference
Client Initialization
const client = new WhatsAppClient({
accessToken: string; // Meta access token
phoneNumberId: string; // WhatsApp phone number ID
version?: string; // API version (default: 'v16.0')
baseUrl?: string; // API base URL (default: 'https://graph.facebook.com')
Basic Messages
// Text messages
await client.sendTextMessage(to: string, text: string);
// Media messages
await client.sendMedia(
to: string,
type: "image" | "video" | "audio" | "document",
media: {
id?: string;
link?: string;
caption?: string;
// Location messages
await client.sendLocation(
to: string,
latitude: number,
longitude: number,
name?: string,
address?: string
// Contact messages
await client.sendContact(to: string, contacts: Array<Contact>);
// Reactions
await client.sendReaction(to: string, messageId: string, emoji: string);
Interactive Messages
// Button messages
await client.sendButtonMessage(
to: string,
body: string,
buttons: Array<{ id: string; title: string }>,
header?: Header,
footer?: Footer
// List messages
await client.sendListMessage(
to: string,
body: string,
buttonText: string,
sections: Array<Section>,
header?: Header,
footer?: Footer
// Product messages
await client.sendProductMessage(
to: string,
catalogId: string,
productRetailerId: string,
body?: string,
footer?: Footer
Template Messages
await client.sendTemplate(
to: string,
templateName: string,
languageCode: string,
components?: Array<TemplateComponent>
Error Handling
The SDK throws WhatsAppError
for API-related errors:
try {
await client.sendTextMessage("1234567890", "Hello");
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof WhatsAppError) {
console.error("WhatsApp API error:", error.message);
console.error("Status code:", error.statusCode);
console.error("Error details:", error.details);
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