A package to isolate sections of a page with SSR shadow DOM (via [DSD](https://developer.chrome.com/en/articles/declarative-shadow-dom/)) and Warp support. Includes ponyfill for browsers that don't support DSD natively.
A package to isolate sections of a page with SSR shadow DOM (via DSD) and Warp support. Includes ponyfill for browsers that don't support DSD natively.
npm install @warp-ds/isolate
Basic Usage
import { isolate } from "@warp-ds/isolate";
const name = "my-isolated-content";
const markup = "<div>here is some markup to isolate</div>"; // can even be React SSR'd string
const options = {
styles: "div { background-color: red; }", // purged Warp styles go here,
mode: "open", // or "closed". Defaults to "open" and unless you have good reason, leave it that way.
const result = isolate(name, markup, options);
// respond with "result" from your HTTP server.
Warp usage
First, perform setup as per these instructions
Build dist/styles.css by running build. In this example, this is done using the Uno CLI like so...
npx unocss ./server.js -c uno.config.js -o dist/styles.css
...but you could also use Vite.
server.js will be scanned for classes and a CSS file will be compiled and placed into dist/styles.css
Inline CSS into shadow DOM
In your server, read in dist/styles and inline it into the isolated shadow dom wrapper like so:
import { isolate } from "@warp/isolate";
const __dirname = new URL(".", import.meta.url).pathname;
const styles = await fs.readFile(join(__dirname, "dist/styles.css"), "utf-8");
const name = "my-warp-app";
const markup = `<div class="p-4">Hello World</div>`;
const options = { styles };
const result = isolate(name, markup, options);
// respond with "result" from your HTTP server.
See the examples/warp folder for a more complete working setup.
React SSR with hydration
In the server
import ReactDOMServer from "react-dom/server";
import { isolate } from "@warp-ds/isolate";
import App from "./app.jsx";
const name = "my-ssr-react-app";
const markup = `<div id="root">${ReactDOMServer.renderToString(<App />)}</div>`;
const result = isolate(name, `<div id="root">${app}</div>`);
// respond with "result" from your HTTP server.
In the client
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import App from "./App";
<App />,