Waline comment system for NexT.
Hexo NexT Waline
Waline comment system for NexT. Waline is a simple, safe comment system inspired by Valine.
npm install @waline/hexo-next
Set the value enable
to true
, add serverURL
, and edit other configurations in waline
section in the config file as following. You can config those in both hexo or theme _config.yml
# Waline Config File
# For more information:
# - https://waline.js.org
# - https://waline.js.org/reference/component.html
# New! Whether enable this plugin
enable: false
# Waline server address url, you should set this to your own link
serverURL: https://waline.vercel.app
# Waline library CDN url, you can set this to your preferred CDN
# libUrl: https://unpkg.com/@waline/client@v2/dist/waline.js
# Waline CSS styles CDN url, you can set this to your preferred CDN
cssUrl: https://unpkg.com/@waline/client@v2/dist/waline.css
# Custom locales
# locale:
# placeholder: Welcome to comment # Comment box placeholder
# If false, comment count will only be displayed in post page, not in home page
commentCount: true
# Pageviews count, Note: You should not enable both `waline.pageview` and `leancloud_visitors`.
pageview: false
# Custom emoji
# emoji:
# - https://unpkg.com/@waline/[email protected]/weibo
# - https://unpkg.com/@waline/[email protected]/alus
# - https://unpkg.com/@waline/[email protected]/bilibili
# - https://unpkg.com/@waline/[email protected]/qq
# - https://unpkg.com/@waline/[email protected]/tieba
# - https://unpkg.com/@waline/[email protected]/tw-emoji
# Comment infomation, valid meta are nick, mail and link
# meta:
# - nick
# - mail
# - link
# Set required meta field, e.g.: [nick] | [nick, mail]
# requiredMeta:
# - nick
# Language, available values: en-US, zh-CN, zh-TW, pt-BR, ru-RU, jp-JP
# lang: zh-CN
# Word limit, no limit when setting to 0
# wordLimit: 0
# Whether enable login, can choose from 'enable', 'disable' and 'force'
# login: enable
# comment per page
# pageSize: 10