A command-line tool for managing API keys, distributing points, and viewing reward data on the Absinthe platform
Absinthe Points SDK
is a command-line tool that helps you manage your campaigns and distribute points to your user addresses.
Table of Contents
Before using absinthe-points-sdk
, make sure you have Node.js and npm installed on your system. You can install it globally using npm:
npm install -g @waliba/absinthe-points-sdk
Alternatively, you can use npx to run it without installing it globally:
npx @waliba/absinthe-points-sdk
Usage: absinthe-points-sdk [options] [command]
- -k, --apiKey The api key to use for the absinthe client
- -a, --address The address to use for the absinthe client
- -e, --event The event name to use for the absinthe client
- -m, --amount The amount of points to use for the absinthe client
- -q, --quiet Do not display any helpful text just request and response
- -n, --name Name to use while registering a campaign
- -h, --help display help for command
- register -- Registers a campaign with a given name and returns an API key and identifier for that campaign
- distribute -- Distribute points for an address for a specific event in a campaign
- getPointsByEvent -- View points for an address for a specific event in a campaign
- getPoints -- View all points for an address for all the events in a campaign
- help -- display help for command
1. Register
npx @waliba/absinthe-points-sdk register -n "Project/Campaign Name" or --name "Project/Campaign Name"
This command registers a project/campaign with the given name and returns the API key and an Identifier for the campaign.
2. Distribute
npx @waliba/absinthe-points-sdk -a "0x1234567890" -e "Event Name" -m 100
This command distributes points to the specified address for the specified event.
3. Get Points
npx @waliba/absinthe-points-sdk getPoints -a "0x1234567890" -k "d8c263fc-c820-49b7-af31-cafe95720322"
This command gets all the points for the given address for all events in a campaign.
4. Get Points By Event
npx @waliba/absinthe-points-sdk getPointsByCampaign -a "0x1234567890" -k "d8c263fc-c820-49b7-af31-cafe95720322"
This command gets the points for the given address for a specific event in a campaign
Any key that is not passed will be requested by the cli. You can just paste the command. Also --help command shows all info about the CLI
We welcome contributions to improve absinthe-points-sdk. If you find a bug or have a feature request, please open an issue on the GitHub repository.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.