A command-line tool for managing API keys, distributing points, and viewing reward data on the Absinthe platform
Absinthe Client
is a command-line tool that helps you manage your campaigns and distribute points to your user addresses.
Table of Contents
Before using absinthe-points-client
, make sure you have Node.js and npm installed on your system. You can install it globally using npm:
npm install -g @waliba/absinthe-points-client
Alternatively, you can use npx to run it without installing it globally:
npx @waliba/absinthe-points-client
Usage: absinthe-points-client [options] [command]
- -k, --apiKey The api key to use for the absinthe client
- -a, --address The address to use for the absinthe client
- -e, --event The event to use for the absinthe client
- -m, --amount The amount to use for the absinthe client
- -q, --quiet Do not display any helpful text just request and response
- -n, --name Name to use while registering
- -h, --help display help for command
- getPointsByCampaign View points for an address in a campaign
- getPoints View all points for an address in all campaigns
- distribute Distribute points for an address in a campaign
- register Distribute points for an address in a campaign
- help [command] display help for command
1. Register
npx @waliba/absinthe-points-client register -n "Project Name" or --name "Project Name"
This command registers a project with the given name and returns the address.
2. Distribute
npx @waliba/absinthe-points-client -a "0x1234567890" -e "Event Name" -m 100
This command distributes points to the given address for the given event.
3. Get Points
npx @waliba/absinthe-points-client getPoints -a "0x1234567890" -k "d8c263fc-c820-49b7-af31-cafe95720322"
This command gets all the points for the given address.
4. Get Points By Campaign
npx @waliba/absinthe-points-client getPointsByCampaign -a "0x1234567890" -k "d8c263fc-c820-49b7-af31-cafe95720322"
This command gets all the points for the given address in the given campaign.
Any key that is not passed will be asked again by the cli. So feel free to just paste the command. Also --help command shows all info about the CLI
We welcome contributions to improve absinthe-points-client. If you find a bug or have a feature request, please open an issue on the GitHub repository.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.