Shareable Stylelint config for CSS and SCSS, following Wagtail’s code style
Shareable stylelint config for CSS and SCSS, following Wagtail’s code style.
Our default export contains all of our Stylelint rules, along with specific plugins for SCSS syntax.
- Run
npm install stylelint @wagtail/stylelint-config-wagtail --save-dev
- Add
"extends": "@wagtail/stylelint-config-wagtail"
to your.stylelintrc
Contribution Guidelines
- Required Node
- We recommend using nvm
- Clone the project on to your computer
- Run
nvm install
to ensure you have the correct Node version - Run
npm install
to install project dependencies - Ensure your editor is set up to use editorconfig, Prettier, Eslint and Stylelint
- Run
nvm use
to set Node to the correct version - Run tests via
npm run test
- Run linting via
npm run lint
- Run updates to Readme (if rules have changed) via
npm run write-rules
- Run preflight checks before committing final code via
npm run preflight
- Note: When working with the rule set, only modify the
file, not the.eslintrc
file as it is for local linting only
| Rule | Config |
| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| block-no-empty
| Enabled |
| color-hex-length
| "short"
| color-named
| "never"
| color-no-invalid-hex
| Enabled |
| comment-no-empty
| Enabled |
| custom-property-no-missing-var-function
| Enabled |
| declaration-block-no-duplicate-custom-properties
| Enabled |
| declaration-block-no-duplicate-properties
| Enabled |
| declaration-block-no-redundant-longhand-properties
| Enabled |
| declaration-block-no-shorthand-property-overrides
| Enabled |
| declaration-block-single-line-max-declarations
| 1
| declaration-no-important
| Enabled |
| declaration-property-value-allowed-list
| Enabled - see Config |
| declaration-property-value-disallowed-list
| {"/^border/":["none"]}, {"severity":"error"}
| font-family-no-duplicate-names
| Enabled |
| font-family-no-missing-generic-family-keyword
| Enabled |
| function-calc-no-unspaced-operator
| Enabled |
| function-linear-gradient-no-nonstandard-direction
| Enabled |
| function-url-quotes
| "always"
| keyframe-block-no-duplicate-selectors
| Enabled |
| keyframe-declaration-no-important
| Enabled |
| length-zero-no-unit
| Enabled |
| max-nesting-depth
| 3
| media-feature-name-no-unknown
| Enabled |
| named-grid-areas-no-invalid
| Enabled |
| no-descending-specificity
| Enabled |
| no-duplicate-at-import-rules
| Enabled |
| no-duplicate-selectors
| Enabled |
| no-empty-source
| Enabled |
| no-invalid-double-slash-comments
| Enabled |
| no-invalid-position-at-import-rule
| {"ignoreAtRules":["use","forward"]}
| no-irregular-whitespace
| Enabled |
| order/order
| [{"name":"include","type":"at-rule"},"declarations"]
| property-disallowed-list
| ["/forced-color-adjust/","/left/","/right/","text-transform"]
| property-no-unknown
| Enabled |
| property-no-vendor-prefix
| Enabled |
| rule-empty-line-before
| "always", {"except":["after-single-line-comment","first-nested"]}
| scale-unlimited/declaration-strict-value
| Enabled - see Config |
| scss/at-extend-no-missing-placeholder
| Enabled |
| scss/at-if-no-null
| Enabled |
| scss/at-import-partial-extension-blacklist
| "scss"
| scss/at-rule-no-unknown
| Enabled |
| scss/comment-no-empty
| Enabled |
| scss/declaration-nested-properties-no-divided-groups
| Enabled |
| scss/dollar-variable-no-missing-interpolation
| Enabled |
| scss/function-quote-no-quoted-strings-inside
| Enabled |
| scss/function-unquote-no-unquoted-strings-inside
| Enabled |
| scss/load-no-partial-leading-underscore
| Enabled |
| scss/media-feature-value-dollar-variable
| "always", {"ignore":["keywords"]}
| scss/no-duplicate-mixins
| Enabled |
| scss/no-global-function-names
| Enabled |
| scss/selector-no-redundant-nesting-selector
| Enabled |
| scss/selector-no-union-class-name
| Enabled |
| selector-anb-no-unmatchable
| Enabled |
| selector-attribute-name-disallowed-list
| "/^data-/"
| selector-class-pattern
| {}, {"resolveNestedSelectors":true}
| selector-max-combinators
| 3
| selector-max-id
| 0
| selector-max-specificity
| "0,3,3"
| selector-no-qualifying-type
| {"ignore":["attribute","class"]}
| selector-pseudo-class-no-unknown
| Enabled |
| selector-pseudo-element-no-unknown
| Enabled |
| selector-type-no-unknown
| Enabled |
| string-no-newline
| Enabled |
| unit-no-unknown
| Enabled |
| value-no-vendor-prefix
| Enabled |