A squint-cljs based solid-js framework for building SPAs borrowing ideas from Fulcro.
Sqeave - SolidJS meets Squint-cljs
This is a fullstack framework heavily inspired by the great Fulcro (and it's predecessor OM) trying to bring Clojure(Script)-syntax into the SolidJS-world (or maybe vice-versa).
The philosophy of Sqeave is to be as lightweight as possible and to not overdo features. The main focus is on Components and State management.
The strength of SolidJS of course lies in its signalling system and general nice way/Best Practices for structring Applications. To be honest, with the introduction of signals for React and with lighter React frameworks like Preact, one could probably achieve much of what this library tries to do using Fulcro and a preact/signalling helper. But here we are, VDOM-less, signals-based, ClojureScript syntax, fullstack library with Components and state management a'la Fulcro/OM.
Why squint-cljs and not ClojureScript? The main plus is that we want to have more native integration with npm-world and a more lightweight output packaging. Using vite. Now since squint uses shallow-copy normal js Datastructures we do not have to do conversion with "clj->js" in javascript library heavy interop code because the data is just native javascript objects anyway.
:warning: This project is in alpha stage. Use at your own risk.
Template Quickstart
mkdir sqeave-app && cd sqeave-app && pnpm create @w3t-ab/sqeave
Non-template Quickstart
mkdir -p sqeave-app/src/main && cd sqeave-app
pnpm init esnext -y
pnpm install @w3t-ab/sqeave @w3t-ab/vite-plugin-squint vite vite-plugin-solid
add a src/main/index.cljs file with a basic root component:
(ns index
(:require ["solid-js" :refer [createContext]]
["solid-js/web" :refer [render]]
["@w3t-ab/sqeave" :as sqeave]
["./main.cljs" :refer [Main]])
(:require-macros [sqeave :refer [defc]]))
(def AppContext (createContext))
(defc Root [this {:keys [] :or {} :ctx (sqeave/init-ctx! AppContext)}]
#jsx [AppContext.Provider {:value this.-ctx}
[Main {:ident [:main/id 0]}]])
(let [e (js/document.getElementById "root")]
(set! (aget e :innerHTML) "")
(render Root e))
the Root Component is described below.
Add a src/main/main.cljs component:
(ns main
(:require ["@w3t-ab/sqeave" :as sqeave])
(:require-macros [sqeave :refer [defc]]))
(defc Main [this {:click/keys [id count] :or {id (sqeave/uuid) count 0}}]
#jsx [:div {} "Hello Sqeave: "
[:button {:onClick #(sqeave/set! this :click/count (inc (count)))} "Plus"]
[:p {} "Count: " (count)]])
Add an entry index.html file to the project root directory:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<script type="module">
export * from "./src/main/index.cljs";
<div id="root"></div>
add a vite.config.js to the root project directory:
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import squint from "vite-plugin-squint"
import solid from 'vite-plugin-solid';
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [squint({scan: true}),
build: {
outDir: "dist/",
target: 'esnext',
and finally a squint.edn file:
{:paths ["src/main" "node_modules/@w3t-ab/sqeave/src/main/w3t-ab/sqeave" "resources"]
:output-dir "dist"}
Now run:
pnpx vite
this opens up a vite dev server at localhost:5173
. Edit the Root or Main render functions to see hot-reloading in action.
A simple component is defined using the defc macro as:
(defc Simple [this {:simple/keys [id title content]
:or {id (comp/uuid) :tite "Default" :content "Yada."}}]
#jsx [:div {}
[:h1 {} (title)]
[:p {} (content)]])
notice that the title and content are used within the render function as functions ()
. This is because they are solid-js signals and will react to updates (mutations) of the state atom accordingly (examples below).
The defc
macro actually creates a Javascript class behind the scenes which is why you see this
in its signature. This is helpful for accessing things like a component's data ident (where the Component's data is located in the sate atom) with this.ident
or its top level data signal with (this.data)
The main idea with Fulcro (and other state management frameworks like Redux etc.) is that the Application State is stored in a top level atom and then mutations to that atom controls the behaviour of the Application. In our case the top level atom is a SolidJS store and then new state changes are reconciled on that store. Each Component has a Query defined in its defc signature which pulls data from the top state to be used within its render function.
Mostly the idea is that instead of excessive use of hooks to create local state we instead use the built in signals created from the defc
macro and the query to get data into the Component.
The state is stored in a top level SolidJS Context-map which looks like this: {:store store :setStore setStore}
. This context is added to all Component instances and can be accessed using this.-ctx
or simply ctx
The state atom is normalized (de-duplicated) according to the ident of each component. An ident is a vector that starts with a (possibly namespaced) :id
keyword [:simple/id "xyz"]. Updates to the sate atom should use specific transaction functions (defined in the next section) to always ensure the state is normalized.
There are some helper functions in the sqeave/transact
namespace to support updating the state:
You can also access component (this
) based versions of the transact functions available in the sqeave/comp
namespace directly for conveniance:
mutate a field on the current componentmutate!
a slightly more declarative API for adding and/or removing data in different placesnew-data
create a new data map adhering to the:or
-map in the Componentsdefc
signature:(defc Simple [this {:simple/keys [id title] :or {id (comp/uuid) :tite "Default" }}] ...
yields {:simple/id uuid :simple/title "Default"}}
pnpx vite build
pnpx vite preview