This is Raccoon's core library. Zero dependencies. Provides all helpers for other Raccoon packages.
This is Raccoon's core library. Zero dependencies. Provides all helpers for other Raccoon packages.
To learn more about this package, read our internal documentation at: https://admin-platform.vtex.com/raccoon/api-reference/raccoon-core.
Development guidelines
While making changes to this package you want to see them reflected upon real applications. For this reason, to develop @vtex/raccoon-next you will use one, or all the examples available on the examples
folder to test the changes you make.
Below you will find a list of commands that streamline the development process for each use case:
# Builds all raccoon packages in parallel > builds all examples in parallel > watches for
# changes in all raccoon packages and starts the development server for the examples
# all in parallel. This is the most convenient command to test raccoon applications.
# This command doesn't link the examples to VTEX.
pnpm run dev:raccoon-examples
# This command links the examples to VTEX
pnpm run dev:raccoon-examples:link
If you found a way of improving this package, please open a pull request or issue and we will be happy to review it.