Schema Form Generator with materialize.css
Schema Form Generator with materialize.css
- uses materialize.css
- Components: input, checkbox, button, link, select, radio, label,html,tabs, chips, errorpanel, icon, slider
(multilselect), date
- Autocomplete: input with option, filter
- nur input; kein autocomplete
- autocomplete nur string[] options
- Select options with strings or objects like {value: 1, text: 'one'}...
- common properties: label, field, width, style, default
- types defined for component
- multiselect
- datatype: number, float..
- Containers: form, panel, expansionpanel
- Card Grid
- label,hint, placeholder etc. as function
- default value
- Values Object
- Validation
- required, function
- validate per field
- validate all (on submit)
- requrired fields with *
- properties can be functions or value
- check if form has changed (enable button)
- switch language (settings)
- switch schema at runtime
- switch values at runtime
- refresh UI
- load external js file (schema)
- text-mask
- grid system (cols-property)
- onResize in schemaManager
- datatable
- not validate bug in grid
- events in schemaManager (Observables)
- focus input
- teil-Schema einbinden (mit ...)
- tabs set selected index
- panel mit all errors, (mit Feldnamen am anfang)
- drag-drop data-table rows
- appearance form field
- getstyle: remove 100% , instead make class
- Dokumente vergleichen
- inherit from Base-Schema
- settings objekt
- übersetzung (label, titel, hint, placeholder als funktion)
- min max length bei input
- . in field => sub object z.B. verwaltung.name
- icons von react-icons svg
- linting reactg hooks
- layout: flex, grid custom, none
- design nur 1 spalte, fixe breite der inputs (s. TAG )
- side-navigator
- hide panels based on menu
- class
- sidenav content bei zuklappen full width
- unbound property falls field nicht im Values gespeichert werden soll
- library oder npm
- table-view
- getcellheader und getCellValue as function on schema (can give back component)
- field in exp tabs um zustand zu speichern
- lesen (getValue) & speichern (updateValue, onChange) event auf schema eines anderen wertes
- tooltip überall
- error in tabs
- ev. mehr evens wie blur click dblclick focus
- highlight diff in tables und arrays
- removeAllErrors per comp (nach delete row)
- input prefix und suffix (icon, button oder text)
- tests für checkschema funktion
- style for all tags
- readonly
- unbound Fields (not in Values)
- show loader
- filter propertys by value
- hover-effekt bei table
- extra advantage for using vs-form: errorpanel, diff-view, filter by property of value