Generic Angular utilities repository.
Generic Angular utilities repository.
- alert: simple alert module to show sweetalert2 & toastr messages.
- app-state: state module to control error messages and system language.
- auth: authentication module to manage user access with guards and interceptors.
- charts: AmCharts4 utilitary to update charts when series or options are updated.
- common: generic module with utility components such as spinners and string formatting pipes.
- dashboard: nice extensible dashboard based on Pro Sidebar by codename0 (https://bootsnipp.com/snippets/Q0dAX)
- filemanager: powerful web filemanager based on angular-filemanager (https://github.com/joni2back/angular-filemanager)
- forms: forms module to validate forms on touch/submit with no boilerplate code and some utility components
- pagination: pagination module with cache and loading directives
- trasnlate: simple translate module to load .json files and setup ngx-translate automatically