火山引擎视频云 Nodejs SDK,提供完备的 OPENAPI 请求调用能力
The documentation for the Volcengine VCloud API can be found here
The documentation for the nodejs SDK API can be found here
The documentation for the Volcengine AK&SK can be found here
uses a modified version of Semantic Versioning for all changes.
Supported Node.js Versions
This library supports Nodejs version 12 and above.
Sample Usage
Setting OpenAPI service's AK&SK
Available in three settings
1. By class initial options to set AK&SK
import VolcSdk from '@volcengine/imagex-openapi';
const client = new VolcSdk({
accessKey: 'your own accessKey',
secretKey: 'your own secretKey'
2. Use environment variables to set AK & SK
3. Use configuration file
Put it in ~/.volc/config in json format, the format is:
{"VOLC_ACCESSKEY":"your ak","VOLC_SECRETKEY":"your sk"}
Specify Region and/or Host
You could specify the target Region and/or Host for the client:
import VCloudSdk from '@volcengine/imagex-openapi';
const client = new VCloudSdk({
accessKey: 'your own accessKey',
secretKey: 'your own secretKey',
region: 'cn-north-1',
host: 'open.volcengineapi.com'
Logging and custom log
To log this SDK request, you could set the logLevel or set your own application log policy by setting LoggerOptions.log method.
import VCloudSdk from '@volcengine/imagex-openapi';
import winston from 'winston';
const appLogger = winston.createLogger();
const client = new VCloudSdk({
accessKey: 'your own accessKey',
secretKey: 'your own secretKey',
loggerOptions: {
level: 'debug',
log: function(opts) {
Using a Custom HTTP Request Client
The Volcengine VCloud nodejs SDK uses axios, a promise-based HTTP client, to make requests. You can also provide your own httpClient to customize requests as needed.
import VCloudSdk from '@volcengine/imagex-openapi';
import customHttpRequest from './customHttpRequest';
const client = new VCloudSdk({
accessKey: 'your own accessKey',
secretKey: 'your own secretKey',
region: 'cn-north-1',
host: 'open.volcengineapi.com',
httpRequest: customHttpRequest,
Write a custom HTTP client
async function request(url, options) {
const { headers = {}, proxy, maxBodyLength = 0 } = options;
const reqOption: AxiosRequestConfig = {
headers: {
'User-Agent': 'your own user agent'
try {
const res = await axios(reqOption);
return {status: res.status, body: res.data, headers: res.headers};
} catch(e) {
// report metrics and so on...
Use a custom HTTP client with this SDK, you could mock the Volcengine API responses, and run your unit and integration tests quickly without the need to make a connection to Volcengine.
If the current features can't meet your needs, you can try to write a custom plugin following the next format
function plugin () {
return async (context, next) => {
// ...
// execute before send request
await next() // execute the rest plugins and send request at last
// execute after send request
// ...
there is a simple example
export default function accessPlugin() {
return async (context, next) => {
if(checkAccess()) {
await next();
} else {
context.response = 'has no access';
then you need to register this plugin to a client
const client = new VCloudSdk({
accessKey: 'your own accessKey',
secretKey: 'your own secretKey',
region: 'cn-north-1',
host: 'open.volcengineapi.com',
httpRequest: customHttpRequest,
Proxy Settings
To make request via a proxy host, you could set the proxy options.
1. By class initial options to set proxy
import VCloudSdk from '@volcengine/imagex-openapi';
const client = new VCloudSdk({
accessKey: 'your own accessKey',
secretKey: 'your own secretKey',
proxy: {
protocol: 'https',
host: 'your own proxy host ip',
auth: 'your own proxy host auth',
port: 8080, // your own proxy host port
2.Use environment variables to set proxy.
VOLC_PROXY_HOST="your own proxy host" VOLC_PROXY_PORT="your own proxy host port"
Getting help
If you need help installing or using the sdk, please check the Volcengine Support Help Center first.
If you've instead found a bug in the library or would like new features added, go ahead and open issues or pull requests against this repo!