wrapper around @truffle/hdwallet-provider to easily use with Infura
Just a wrapper around @truffle/hdwallet-provider to easily use with Infura.
\\ truffle-config.js:
const getProvider = require('@vkonst/infura-wallets');
networks: {
// env params INFURA_KEY, MNEMONIC or PRIV_KEYS assumed are defined
live: {network_id: "1", provider: getProvider("mainnet")},
goerli: {network_id: "5", provider: getProvider("goerli")}
// variables `infuraKey` and `privKeys` assumed are defined
ropsten: {network_id: "3", provider: getProvider("ropsten", {infuraKey, privKeys})},
// env params INFURA_KEY and variable `mnemonic` assumed are defined
rinkeby: {network_id: "4", provider: getProvider("rinkeby", {mnemonic})},
It exports
A function that returns the factory function for the network and the mnemonic specified.
Arguments (may be skipped to read the default values from env params):
{string} network - "rinkeby", "ropsten", "goerli" or "mainnet"
{Object=} options - the following options supported:
{string=} options.mnemonic - 12 or 24 words, overwrites `privKeys` (note MNEMONIC)
{string=} options.privKeys - the private key, or a comma-separated list of keys
(ignored if `mnemonic` provided, note PRIV_KEYS)
{string=} options.infuraKey - Infura key (token) (note INFURA_KEY)
{string=} options.wss - "yes" for `wss` protocol, `https` otherwise (note INFURA_WSS)
The factory function creates (or retrieves the cached one) and returns the initialized HDWalletProvider singleton.
{function(): HDWalletProvider}
Environmental params
Optional environmental params set default values (function arguments may reassign them).
- INFURA_KEY - the Infura token
- INFURA_WSS - "yes" if 'wss' protocol shall be used instead of default 'https'
- MNEMONIC - 12 or 24 words mnemonic, overwrites PRIV_KEYS
- PRIV_KEYS - single key or comma-delimited keys list, ignored if `MNEMONIC` provided