Super Fast Desktop Framework for Nodejs
Vixen Core
Build Ultra fast native and cross platform desktop apps with nodejs and CSS. Vixen Core is powered by Qt6 that helps you build CPU and Memory efficient desktop apps as compared to other browser based desktop apps like Electron.
Note: Vixen Core is a work in progress project and is not stable yet.
- 🖥️ Cross platform: Vixen Core Works on Windows, Linux and macOS.
- 🗄️ Ultra Efficient: Currently CPU takes 0% usage on Idle state and the memory usage for a basic program is under 20MB.
- 💅 Styles With CSS: Use CSS To style your UI with full suport to Flexbox layout.
- 🤖 Native event listener support: Thanks to Qodejs you can have all the Support for Events from Qt & Nodejs.
- 🎖️ Build on top of Typescript: This project was made on Typescript, but if you like to work with JS, you can use it also.
Getting Started
- Checkout Vixen-Core-Starter-Template to setup and run your first vanilla Typescript Vixen Core Application.
- Read through the Docs Page for more information.
- Check the Examples and Try it out: https://github.com/Vixen-js/vixen-examples
- Install Vixen Core using NPM
pnpm i @vixen-js/core
if the installation fails to download the Qt binaries, you can set a mirror by setting the following environment variable:
QT_LINK_MIRROR=<the-mirror-url> pnpm i @vixen-js/core
- cmake >= 3.16
- make
- nodejs >= 18.12.1
- pnpm >= 7.0.0