A component library for React
Vivakit React Tailwind Component Library
A component library for React
- Install the package
npm i @vivakits/react-components
- Go to the tailwind.config.js file and update the content and add vivakitPreset as presets :
import { vivakitPreset } from "@vivakits/react-components";
/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
export default {
content: [
"./node_modules/@vivakits/react-components/dist/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}", // add this line
theme: {},
presets: [vivakitPreset], // add the preset
plugins: [],
- Paste the following into your index.css file and change the colors according to your needs
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
@layer base {
:root {
--background: #fff;
--foreground: #090909;
--primary: #f97316;
--primary-foreground: #fafaf9;
--primary-light: #fef1e8;
--secondary: #9b59b6;
--secondary-foreground: #fafaf9;
--secondary-light: #f5eef8;
--accent: #3498db;
--accent-foreground: #fafaf9;
--accent-light: #ebf5fb;
--success: #45d483;
--success-foreground: #fafaf9;
--success-light: #ecfbf3;
--warning: #fab005;
--warning-foreground: #fafaf9;
--warning-light: #fff7e6;
--danger: #fa5252;
--danger-foreground: #fafaf9;
--danger-light: #ffeeee;
--neutral: #e4e4e7;
--muted: #f4f4f5;
--placeholder: #00000066;
--black: #262626;
--ring: #f97316;
--divider: #00000066;
--disabled: #f2f2f2;
--vk_radius: 8px;
--vk_height: 40px;
--vk_padding: 0px 16px;
Congrats! Now your are good to go 🥳
Available Components (till now)
- Popconfirm (not written yet)
- Radio Button
- Select
- Skeleton
- Spinner
- Switch
- Textarea
- Time Range Picker
- Typography
Action Icon Component
import { VKActionIcon } from "@vivakits/react-components";
function App() {
return (
icon={<SearchIcon />} // ReactNode. Displays ActionIcon content
variant="solid" // Changes ActionIcon appearance. Options: 'solid', 'outline', 'light'
color="primary" // Changes ActionIcon color. Options: 'primary', 'secondary', 'accent', 'success', 'warning', 'danger'
size="md" // Changes ActionIcon size. Options: 'default', 'xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl', '2xl'
rounded="none" // Changes ActionIcon border radius. Options: 'default', 'none', 'xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'full'
loading={false} // Whether the ActionIcon is loading
Anchor Component
import { VKAnchor } from "@vivakits/react-components";
function App() {
return (
className="" // applying the custom css based on the variants
color="primary" // Changes Anchor color. Options: 'primary', 'secondary', 'success', 'danger', 'warning', 'dark', 'light'
size="xs" // Changes Anchor size. Options: 'default', 'xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl', '2xl'
underline="hover" // Changes Anchor underline behavior. Options: 'none', 'hover', 'always'
fontFamily="primary" // Changes Anchor font family. Options: 'primary', 'secondary'
Let's Go
Asynchronous Datatable Component
import { AsyncDatatable } from "@vivakits/react-components";
function App() {
return (
headerComponents={searchComponents} // optional
isLoading={true} //optional. to show loader
customLoadingComponent={<></>} //optional. If loading true then table shows a default Spinner. If you want to customize it, then pass a ReactNode through this attribute
customEmptyDataComponent={} //optional. IF no data found then table shows a default React node. If you want to customize it, then pass a ReactNode through this attribute
entriesHeader="" // optional. for customizing entries header
entriesArray={[5, 10, 20]} // optional
defaultEntries={10} //optional. to set default entries no initially
entriesDropdownPosition="top" //optional. value is "top" or "bottom"
entriesShowingSpaceText="" //optional. for customizing no of entries default 'of' text
totalPages={20} // optional. mandatory for rendering pagination
currentPage={currentPage} // optional. mandatory for rendering pagination
noOfEntries={10} //optional. mandatory for showing no of entries value
totalRecord={300} //optional. mandatory for showing no of entries value. This value defines total number of data in a table
dynamicPreviousText="" // optional. for customizing previous btn label
dynamicNextText="" // optional. for customizing next btn label
previousIcon={<AnyIcon />} // optional. for customizing previous icon in pagination
nextIcon={<AnyIcon />} // optional. for customizing next icon in pagination
stripped // optional. It will show stripped rows.
stripeColor="#c1c1c1" //optional. this color wll be override by default stripe color. It can take hex code or rgb() as well.
horizontalBorder // optional. For adding horizontal border across all cells
verticalBorder // optional. For adding vertical border across all cells
isSelectableMulti // optional. mandatory for rendering selectable checkbox
selectedRows={selectedRows} // optional. mandatory for rendering selectable checkbox. We have to pass the selectedRows array in this attribute
defaultSelectedRows={defaultSelectedRows} // optional. pass an array of objects for default selecting
handleOnSelectChange={handleOnSelectChange} // optional. mandatory for rendering selectable checkbox. callback function for selected rows
handleOnSort={handleOnSort} // optional. callback function for getting the sorting dataIndex and sortOrder
scroll={{ x: 2000, y: 500 }} // optional. x means horizontal width of table, y means height of the table.
fixedHeader // optional. this attribute fixes our table header.
rtl={true} //optional. for rtl support
handleSearchInputChange={handleDataTableSearchInputChange} // optional. callback function for default search input
handlePageChange={handlePageChange} // optional. However, mandatory for rendering pagination. callback function for pagination component
handleNoOfEntriesChange={handleNoOfEntriesChange} // optional. However, mandatory for rendering entries. callback function for entries component
handleOnRowClick={handleOnRowClick} // optional. Callback function for handling row click
datatableFooterWrapperClassName="" // optional. for custom styling
paginationWrapperClassName="text-gray-600" // optional. for custom styling
paginationNoOfEntriesWrapperClassName="text-gray-600" // optional. for customizing no of entries text styling
paginationPrevBtnClassName="text-gray-600" // optional. for custom styling pagination
paginationNextBtnClassName="text-gray-600" // optional. for custom styling pagination
paginationButtonClassName="" // optional. for custom styling pagination
paginationButtonSelectedClassName="bg-gray-100 !text-black font-semibold" // optional. for custom styling
tableWrapperClassName="" //optional. for custom styling
headerWrapperClassName="bg-[#F2F5FF]" // optional. for custom styling
headItemClassName="" // optional. for custom styling
headItemLabelClassName="text-xs font-semibold text-gray-600" // optional. for custom styling
tableBodyWrapperClassName="" // optional. for custom styling
rowWrapperClassName="" // optional. for custom styling
rowItemClassName="text-gray-500" // optional. for custom styling
rowItemLabelClassName="text-sm" // optional. for custom styling
entriesWrapperClassName="" // optional. for custom styling
entriesHeaderClassName="" // optional. for custom styling
selectEntriesWrapperClassName="" // optional. for custom styling
selectEntryItemClassName="" // optional. for custom styling
checkboxWrapperClassName="" // optional. for custom styling of checkbox wrapper
checkboxClassName="" // optional. for custom styling of checkbox
Avatar Component
import { VKAvatar } from "@vivakits/react-components";
function App() {
return (
variant="text" // optional. Defines the variant of the avatar. Options: 'image', 'text'
size="lg" // optional. Defines the size of the avatar. Options: 'xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl', '2xl'
shape="rounded" // optional. Defines the shape of the avatar. Options: 'rounded', 'curved', 'square'
fontSize="md" // optional. Defines the font size within the avatar. Options: 'default', 'xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl', '2xl'
className="" // applying the custom CSS based on the variants
color="primary" // optional. Defines the background color of the avatar. Options: 'none', 'primary', 'secondary', 'success', 'danger', 'warning', 'dark', 'light'
borderColor="dark" // optional. Defines the border color of the avatar. Options: 'primary', 'secondary', 'success', 'danger', 'warning', 'dark', 'light'
withBorder={true} // optional. If true, adds a border to the avatar
fontFamily="default" // optional. Defines the font family within the avatar. Options: 'default', 'sansSerif', 'sans', 'mono'
fontColor="default" // optional. Defines the font color within the avatar. Options: 'default', 'primary', 'secondary', 'success', 'danger', 'warning', 'dark', 'light'
textValue="JS" // optional. Text content to display inside the avatar
onClick={() => alert("Avatar clicked")} // optional. Click handler for the avatar
src="" // optional. for image source of avatar
alt="" // optional. for alternate text for image of avatar
Badge Component
import { VKBadge } from "@vivakits/react-components";
function App() {
return (
variant="circular" // optional. for determining the style of badge. Currently "circular" | "square" available
color="primary" // optional. for determining the background color of the badge
borderColor="primary" // optional. for determining the border color of badge when border is available
size="md" // optional. for different size of badge
placement="topRight" // optional. for different placement. Currently "topRight" | "topLeft" | "bottomLeft" | "bottomRight" available
invisible={false} // optional. for changing the badge visibility
className="" // optional. for custom css class on the badge
content={<CameraIcon />} // optional. for showing content inside badge. Currently "JSX.Element" | "number" type available
containerProps={{}} // optional. for applying props to the wrapper container which holds children and badge
containerRef={containerRef} // optional. for referencing the wrapper container
ref={badgeRef} // optional. for referencing the badge component
withBorder // optional. determines if border should be shown
<button>Button with badge</button>
Breadcrumb Component
import { BreadCrumbs } from "@vivakits/react-components";
function App() {
const breadcrumbOptions = [
{ title: "Home", href: "/" },
{ title: "Category", href: "/category" },
{ title: "Subcategory", href: "/category/subcategory" },
{ title: "Current Page", href: window.location.pathname },
const customStyle = {
bg: "bg-gray-100 p-4 rounded",
wrapper: "space-x-3",
item: "flex items-center",
link: "text-blue-600 hover:text-blue-800",
href: "p-2 rounded-lg",
return (
separator=">" // Separator displayed between breadcrumb items
options={breadcrumbOptions} // Array of breadcrumb options
underline={true} // Enable underline for breadcrumb links
style={customStyle} // Custom styles for breadcrumb component
Button Component
import { Button } from "@vivakits/react-components";
function App() {
return (
variant="solid" // Style variant of the button. Options: 'solid', 'outline', 'text'
color="primary" // Color variant of the button. Options: 'primary', 'secondary', 'success', 'danger', 'warning', 'dark', 'light'
size="lg" // Size of the button. Options: 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl', '2xl'
rounded="md" // Border radius of the button. Options: 'none', 'xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl', 'full'
onClick={() => console.log("Button clicked")} // Click handler function
Click me!
Checkbox Component
import { useState } from "react";
import { Checkbox, CheckboxGroup, IndeterminateCheckbox } from "@vivakits/react-components";
function App() {
const [selectedValues, setSelectedValues] = useState<string[]>([]);
const handleCheckboxChange = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
const { value, checked } = e.target;
if (checked) {
setSelectedValues((prevValues) => [...prevValues, value]);
} else {
setSelectedValues((prevValues) =>
prevValues.filter((val) => val !== value)
const checkboxOptions = [
{ label: "Option 1", value: "1" },
{ label: "Option 2", value: "2" },
{ label: "Option 3", value: "3" },
return (
{/* Checkbox Group */}
options={checkboxOptions} // Array of checkbox options
handleChange={handleCheckboxChange} // Function to handle change events
{/* Single Checkbox */}
id="single-checkbox" // Unique identifier for the single checkbox
size="md" // Size of the checkbox
color="primary" // Color of the checkbox
rounded="full" // Border radius of the checkbox
hasError={false} // Whether the checkbox has an error
Single Checkbox
{/* Checkbox with Error */}
id="checkbox-with-error" // Unique identifier for the checkbox with an error
size="md" // Size of the checkbox
color="danger" // Color of the checkbox
rounded="full" // Border radius of the checkbox
hasError={true} // Whether the checkbox has an error
errorMessage="This is required" // Error message to display
Checkbox with Error
{/* Indeterminate Checkbox */}
indeterminate={true} // Whether the checkbox is indeterminate
checked={false} // Whether the checkbox is checked
{/* Different Sizes and Colors Checkboxes */}
id="checkbox-size-sm" // Unique identifier for the small secondary checkbox
size="sm" // Size of the checkbox
color="secondary" // Color of the checkbox
rounded="xs" // Border radius of the checkbox
Small Secondary Checkbox
id="checkbox-size-lg" // Unique identifier for the large success checkbox
size="lg" // Size of the checkbox
color="success" // Color of the checkbox
rounded="lg" // Border radius of the checkbox
Large Success Checkbox
Chip Component
import { VKChip } from "@vivakits/react-components";
function App() {
return (
variant="outlined" // optional. for determining the style of Chip. Currently "outlined" | "filled" available
color="primary" // optional. for determining the background and text color
size="md" // optional. for different text size & chip size
fontSize="md" // optional. for different font size
state="disabled" // optional. for the current state of chip. Currently "selected" | "unselected" | "disabled" available
leftIcon={<ProfileIcon />} // optional. for showing icon on the left
rightIcon={<CloseIcon />} // optional. for showing icon on the right
open={true} // optional. determines if the chip should be shown or hidden
onClick={handleOnClick} // optional. when clicking on the chip the provided function would run
onRightIconClick={handleRightIconClick} // optional. when clicking on the right icon the provided function would run
onLeftIconClick={handleLeftIconClick} // optional. when clicking on the left icon the provided function would run
className="" // optional. for custom css for a chip
iconClassName="" // optional. for custom css for icons on the chip
leftIconClassName="" // optional. for custom css for left icon on the chip
rightIconClassName="" // optional. for custom css for the right icon on the chip
labelClassName="" // optional. for custom css for the text label on the chip
label="" // optional. for showing the text label on the chip
rounded={true} // optional. determines if the chip should be rounded or curved square
Data Table
Dropdown Component
import React, { useState } from "react";
import {
} from "@vivakits/react-components";
function App() {
// State to handle open/close of dropdown
const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false);
// Function to handle item selection
const handleItemSelect = (value) => {
console.log(`Selected: ${value}`);
setIsOpen(false); // Close the dropdown on item select
return (
<Dropdown open={isOpen}>
<DropdownTrigger action="click"> {/* action can be "click" or "hover" */}
<button onClick={() => setIsOpen(!isOpen)}>Dropdown Action</button>
<DropdownMenu align="end"> {/* align can be "start", "center", "end", "top-left", "top-right", "bottom-left", "bottom-right" */}
disabled={false} {/* can be true to disable */}
className="custom-class" {/* optional custom class */}
disabled={false} {/* can be true to disable */}
className="custom-class" {/* optional custom class */}
Group Component
import { VKGroup } from "@vivakits/react-components";
function App() {
return (
orientation="vertical" // optional. determines the orientation of the group. Currently "vertical" | "horizontal" available
separatorColor="primary" // optional. for the separator color of the group
color="primary" // optional. for the background color of the group
border="sm" // optional. for the size of the border of the group
borderColor="primary" // optional. for the border color of the group
size="md" // optional. determines the size of the group. This is applied to all the children inside group
rounded="none" // optional. for the border radius of the group
className="" // optional. for the custom css style of the group
maxCount={3} // optional. limits the number of elements shown on the group
noSeparator={false} // optional. determines if separator should be shown or not
shouldOverlapChildren={false} // optional. overlaps children to the left side inside the group. Often used with avatar components
shouldWrap={true} // optional. determines if "flex-wrap" style should be applied
truncatedElement={<TruncateElement />} // optional. when max count is available this element
// shows the amount of children that are hidden
// this element would receive a prop named "hiddenitems" which holds an array of hidden children from the group component
shouldProvideHiddenChildren={true} // determines if "hiddenitems" should be passed on the truncated element
childrenProps={{}} // optional. for applying common props to all children under the group component
<button>button 1</button>
<button>button 1</button>
Highlight Component
import { Highlight } from "@vivakits/react-components";
function App() {
return (
{/* Single word highlight */}
highlightText="highlight" // Text to be highlighted (single word)
background="success" // Background color for the highlight (success color)
rounded="full" // Full border radius for the highlight (fully rounded)
className="text-highlight" // Additional class for custom styling
This is a sample text to highlight a specific word.
{/* Multiple words highlight */}
highlightText={["multiple", "words"]} // Array of words to be highlighted (multiple words)
background="warning" // Background color for the highlight (warning color)
rounded="md" // Medium border radius for the highlight (medium rounded)
className="text-highlight" // Additional class for custom styling
This is a sample text to highlight multiple words in the sentence.
{/* Styled highlight */}
highlightText="styled" // Text to be highlighted (single word)
background="danger" // Background color for the highlight (danger color)
rounded="xs" // Small border radius for the highlight (extra small rounded)
className="text-highlight" // Additional class for custom styling
style={{ fontWeight: "bold", fontStyle: "italic" }} // Inline styles for custom styling (bold and italic)
This is a sample text with a styled highlight.
Input Component
import { Input } from "@vivakits/react-components";
function App() {
return (
type="text" // Specifies the type of input field
label="User Input" // Sets the label text for the input field
isRequired // Indicates that the input is required
labelPosition="start" // Positions the label to the left of the input field
icon={<span className="material-icons">person</span>} // Icon displayed before the input field
iconPosition="start" // Positions the icon to the left of the input field
variant="outline" // Uses an outlined style for the input field
size="lg" // Sets the large size for the input field
color="primary" // Sets the primary color theme for the input field
rounded="full" // Applies full rounded corners to the input field
hasError={false} // Indicates if the input field has an error state
errorMessage="This field is required" // Error message displayed when hasError is true
errorClassName="text-red-500" // Custom CSS class for the error message text
hint="Enter your user information" // Hint text displayed below the input field
prefixContent="http://" // Content displayed before the input field
prefixClassName="bg-gray-200 text-gray-700" // Custom CSS class for the prefix content
suffixContent=".com" // Content displayed after the input field
suffixClassName="bg-gray-200 text-gray-700" // Custom CSS class for the suffix content
prefixRounded="lg" // Applies large rounded corners to the prefix content
suffixRounded="lg" // Applies large rounded corners to the suffix content
placeholder="yourname" // Placeholder text displayed inside the input field
Label Component
import { VKLabel } from "@vivakits/react-components";
function App() {
return (
color="primary" // optional. for determining the text color for label
decorationColor="secondary" // optional. for decoration color if decoration is available on label text
align="start" // optional. applies "align-self" style to the label
size="md" // optional. for different text sizes on label
fontFamily="sansSerif" // optional. for applying different font family on the label
decoration="underline" // optional. for applying different decorations on the label
wordSpacing="normal" // optional. for different word spacing on the label
weight="400" // optional. for applying different font weights on the label
isRequired // optional. determines if the label is required. Puts a "*" after the label
isDisabled // optional. determines if the label is disabled. Shown with "text-gray-600" color
hasError // optional. determines if the label has error. Shown with "text-danger" color
italic // optional. for applying italic text on the label
bold // optional. for applying bold style on the label
gutterBottom // optional. for applying extra margin at the bottom of the element
gutterTop // optional. for applying extra margin at the top of the element
disableCopy // optional. for determining if the text can be copied
className="" // optional. for applying custom css class on the label
translationFn={translation} // optional. this accepts a translation function which is called with children as its parameter
// if translationFn is available it would be called like "translationFn(children)" inside the label
Modal Component
import React from "react";
import {
} from "@vivakits/react-components";
import { Button } from "@vivakits/react-components";
function App() {
const handleCancel = () => {
// Handle cancel logic here
const handleSave = () => {
// Handle save logic here
return (
varient="screen-size" // Optional. Specifies the variant of the modal. Options: 'default', 'screen-size'
{/* ModalTrigger component */}
variant="solid" // Style variant of the button. Options: 'solid', 'outline', 'text'
rounded="md" // Border radius of the button. Options: 'none', 'xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl', 'full'
className="px-3 py-2"
color="primary" // Color variant of the button. Options: 'primary', 'secondary', 'success', 'danger', 'warning', 'dark', 'light'
Open Modal
{/* ModalContent component */}
className="w-[600px]" // Optional. Custom class name for styling
isDismissible={true} // Optional. Whether modal can be dismissed by clicking outside
backdrop="bg-[rgba(0,0,0,0.25)] backdrop-blur-[2px]" // Optional. Background styling for modal backdrop
{/* ModalHeader component */}
wrapperClassName="px-4" // Optional. Custom class name for header wrapper
Modal Header
{/* ModalBody component */}
<ModalBody className="p-4">
<p className="text-gray-500">
{/* Modal body content */}
Fusce in enim facilisis, placerat elit sed, porta tortor. Vivamus porta
non ligula id sagittis.
{/* Additional content truncated for brevity */}
{/* ModalFooter component */}
variant="outline" // Style variant of the button. Options: 'solid', 'outline', 'text'
onClick={handleCancel} // Optional. Click handler for the button
className="px-3 py-1.5"
<Button onClick={handleSave} className="px-3 py-1.5">
Notification Component
import {
} from "@vivakits/react-components";
function App() {
const { notify, closeNotification, closeAllNotifications } =
return (
<VKNotifications />
onClick={() => {
id: "", // optional. for uniquely identifying each notification
icon: <InfoIcon />, // optional. custom icon shown beside title
closeIcon: <CloseIcon />, // optional. custom close icon for the notification
title: "", // optional. title shown for the notification
description: "", // mandatory. for showing notification text
onClose: onClose, // optional. for what to do after closing a notification
className: "", // optional. for custom css for a notification
autoClose: true, // optional. for enabling / disabling auto close for a notification
duration: 4000, // optional. for the duration in milliseconds after which the notification will close
variant: "success", // optional. for showing different type of notification.
color: "default", // optional. for showing different color on notification.
size: "lg", // optional. for showing different text size and notification size
placement: "topRight", // optional. for placing the notification in different locations on the web view.
Open Notification
closeAllNotifications // closes all notifications on the web view at all placements
Close All Notifications
(id) => closeNotification(id) // closes the notification that matches with the id provided
Close Single Notification
Otp Input Component
import React from "react";
import { VKOtpInput, Button } from "@vivakits/react-components";
function App() {
const handleOtpSubmit = (value) => {
alert(`Submitted OTP: ${value}`);
const renderSubmitButton = (value, callback) => (
onClick={() => callback(value)}
className="bg-blue-500 text-white px-4 py-2 rounded"
Submit OTP
const renderResetButton = (callback) => (
className="bg-red-500 text-white px-4 py-2 rounded"
return (
inputLength={6} // Specifies the length of the OTP input
maskedIcon="•" // Icon or character used to mask the input
isMasked={true} // Indicates whether the OTP input is masked (characters hidden)
groupSize={3} // Group size for separating digits (e.g., 123-456)
separator="-" // Separator character used between groups of digits
allowChar={true} // Allows characters in addition to numbers in the OTP input
required={true} // Indicates that the OTP input is required
hasError={false} // Indicates if the OTP input has an error state
errorMessage="Please fill all the inputs" // Error message displayed when hasError is true
rounded="md" // Applies medium rounded corners to the OTP input
size="lg" // Sets the large size for the OTP input
className="border border-gray-300" // Custom CSS class for additional styling
wrapperClass="mb-4" // Custom CSS class for the wrapper around the OTP input
onSubmit={handleOtpSubmit} // Callback function invoked when OTP input is submitted
renderSubmitButton={renderSubmitButton} // Function to render a custom submit button
renderResetButton={renderResetButton} // Function to render a custom reset button
Pop Confirm Component
import React from "react";
import { Popconfirm, Button } from "@vivakits/react-components";
const App = () => {
return (
children={<span>Trigger Popconfirm</span>} // Displays popconfirm triggering text
wrapperClassName="trigger-class" // Classname for the popconfirm trigger
title="Delete this item?" // Content of the popconfirm
description="Are you sure you want to delete this item?" // Optional description of the popconfirm
} // Optional icon for the popconfirm
className="bg-purple-700 rounded-lg p-1 w-1/3"
style={{ minWidth: "30%" }}
onClick={() => alert("You clicked on the Yes button")}
} // Action button for the popconfirm
className="border border-purple-700 rounded-lg p-1 w-1/3"
style={{ minWidth: "30%" }}
onClick={() => alert("You clicked on the No button")}
} // Action button for the popconfirm
position="top" // Position of the popconfirm. Options: 'top', 'topLeft', 'topRight', 'left', 'bottom', 'bottomLeft', 'bottomRight'
responsive={true} // Whether the popconfirm is responsive
caret={true} // Whether to show the caret
maxWidth="250px" // Maximum width of the popconfirm
bodyClassName="border border-purple-700 text-white" // Classname for the popconfirm
caretColor="purple" // Color of the caret
<Button className="w-28" size="md" variant="light">
Click me
Radio Button Component
import React, { useState } from "react";
import { RadioGroup, RadioButton } from "@vivakits/react-components";
function App() {
const [selectedValue, setSelectedValue] = (useState < string) | (number > "");
const handleChange = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
return (
label="Select an option" // Label for the radio group
labelPosition="start" // Position of the label relative to the radio buttons
wrapperClassName="mb-4" // Custom CSS class for the wrapper around the radio group
labelClassName="text-gray-700 font-semibold" // Custom CSS class for styling the label
name="exampleRadioGroup" // Name attribute for the radio group (shared among radio buttons)
selectedValue={selectedValue} // Currently selected value (controlled component)
onChange={handleChange} // Callback function invoked when a radio button selection changes
id="option1" // Unique ID for the first radio button
value="option1" // Value associated with the first radio button
color="primary" // Color variant of the first radio button
size="md" // Size variant of the first radio button
variant="circle" // Shape variant of the first radio button
className="border-gray-300" // Custom CSS class for additional styling of the first radio button
wrapperClassName="mb-2" // Custom CSS class for the wrapper around the first radio button
labelClassName="ml-2 text-gray-600" // Custom CSS class for styling the label of the first radio button
Option 1 // Label text for the first radio button
id="option2" // Unique ID for the second radio button
value="option2" // Value associated with the second radio button
color="secondary" // Color variant of the second radio button
size="md" // Size variant of the second radio button
variant="square" // Shape variant of the second radio button
className="border-gray-300" // Custom CSS class for additional styling of the second radio button
wrapperClassName="mb-2" // Custom CSS class for the wrapper around the second radio button
labelClassName="ml-2 text-gray-600" // Custom CSS class for styling the label of the second radio button
Option 2 // Label text for the second radio button
id="option3" // Unique ID for the third radio button
value="option3" // Value associated with the third radio button
color="success" // Color variant of the third radio button
size="md" // Size variant of the third radio button
variant="circle" // Shape variant of the third radio button
className="border-gray-300" // Custom CSS class for additional styling of the third radio button
wrapperClassName="mb-2" // Custom CSS class for the wrapper around the third radio button
labelClassName="ml-2 text-gray-600" // Custom CSS class for styling the label of the third radio button
Option 3 // Label text for the third radio button
Select Component
import React, { useState } from "react";
import { Select } from "@vivakits/react-components";
const App = () => {
const [value, setValue] = useState(); // State to hold selected value
const [options] = useState([
{ label: "Blue", value: "Blue" },
{ label: "White", value: "White" },
{ label: "Black", value: "Black" },
{ label: "Orange", value: "Orange" },
]); // State for options
return (
onChange={(option) => setValue(option)}
variant="solid" // Comment: 'outline', 'text'
size="md" // Comment: 'sm', 'lg', 'xl'
rounded="md" // Comment: 'none', 'xs', 'sm', 'lg', 'full'
label="Choose a color" // Comment: Label for the select component
labelPosition="top" // Comment: 'start', 'end', 'horizontal'
labelClassName="font-semibold" // Comment: Custom utility classes for label
isRequired={true} // Comment: boolean
showCancel={false} // Comment: boolean
showDivider={false} // Comment: boolean
placeholder="Select color" // Comment: Placeholder text
hasError={false} // Comment: boolean
// errorMessage="Please select a color" // Comment: Error message to display
isLoading={false} // Comment: boolean
menuPlacement="bottom" // Comment: 'top'
// menuMaxHeight="200px" // Comment: Maximum height of the dropdown menu
isMultiple={false} // Comment: boolean
isScrollable={false} // Comment: boolean
isSearchable={true} // Comment: boolean
// noOptionsMessage="No colors available" // Comment: Message to display when no options are available
optionsWithCheck={false} // Comment: boolean
// checkedIcon={<CheckIcon />} // Comment: Custom icon for selected options
// removeValueIcon={<CloseIcon />} // Comment: Custom icon for removing selected values
showSelectedOptions={false} // Comment: boolean
// isCreatable={true} // Comment: boolean
isDisabled={false} // Comment: boolean
// DropdownIndicator={<CustomDropdownIndicator />} // Comment: Custom icon for dropdown
// createOptionByAPI={(newOption) => console.log('New option created:', newOption)} // Comment: Callback function when new option is created
// styles={customStyles} // Comment: Custom utility classes for styling
Skeleton Component
import { Skeleton } from "@vivakits/react-components";
function App() {
return (
variant="rectangular" // Specifies the variant of the skeleton. Options: 'rectangular', 'circular', 'text'
size="lg" // Size of the skeleton. Options: 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl'
height={40} // Height of each element in the skeleton (applicable to 'rectangular' and 'text' variants)
width={220} // Width of each element in the skeleton (applicable to 'rectangular' and 'text' variants)
rounded="8px" // Border radius (rounded corners) of the elements (applicable to 'rectangular' and 'circular' variants)
numOfRows={2} // Number of rows (elements) in the skeleton (applicable to 'rectangular' and 'text' variants)
numOfColumns={3} // Number of columns (elements) in the skeleton (applicable to 'rectangular' and 'text' variants)
Spinner Component
import React from "react";
import { Spinner } from "@vivakits/react-components";
function App() {
return (
variant="default" // Defines the variant of the spinner. Options: 'default', 'circular', 'text'
size="md" // Defines the size of the spinner. Options: 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl', '2xl'
color="primary" // Defines the color of the spinner. Options: 'primary', 'secondary', 'success', 'danger', 'warning', 'dark', 'light', 'accent'
className="" // Custom CSS class for additional styling
Switch Component
import { useState } from "react";
import { VKSwitch } from "@vivakits/react-components";
function App() {
const [isChecked, setIsChecked] = useState(false);
const handleToggle = (newCheckedState) => {
console.log("Switch is now:", newCheckedState ? "ON" : "OFF");
return (
defaultChecked={false} // Default initial state of the switch
isChecked={isChecked} // Controlled state of the switch (boolean)
onToggle={handleToggle} // Callback function invoked when the switch state changes
disabled={false} // If true, disables the switch interaction
isVertical={false} // If true, renders the switch vertically
reversible={true} // If true, allows the switch to be reversible (toggle between states)
variant="iOS" // Visual style variant of the switch. Options: 'default', 'iOS', 'material'
size="lg" // Size variant of the switch. Options: 'sm', 'md', 'lg'
color="primary" // Background color of the switch. Options: 'primary', 'secondary', 'success', 'danger', 'warning', 'dark', 'light'
switchColor="secondary" // Color variant of the switch. Options: 'primary', 'secondary', 'success', 'danger', 'warning', 'dark', 'light'
bodyClassName="custom-body-class" // Custom CSS class applied to the switch body
switchClassName="custom-switch-class" // Custom CSS class applied to the switch toggle
<span role="img" aria-label="On">
} // Icon or content displayed when switch is on
<span role="img" aria-label="Off">
} // Icon or content displayed when switch is off
onInnerLabel="ON" // Inner label text displayed when switch is on
offInnerLabel="OFF" // Inner label text displayed when switch is off
label="Toggle Switch" // Label text displayed next to or above the switch
labelPlacement="top" // Placement of the label relative to the switch. Options: 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right'
labelClassName="custom-label-class" // Custom CSS class applied to the label
required={true} // If true, indicates that the switch is required for form submission
Textarea Component
import { Textarea } from "@vivakits/react-components";
function App() {
return (
label="Description" // Label text displayed above the textarea
placeholder="Enter your description here..." // Placeholder text shown when textarea is empty
variant="outline" // Visual style variant of the textarea. Options: 'outline', 'filled'
color="primary" // Background color of the textarea. Options: 'primary', 'secondary', 'success', 'danger', 'warning', 'dark', 'light'
size="lg" // Size variant of the textarea. Options: 'sm', 'md', 'lg'
rounded="lg" // Border radius (rounded corners) of the textarea
wrapperClassName="mb-2" // Custom CSS class applied to the wrapper/container of the textarea
labelClassName="font-semibold" // Custom CSS class applied to the label text
errorClassName="text-danger" // Custom CSS class applied to the error message text
errorMessage="Please enter a valid description." // Error message displayed when validation fails
onChange={(e) => console.log(e.target.value)} // Callback function invoked when the textarea value changes
Time Range Picker Component
import { VKTimeRangePicker } from "@vivakits/react-components";
function App() {
return (
defaultValue={["10:00 AM", "12:00 PM"]} // Optional. Default value for the time range picker. if range is true then pass an array of two strings. Otherwise, pass a single string. string format should be "hh:mm AM/PM"
callback={(params: any) => console.log(params)} // A callback function for getting the selected time range.
range={true} // Optional. Determines if the time range picker should be a range picker or not.
size="sm" // Optional. Size of the time range picker.
rounded="lg" // Optional. Border radius of the time range picker.
color="primary" // Optional. Theme color of the time range picker.
fromPlaceholder="" // Optional. Placeholder for the from input.
toPlaceholder="" // Optional. Placeholder for the to input.
containerClassName="" // Optional. Custom class for the time range picker container.
inputWrapperClassName="" // Optional. Custom class for the input wrapper.
inputClassName="" // Optional. Custom class for the input.
modalWrapperClassName="" // Optional. Custom class for the modal wrapper.
buttonClassName="" // Optional. Custom class for the button.
onReset={(params: any) => console.log(params)} // Optional. Callback function for resetting the time range picker.
isClearable={true} // Optional. Determines if the reset button show or not. value is true or false.
customResetLabel="" // Optional. Custom label for the reset button.
customNowLabel="" // Optional. Custom label for the now button.
Tooltip Component
import { Tooltip } from "@vivakits/react-components";
function App() {
return (
content="Tooltip content" // Text content or JSX to display in the tooltip
position="top" // Position of the tooltip relative to its target. Options: 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right'
{/* Content that triggers the tooltip */}
<button className="bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-600 text-white px-4 py-2 rounded-md">
Hover me
Typography Component
import { VKTypography } from "@vivakits/react-components";
function App() {
return (
variant="h1" // optional. for determine the type of element to use for title. Currently "h1" | "h2" | "h3" | "h4" | "h5" | "h6" | "paragraph" available
fontFamily="sansSerif" // optional. for applying different font family on the title
color="primary" // optional. for determining the text color
decorationColor="secondary" // optional. for decoration color if decoration is available
size="lg" // optional. for different text sizes
lineHeight="normal" // optional. for different line heights
align="left" // optional. determines the text alignment property
decoration="underline" // optional. for applying different decorations on the title
overflow="truncate" // optional. for determining different text overflow on the title
wordBreak="normal" // optional. for determining different word break on the title
wordSpacing="normal" // optional. for different word spacing on the title
weight="400" // optional. for applying different font weights on the title
bold={true} // optional. for applying text bold on the title
italic={true} // optional. for applying italic text on the title
noWrap={true} // optional. determines if the text would wrap within the element
gutterBottom={true} // optional. for applying extra margin at the bottom of the element
disableCopy={true} // optional. for determining if the text can be copied
className="" // optional. for custom css class on the title
translationFn={translation} // optional. this accepts a translation function which is called with children as its parameter
// if translationFn is available it would be called like "translationFn(children)" inside the title class